The differentiation between Nur Allah and Nur Knowledge

The differentiation between Nur Allah and Nur Knowledge

The differentiation between Nur Allah and Nur Knowledge

Friday, 29th November 2024

"The differentiation between Nur Allah and Nur Knowledge."

As dawn approached, Prophet Khidr came to me amidst my journey visiting the poor and orphans. He said:  

O Ahmad, indeed I have returned bearing news of Allah's wrath upon certain individuals in your land who claim to be Scholars of Tawhid. Their words and opinions cause the Throne to tremble and Hellfire to roar.  

Do you know, O Ahmad, that on the pillars of the Throne and every layer of the heavens are inscribed the names of Allah and all His attributes?  

Indeed, neither mankind, jinn, nor angels can enumerate all the names and attributes He possesses. The knowledge of mankind, jinn, and angels regarding the names and attributes of Allah, the Almighty, is exceedingly limited. They only grasp what is obligatory for them to understand and to bind within their hearts, minds, and righteous deeds.  

O Ahmad, declare that Allah, the Almighty, exists. Indeed, His existence is evident through the help He grants to every believer and righteous individual. Faith and piety in a person will bring proofs of Allah’s existence into their hearts, just as it was with Prophet Ibrahim (the Friend of Allah), Prophet Musa (the Speaker of Allah), and the other Prophets and Messengers. Do they think that Allah does not hear or pay attention to those who speak and issue rulings about His essence?  

Indeed, a foolish sinner is still better than those who are ignorant yet issue rulings about Allah, the Lord of all worlds.  

Truly, those ignorant ones who issue rulings about Tawhid will never attain peace, for the devil holds them tightly, causing them to ridicule and accuse of ignorance and disbelief anyone who disagrees with them.

 No!  They are the ones who are ignorant and disbelieving."  

O Ahmad, the foundation of the knowledge of Tawhid lies in a servant’s awareness of their duty to free themselves from servitude to creation and from anything that contradicts divine law and the true religion. This awareness also includes realizing that everything in their life, their own being, and the universe is a creation of Allah, the Almighty. Allah binds all humans and His creations through decrees—both those of the present and the past. Humanity is bound by these decrees, such as being born male or female, and as couples united in the great covenant of the world (the marriage contract). Whatever then occurs, whether pleasing or displeasing to Allah, is His Iradah (will). This is an example of Hisqadha (decree), qadar(destiny), and Iradah (will).  

O Ahmad, they claim that Allah's Light resides in the human chest. No!  

Indeed, on the pillars of the Throne is inscribed the beautiful phrase Mukhalafatuhulilhawadithi(His dissimilarity to creation). The Nur Allah (Light of Allah) is not the same as the Nur Knowledge (Light of His knowledge). Allah places the Light of knowledge in the human chest, while the Light of Allah stands independent and is distinct from the light of His creations.  

Say to those who claim that Allah's Light is the same as created light: Can they gaze upon the sun or see its depths?  

If their eyes cannot withstand even the brilliance of the sun, then how could they perceive the Light of Allah, which encompasses the Throne and His Footstool? To even imagine such proximity would be like placing one’s eyes directly upon the blazing heat of the sun.  

Indeed, Allah cannot be encompassed by sight, and His Light is far mightier than millions of suns combined.  

What encompasses and pervades all things is His knowledge, and the Light of His knowledge illuminates the hearts of those who believe in Him.  

O Ahmad, let your followers study and understand the writings of a certain Shaykh from Misri (Egypt), a renowned poet who praised Allah, the Almighty, in his works. These writings serve as the foundation for embedding the light of the knowledge of Tawhid in their hearts. Let them abandon teachings about Tawhid that they are not yet capable of comprehending, for those who claim that Allah merges with the essence of Prophets or ordinary humans will be far removed from Allah.  

Indeed, such is not the way to understand Allah, the Lord of all worlds.

O Ahmad, do you know that due to the flawed understanding of Tawhid and the misguided views of ignorant people in your land—those who interpret the Qur’an according to their own whims and reasoning—they equate Allah with your grandfather, the Noble Prophet Muhammad? Such a belief renders them disbelievers after having once been believers, just as those who preceded your Noble Grandfather's prophethood had done. Those who rejected the Noble Prophet Muhammad traded their faith for disbelief because they elevated Isa, the son of Maryam, to the status of God.  

