Allah Created the Heavens with Eleven Moons and Eleven Suns

Allah Created the Heavens with Eleven Moons and Eleven Suns

Allah Created the Heavens with Eleven Moons and Eleven Suns

Tuesday 6 August 2024 

Allah Created the Heavens with Eleven Moons and Eleven Suns

Prophet Khidr AS came to me before dawn, then he smiled and said: 

"O Ahmad, indeed Allah will make it easy for those who help you to reach this place, and woe to your old place.Indeed after you are really far from your original place, Allah will truly send down some disasters and tests on it, so that they may reflect.

O Ahmad, every pillar in the houses of mankind has invisible nails / pegs, and every roof has strong fastenings, so most people only enjoy a solid building with strong nails / pegs and fastenings, but they will be afraid and in confusion when some fastenings and pegs have disappeared from their places until the building shakes, then they (humans) look for pegs and fastenings as replacements, such is the analogy for a country that has lost the Guardians of Allah, who strengthen the Earth and keep the disasters and calamities on it, some are appointed by Allah (passed away) and some are hijrah (migrated).

O Ahmad, know that Allah has sent me this morning to explain that He loves beauty and has created the heavens with the Moon and eleven Suns (the largest of the ten great stars (the size of the moon and the earth)), indeed it is not more than eleven moons (planets) and eleven Suns that Allah has created as proof of Allah's power, with one hundred and fourteen great stars (smaller than the moon and the earth) and luminous and eternal until the Last Day, and with six thousand and two hundred smaller stars and luminous until the Last Day, and with a striking star and guardian stars in each layer of the sky made of glowing copper, which is like a very hot liquid and spinning luminous. Indeed, this is a sign of the power of Allah, who is All-Knowing and in control of all His creations.

O Ahmad, is it not clear that eleven moons and eleven Suns (stars) bowed in the dream of my brother Yusuf ibn Ya'qub to the Qur'an?  

Indeed, it was a dream that really came from Rabbul 'alamin, the One God, whom we worship and submit to, as a sign of prophethood in Yusuf AS and as a warning to Prophet Ya'qubAS to give the teaching that Allah had ordained for them both. Indeed, eleven moons and suns were in front of Yusuf, lower than his feet, and saluted him in honour; indeed, in the story of Yusuf there are signs of Allah's power for the people of understanding. Are they people who go beyond the limits to increase the number of the moon (planet) and the Sun...?

Indeed, those who have made the Sun and the Moon with their minds will reap destruction with their instruments, until their bodies dry up and they lose their minds. Such is the punishment of the arrogant and transgressing.

O Ahmad, have you not conveyed much news? And have not many intelligent people (scientists) read and researched the news you delivered? And some of them are researching and stealing news from you, so that they change their opinions about the location of the greatest star (the Sun) and the moons (planets), and they recognise in their minds and hearts the water in the sky and in some of the heavens as regulating the coming of rain to the earth, and as protectors so that the sun’s heat does not burn the earth.

And say to them, O Ahmad bin A. AlwieSyams, let them be amazed and marvel only to Allah Almighty who gave you the news, and do not they want to seek you and ask the truth, or want to praise you or want to harm you, and let them believe only in Him (Allah Almighty).Indeed, your grandfather Rasulullah Muhammad has long ago conveyed all the news of the sky to all mankind, but they ignore it.Truly if they really believed in Allah and in the Messenger of Allah and in the Last Day, they will not find except that they will enter the Heaven of Allah.

O Ahmad, say to three of your followers, and five of the three, and forty of the five, really do not let them precede you in carrying out what Allah has told them, and let your followers be patient, and continue Noble Character, and let them not make themselves harmed by boasting about you, and let those who are close to you understand, really the path to achieving their best destiny has been opened by Allah brightly, and the fields of your followers will be made by Allah the best example over their lands...

And someone who admires one of your followers will sit with you, until the path is opened for your followers in two lands. Say to them, let them seek the forgiveness of Allah and the pleasure of Allah in their endeavours with you, and let them not pursue the gains of this world to excess, nor fear and hesitate in doing so; it is better for them to hasten to do what I have told them. Until Allah sends blessings upon them.

O Ahmad, it is they and yourself who are being tested, not me or their spouses, let them be patient. O Ahmad, let yourself and your wife hasten to occupy the new place, are the iron bars stronger than what Allah put on the walls and doors of the house? Indeed the walls that Allah has created are stronger than what you will do, except for your loyal animals. Let them not be restricted and let them be given good lessons until they understand where to put their waste and keep clean.

O Ahmad, hasten and do not delay yourself, until the coming Friday, let yourself and your family have left your old place.... Hurry up and do what I have told you about, and do not neglect your duties, and do not be afraid to walk alone for five days after your family has settled in the new place. Indeed, if you delay, Allah will not give strength back to your legs because of your negligence and fear.

Write it down and preach it, so that your followers understand it and guard their tongues and selves from doing vain things that harm you and your boat... And that your faithful followers may realise it.

-Ahmaf F. Bin A. Alwi Shams-

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