3 Red Stone Gift of Prophet Ilyas a.s

3 Red Stone Gift of Prophet Ilyas a.s

3 Red Stone Gift of Prophet Ilyas a.s

August 13, 2024

3 Red Stone Gift of Prophet Ilyas a.s

In the middle of the road, as I was picking up my child from school, Prophet Khidr AS met me and said:

"O Ahmad, have you neglected certain commands due to your physical condition and the more spacious place you now live in? Have you ignored your duties? Do not let yourself be overwhelmed by fatigue and doubt, and it is not for you to indulge your body in this new place. Allah has granted this home for your wife, your child, and your animals to find peace and happiness, not for yourself, laziness, doubt, and fear are traits that will lead to ignorance and regret, and such traits do not deserve to be in a servant who wants the love and pleasure of Allah AzzaWaJalla in the life of the world.

O Ahmad, go alone, with the strength of heart and the best of confident, indeed, in seven days, there are three days in which Allah will grant you understanding of what will become your provisions later on. Be still and observe what I bring, and keep it as a provision for your journey to the place that will appear in your dreams. There, within the seven days, there are four days during which you must act, so that those who have exceeded limits and those who are unjust will receive retribution from Allah for the deception they have committed upon the land of the martyrs.

Then, when you reach the shore at that high place, throw the three red stones that my brother Ilyas gave you... and watch! Who will do it...? Indeed, the tools they (the worshipers of Dajjal and those who exceed limits) possess are not as formidable as what Allah will inflict upon their lands. For Allah is the Lord who governs the entire universe, and He is the one who reigns over their lands. Indeed, they have caused corruption, and then they claim to be doing the best for Allah's religion... But they are liars and vile oppressors.

O Ahmad, I have understood your companions in your boat; do not be anxious and worried, because I hear the vibrations of their spirit of those who are close to you,and Allah will once again grant them confidence and blessings upon their efforts. Indeed, the sincerity of your companions will open a bright and blessed path by defending your sister's business... It is better that they do this, for it draws them closer to Allah and wards off bankruptcy.

O Ahmad, calm yourself regarding all the commands I have conveyed to you, and do not feel burdened while your companions are sincere and eager to step forward with you. You must be the best at guarding their hearts, and do not remain silent too long without greeting them. Did I not lay out the names of your sincere and loyal companions...? Some of them are scholars of the end times, and some of them are benefactors whom Allah has blessed in their efforts and fields?

O Ahmad, it is easy for Allah to accomplish what seems impossible,didn't Allah show His power to you and your followers in the first end-time sermon? Wasn’t  one of your followers miss the flight (airplane) in your city, but  Allah turned the plane back to pick him up? Only Allah can do such a thing, and He is the One whose power encompasses everything. Indeed, if any of your followers witness Allah's greatness and then doubt or hesitate, their condition will be disgraceful in the sight of Allah. And upon your loyal companions, the path of goodness and the best destiny in their life journey has been laid out. It is easy for Allah to elevate their ranks to a high and noble place, and it is also easy for Allah to cast His servant into disgrace and bankruptcy, both in this world and the hereafter.


Ahmad F. Bin A. Alwi Syams

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