Eleven Names of Moons (Planet)

Eleven Names of Moons (Planet)

Eleven Names of Moons (Planet)

August 7, 2024
Eleven Names of Moons (Planet)

Prophet Khidr AS came to me and said:

"O Ahmad, write, and let the ignorant say that you are misguided and lying. Indeed, they are the ones who are misguided and contemptible in the sight of Allah. Truly, Allah knows them as being in a state of drunkenness and in a bankrupt love for the world.

Indeed, write the eleven names of the months that Allah has informed me of, and I have taught you their names, so write them down, except for what I have taught you about their functions and forms, so that they may reflect. And you should be grateful to Allah that the insults and slanders directed at you will bring you great fortune on the Day of Reckoning. Some of the slanderers know you, and you know them, while others are those who extinguish the light of the Qur'an in their hearts. Truly, what I have informed you of is found in the interpretations of the Qur'an that were destroyed by the disbelievers in the past. Previously, they studied the stars, the sun, and the moons, and then they claimed to have observed them with their instruments. They are foolish thieves and liars.

O Ahmad, these are the names of the moons in the sky; indeed, nothing that Allah has created is in vain:

  1. Al-Ardhi
  2. Al-Qomar
  3. Al-Ma'Thof
  4. Al-Burkan
  5. Al-Jaf
  6. Ar-Riyah
  7. Al-Mahbusa / Al-HalqotulQufl
  8. At-TawazunulHawa-i
  9. Al-BurudatuZarqo'u
  10. Al-QurotunMaaiyah
  11. Al-AswadulQorib

These are the names of the moons, and I have explained their functions and forms to you. You should keep this information secret, except from those who are certain and knowledgeable, so that they may submit and obey Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, after witnessing the proofs. This is better than status and fame in the world.

O Ahmad, Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, wishes to teach mankind in the end times that His power is real and that the Qur'an is a vast guidance until the end of time. There is no guidance that is not written within it. They should truly believe in Allah and believe in the Qur'an if they wish to attain happiness in this world and the Hereafter, or else they will choose to enter the blazing Hellfire due to their denial of the Qur'an.

O Ahmad, prepare yourself to fulfill your duties after your family is truly settled in their new place. Do not keep delaying it due to your shortcomings. Such behaviour is a sign of laziness and cowardice. You should follow in the footsteps of your noble ancestor and grandfather, Muhammad Rasulullah."

Ahmad F Abdullah A. Syams

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