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May 27, 2024
Prophet Khidr (AS) came to me again and said:
"O Ahmad, I want you to write down one of the pieces of advice and lessons I taught you by the edge of Ainul Hayat. Truly, Allah the Almighty desires this.
O Ahmad, I have taught that Allah the Almighty does not burden His servants with Sharia, but rather He desires the well-being of their soul and body in living life as a Caliph. And everything He forbids is to protect the soul and body from misery, and everything He commands is to eternalize the "Light" in the heart of every servant, so that piety will open all doors of blessings and goodness for them.
O Ahmad, most of the followers of the Noble Prophet Muhammad are trapped in long paths in knowing Allah, making it difficult and heavy to fulfil obligations towards excellence and piety. Whereas the path to Allah is to be firm and strong in compelling oneself to obey with sincerity and honesty. The honesty of a servant regarding all their shortcomings and weaknesses is the key to opening the doors of Allah's mercy and forgiveness. Arrogance and pride are the closures of all doors of Allah's mercy and forgiveness, just as Iblis felt superior to Adam and was arrogant about his deeds.
O Ahmad, say that, truly Allah does not look at the clothing, position, or appearance of a servant, but rather Allah sees the firmness and earnestness of a servant in seeking His forgiveness and mercy. The ignorance of a servant is if their "head" is tied with sin, causing their heart to doubt and fear that their repentance will be rejected because of one sin they committed (despairing over one sin that is not gossip, slander, envy, or shirk).
O Ahmad, if someone commits a sin and cannot avoid it due to their weakness, then they should not commit other sins and should perform all the acts of piety they are able to do, so that one sin will be covered by a thousand good deeds they do. Truly, Allah's bounty and forgiveness are vast, and Allah is All-Wise and the Bestower of guidance. Perhaps one sin will be erased with ten good deeds until Allah bestows His mercy and protection so that they can guard themselves from that one sin and gain strength to prevent themselves from committing it again. Truly, Allah will never close the door of His forgiveness for a servant who cries over one sin and then repents.
O Ahmad, the Noble Prophet Muhammad once smiled at his follower who cried because he always succumbed to his desires and could not prevent himself from drinking alcohol. Every time he got drunk, he would come to the Prophet and cry. One time, the Prophet searched for him because he had not come to the Prophet for a long time. As the Prophet was about to find him, Angel Gabriel stopped him and said, "O Beloved Muhammad, so-and-so has died and is among the martyrs." The Prophet then asked, "Why is that? What deeds did he do, O Gabriel?"
Gabriel answered: "So-and-so cried when he could not stop himself from leaving the house to go to the alcohol seller. But before he left the house, he prayed and prostrated while saying, 'O Allah, the Just and Most Forgiving, I am truly ashamed before Your beloved Prophet Muhammad whom I love, if I were to cry before him again after getting drunk. But right now and forever, I am not ashamed to ask for Your forgiveness. Truly, I ask for Your protection and prevent me from committing the sinful act that I always lose to (drinking alcohol).'
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Gabriel said: "O Muhammad, Beloved of Allah, Allah the Almighty accepted and granted his prayer. While he was crying on his way to the alcohol seller, he was ambushed by robbers and killed. Before he died, he smiled and said, 'I am grateful to You, O Allah, the Just and Wise. Truly, You must have chosen this path so that I would not bear the shame again before my beloved and Your beloved, the Noble Muhammad. Truly, I am happy because You protected me from the sin that I could not resist.' Then he mentioned the name of Allah, praised Allah, mentioned your name, and declared his love for you, O Muhammad. Then he died, and Allah forgave his sins because he loved Allah and you, and because of the tears of regret every time he committed a sin, and Allah loves the praises towards Him (Allah) that so-and-so uttered before his death. Truly, he won a great battle within himself (fighting against desires and Satan's temptations)."
O Ahmad, convey this story, so that the followers of the Noble Prophet Muhammad will take the best path in life, with faith and excellence, and then guard their prayers and purity of heart. Truly, sinful acts not related to wronging others (gossip, slander, envy) and excluding shirk sins will easily obtain Allah's forgiveness."
Ahmad Al-Makhfiy