The Secret Behind the Letters "Ta" and "Mim"

The Secret Behind the Letters "Ta" and "Mim"

The Secret Behind the Letters "Ta" and "Mim"

August 9, 2024

The Secret Behind the Letters "Ta" and "Mim"

As I sat in remembrance of Allah with my two dogs in this new place, the Prophet Khidr AS came to me and said:

O Ahmad, are you tired of all that Allah has commanded and tired of moving yourself and your family to this place in between your illnesses...?

I replied: "O wise Prophet of Allah Khidr, if what you are asking about is the fatigue and pain of my body, my answer is "Yes I am tired" But my fatigue is not felt when I see my pet dogs happy and as if saying they are happy, and the smiles of my wife and children are happy with this place. "

The Prophet Khidr said, "Indeed, O Ahmad, the female dog I once gave you (Mika) also told me that she is very happy to be reunited with her children without any barriers or cages. Truly, the happiness of Allah's creatures opens the way to blessings and Allah's mercy.

"O Ahmad, Allah AzzawaJalla has given me a message in my dreams and in my heart over the past few days. You must be strong in the promise of Allah, which is now being fulfilled. At the beginning of this year (2024), Allah sent three groups of three to your 41 loyal followers, three to the neighboring country of yours and three within your own country. Among them, Allah has placed the keys of blessings in their hearts, and in their spiritual vision, Allah has laid out the path to success. Indeed, this is a fulfilled promise of Allah. Allah never breaks His promise unless you and your followers fall into disbelief.

O Ahmad, do you know behind the letters "Ta and Mim" that Allah shows on the chest of your 12 followers ...? They are under the mercy of Allah and they are in the care of Allah, so let them be diligent in carrying out Allah's mandate in your small boat, until they bring blessings to your other followers. They must be patient in carrying out everything I will instruct you to do. And let one of your followers carry out a partnership with a woman who is in your boat, so that Allah regards him as a trustworthy entrepreneur, after he carries out the command of Allah that you conveyed to him, to bring one of your followers to work with him as a source of blessings, and to guard and tend his field by farming.

"O Ahmad, you are not the owner, but merely a Qadi (judge) over them. You must be patient with all their shortcomings, and you must teach and exemplify patience and perseverance in striving for blessings in this world and the hereafter. That is the best attitude of a leader, and you must not take any part in their partnerships, even if it comes from the light in your hands. Is that light yours? No...!! That light belongs to Allah AzzawaJalla due to the sincerity of your wives from the first command until now, and to your three companions at the beginning of this year (Early 2024).

"O Ahmad, hasten to ask your key followers, that is, your companions in this boat who have fought with you and been patient with you, to truly remain on the path that Allah is pleased with, so that Allah truly opens the way of blessings in their lands and over their lands, and upon the best positions for them. Do they think that merely knowing you will grant them what they desire from Allah...? Then they seem to forget you because of their worldly affairs...? Truly, if this is the state of some of your followers, they will later seek you while you and your loyal followers are at the peak of busyness managing partnerships, the community, and positions within themselves... Meanwhile, those who ignore Allah's command will find themselves in a low place...

"O Ahmad, truly after you finish your affairs in this new place, do not delay your journey for more than five days, so that the earth in your homeland truly trembles with storms and tempests as a warning... Is a building without stakes the same as one with stakes? Truly, Allah will give them a lesson they never imagined before...

"After you write this message... then leave three days after they (your followers) have read it. Do not worry about the condition of your wives and children. Truly they are under Allah's protection and Allah has decreed the best for them. Tell them to be patient and to sincerely let go of all their rights that were wronged in the past, for truly the insults and slanders against them are the cause of the descent of blessings for them in this world and the hereafter, and the destruction for those who wronged them. Truly, it is Allah who has decreed Al-Makhfiy for you, and it is Allah who has brought help and protection to your wives, your children, and your companions who have fought alongside you all this time. Do they doubt and seek protection and help from anyone other than Allah...? Truly, it will be a severe hardship for those who are ungrateful and lazy.

"O Ahmad, some people await your encounter with the fish Nun... Tell them, if that happens and it becomes clear in the sight of all humankind, will they then all believe in Allah and the noble Messenger Muhammad? Truly, they are among the disobedient and hypocritical if they turn away from Allah and His Messenger after clear signs appear by Allah's will and they have witnessed them.

"Tell them, truly it has happened and will happen at the shore, where fish and sea creatures gather in droves at the shore, and they feel joyful. Yet they are not grateful to Allah but instead become greedy... Whereas the fish came from Allah and serve as a sign of the approaching fish Nun to your country, truly after that, a disaster will come upon a distant land as a warning...

Hurry and go to the beach...

Ahmad F bin Abdullah A. Syams

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