Evidence of God's Power Shown to Prophet Yusuf a.s

Evidence of God's Power Shown to Prophet Yusuf a.s

Evidence of God's Power Shown to Prophet Yusuf a.s

August 6, 2024

Evidence of God's Power Shown to Prophet Yusuf a.s

Prophet Khidr came to me again in the daytime, and he said:

“O Ahmad, listen and write what I am saying, for truly Allah desires it as proof of His power over the universe so that they (the scholars) may think.

O Ahmad, Allah created everything in pairs, and it is Allah who determines and perfectly arranged all creation. Do you know, O Ahmad, about the eleven stars and eleven moons that Allah showed to my brother Yusuf, son of Ya’qub? 

Eleven and eleven, they are the moon and the sun perfectly paired; each moon and sun are perfectly paired, with the sun being smaller than the moons (planets). The sun is a large star paired with a moon larger than itself (Earth), and so on, as a sign of Allah’s power over the universe.

O Ahmad, as Allah has shown you, above the earth's sky there are layered guardians and a vast ocean as a boundary between the earth's sky and the universe, which cannot be penetrated by anything except by Allah’s permission. This ocean regulates the descent of rain, which Allah has decreed as a mercy or punishment upon the world. Let mankind take heed and fear Allah’s wrath, and hasten to seek Allah’s forgiveness. Be patient. They will witness the truth of the news you give them, and it will be a terrible end for those who deny the Qur’an and your messages. 

Know that it is not you who are foolish, but they who cannot read the clear verses of Allah (the Qur’an) and the implied verses of Allah (all kinds of events and creation).

O Ahmad, truly Allah will provide a way out of every problem for His patient and pious servants, and in His own way, Allah will erase all mistakes and sins for those who repent. Will they who repent be given worldly happiness with just one word of repentance? No!!! Those who repent must carry out their repentance earnestly, performing righteous deeds throughout their lives (after repenting), maintaining kinship, paying their debts to Allah and mankind, asking forgiveness from those they have wronged, and cleansing the good name of their brothers affected by slander and gossip from them. They must regret all their sins throughout their lives with istighfar, guarding their tongues, eyes, and bodies from what is forbidden. That is true repentance. And indeed, you do not owe anything to those who speak ill of you for things you never did; rather, they are the ones who add bad stories about you. Their tongues and dirty hands, which are unjust and ignorant, will only increase the nobility and high rank of those who are wronged.

O Ahmad, you are only a qadhiover those who are three and three and five and five on your boat. Let them not make decisions in every consultation and in every matter to determine the decree on your boat. This is a sign of wise and patient people until Allah truly gives guidance in all matters on your boat. Truly, the fields of your followers are not in vain and will become the best example of the end times if your followers realize it. Until their fields and yours on that hill bring blessings to your boat.

O Ahmad, I come to you, and Allah will shake your new place as a sign of the transfer of the “sticks” from your birthplace as a strong nail/peg. Do not be afraid and worried. It is a good beginning if you and your wives are patient and sincere in carrying out Allah’s mandate. And do not you and some of your followers feel tired until the coming month of Rajab, except to take a little rest and sit. Let your two followers in your homeland carry out their destinies as leaders of a group in your country (local head). And let your followers in their lands carry out Allah’s mandate with honesty and justice in a building that will be entrusted to them as a place to manage the fields and livestock so that the welfare of your followers is fulfilled in your boat. Aren’t you just giving them the best ways according to their own abilities? Truly, if they are patient and open-hearted and strive sincerely, Allah will give a good end to all their works.

O Ahmad, there is no comparison between the images and writings on the walls of the beautiful and seemingly strong and wise Roman Empire, with a colorful and beautiful and strong mountain within the earth’s core. This is the parable of yourself and those who seek worldly fame by deceiving many people with stories as if they know the unseen and as if they receive guidance from heaven. They will perish, and Allah will reveal their foolishness and that of their followers until they hate each other and are divided because of the blindness of someone who claims to be a Waliyullah and Imam Mahdi on the tongues of their followers. Their condition is very disgraceful in this world and the Hereafter. Indeed, at this time, their disappointment and division are becoming more evident. Who do they intend to deceive? Do they think they can deceive Allah and the righteous and learned people? They are the ones deceived by the seductions of lust and Satan.

O Ahmad, there is no comparison between the one Allah has appointed as Al-Makhfiy and the one who appoints himself as if he is Al-Makhfiy. Truly, their foolishness is evident in their writings, which show wisdom and intelligence, but they are immersed in empty fantasies and immorality. Their tongues seem to be able to count the stars and the moon, but they cannot count how many mirrors are in the eyes of a fly. Meanwhile, scientists can only guess. Be patient with those who claim to be Ahmad Al-Makhfiy. They are merely liars seeking worldly fame.

O Ahmad, tell your followers who have been chosen by Allah with their jobs. Are some of them in a state of bankruptcy? Then Allah asked me to meet you and mention their names in a company? And you became a qadhiover them? Indeed, the owner of the company is the one I once told you about, with whom you must maintain the best relationship. And tell your followers who know him that it is easy for Allah to open the doors of blessings for his business in your country and other countries if he understands it.

- Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyams -

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