O Ahmad, proclaim this: after Allah has created everything, it is incumbent upon every follower of the Noble Prophet Muhammad to believe in Allah and in all that has been revealed to the Prophets. This includes what Allah has clarified in the Qur’an about the status of the Prophets and Messengers, belief in the angels and the divine scriptures, and belief in the Baitul Ma'mur (the oft-visited house) both on earth and in every layer of the heavens, as pathways for those who ascend and descend in righteousness. Those who believe in Allah and the Noble Prophet Muhammad must understand the knowledge of Shari’ah before reaching the essence of knowledge or attaining the unveiling (Mukashafah) that brings a servant closer to their Lord in the station of divine love (Mahabbah). Such obligations cannot be abandoned by the believers, and they must engage in righteous deeds.  

O Ahmad, do they not understand that Iblis delights in the followers of the Noble Prophet Muhammad who choose the path of asceticism (suluk) based solely on aspirations without knowledge? Such people assume they are true seekers of the path (salik), but in the eyes of Allah, they are like a thirsty donkey walking under the scorching sun, crying out joyfully, thinking it sees a clear-water lake ahead. What it perceives is merely a mirage, and before it lies a long road under the blazing heat. Such are the allies of Iblis in this world—those who issue fatwas about the essence of Allah. Indeed, they will face a grievous torment in the Hereafter. 

O Ahmad, tell your followers that Allah has established the scholars of Shari'ah in their lands, and three individuals are currently writing about the laws of Shari'ah in the land of Arkhabil, in a manner that is easy to understand and aligned with the foundations of Shari'ah, which shall become the guiding principles for the followers in the end times. Indeed, no one despises the knowledge of Shari'ah (fiqh) except Iblis and his followers.  

Do they think that my Malamatiyyah way, and yours, O Ahmad, involves abandoning the law of Shari'ah? Do they not understand that what you practice and embody is a part of Shari'ah? Indeed, when I reached the age of maturity, I performed the prayer, fasted, and engaged in righteous deeds, just as Allah has guided the Prophets and Messengers. In the movements of the prayer taught by your Noble Grandfather Muhammad, during his time, there were the same prayer movements practiced by the Prophets and Messengers. Standing upright, bowing (ruku'), and prostrating (sujud) are the movements of prayer from the beginning of prayer by the Prophets, Messengers, and also by the angels of Allah. Just as Allah created Prophet Adam and had him stand before Him, then Allah blew the soul into Adam, causing him to bow and then prostrate.  

This is a sign of Allah’s power over the creation of the first human being in the presence of the Jinn and the Angels at that time. Indeed, the prostration I taught you upon waking from sleep is an act of gratitude, a way to praise Allah in your prostration.

O Ahmad, tell your wife to be patient with the reduction of her sins, for Allah intends to purify her past sins so that she may truly attain a high rank in your company. Tell her to bind herself to a partnership with someone who has already corrected himself, someone whom Allah has sent along with his companion, one of your two companions who have endured many trials in their lives. Truly, Allah intends to place blessings and goodness upon their trade, and it is Allah who will protect their business.

The one who seeks to imitate what your wife has done is not the same as her, for I will give the name and its contents under the command of Allah. Record this and give it to your wife so that she may open the business with your loyal companion. This is the path of business that will bring Allah's pleasure upon her and your companion.

O Ahmad, invite some of your followers to help a family you visit tonight. This will open the way for goodness and success for your followers. The ones who deserve assistance are the poor, the needy, and the orphans. Among them, there will be those who will later support others and open the path of blessings for people in their homeland. Truly, they have been marginalized and oppressed for a long time. Place them in your home for a few months and take from the Baitul Mal the wage owed to them during their stay with you. This is what is best for you to do.

Truly, none among them or their descendants will know their future fate except Allah AzzaWajalla, who has decreed the best outcome for them. Some of these orphans will grow to become helpers for others, and both you and your wife should be patient with them, as they have not received sufficient love and care from their parents since their birth into this world. Truly, among your followers, there are those who deeply desire to assist you in carrying out the tasks you have been given.

Allow them to express their desires to you, and do not hold yourself back from them. Truly, your noble Grandfather Muhammad loved the poor, the needy, and the orphans. Follow his example.

O Ahmad, you must fulfill your duty concerning the land that Allah has granted to you, so that it may serve as capital for every struggle of your brothers in business, in the partnerships with your companions, and in establishing a shelter for sick animals. Allah has commanded me to provide a remedy to heal these animals. Truly, a woman whom Allah has made one of your followers is capable of doing this. You must also teach how to make remedies for those who are mentally ill, those under your responsibility. Have not some who suffered from madness been restored to health, and some have started to show signs of mental clarity? 

By teaching the woman in your boat, you can guide her to heal. Therefore, teach once again what I have taught you, and she must not question the remedies you teach, but believe in them.

- Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyams -

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