7 Layers of the Earth.

7 Layers of the Earth.

7 Layers of the Earth.

1st Mei 2024,

7 Layers of the Earth.

Question from the Jamaah As-Syari'un:

One of the congregants asked Abah Ahmad Fahmi A. Syams Al Mahfiy, 

"What is the condition of the Earth?"

Abah Ahmad's answer: 

"In the Quran, it is mentioned that the land and mountains rotate (move), but humans do not feel it. This means that the surface of the Earth rotates, and inside the Earth, some parts move while others remain still.

When I struck my staff for the first time, Allah showed me a vision of the Earth splitting in two and appearing like seven layers of wheels inside it, moving in opposite directions, with some layers remaining still.

And at that moment, each layer had a different sound of dzikr. And one part connected to the mountains was sending blessings upon Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The ocean at the Earth's bottom and its surface also have waves, sometimes big, sometimes small, with clear sounds of tasbih and tahlil (glorification and praises).

So, the Earth has its own rotation, and it consists of seven layers:

  1. There is the axis layer (fire like the substance of the sun).
  2. The axis guardian layer.
  3. The water layer (vast oceans).
  4. Gas and rocks.
  5. Iron, copper, gold, and oil.
  6. Rocks, sand, iron, copper, gold, and rivers.
  7. Stone, soil, and sand.

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