The story of Khaz bin Kham and King Abrahah

The story of Khaz bin Kham and King Abrahah

The story of Khaz bin Kham and King Abrahah

July 30, 2024

The story of Khaz bin Kham and King Abrahah

Prophet Khidr (AS) came to me and said:

“O Ahmad, 

I will tell you what Allah has conveyed to me about the journey of a pious man who was not renowned and who even faced insults and mockery from the people of his birthplace, until he left his city during the reign of King Abrahah. This man was a patient descendant of Seth (AS).

O Ahmad, 

this man’s name was Khaz bin Kham, who lived in a village by the barren sea where no fish ever existed, until Khaz bin Kham was born into the world on a dark morning during a stormy and dry season. At that time, Abrahah was merely a general of the Aksumite kingdom.

His birth calmed the sea, the storms disappeared, plants and livestock flourished, and lakes appeared—signs of the birth of someone chosen by Allah to give warnings.

O Ahmad, 

when Abrahah came to power, Khaz bin Kham intended to advise the King to abandon his intention of destroying the Kaaba and to remain a wise and just ruler. Allah gave him the command through a dream in which he met King Solomon and Prophet Ibrahim (AS), but he was ostracized and hated, considered a liar, just because Khaz bin Kham was a worshiper of Allah, the God of Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail, following the teachings of his parents (his family’s tradition). Thus, he was forced to move to a vast land that was barren and deserted, but Allah again made that place fertile, and it became a prosperous land.

O Ahmad, 

know that Allah’s promise is certain for those who are patient and submit only to Him. Eventually, Allah inflicted punishment on Abrahah and his followers in the holy land of Mecca. Then, Allah dried up Khaz bin Kham’s birthplace, and the fish once again became scarce in the surrounding sea. At that moment, the people of that land realized that Khaz bin Kham’s teachings and worship were true, but it was too late, and Allah’s punishment was upon their land. Such is the condition of those who deny Allah’s verses and oppress those chosen by Allah.

O Ahmad, 

I tell you about Khaz bin Kham to bring peace to your heart when you leave your birthplace. Do not be burdened by Allah’s decrees for you. Truly, Allah is with those who are certain and patient. Indeed, Allah does not burden a soul beyond its capacity, and there is no hardship in life except what is created by the greedy and arrogant. Indeed, Allah did not create misery in the world; rather, it is humans who create it with their own hands.

O Ahmad, 

truly, the three and five people in your boat will be tested by Allah with wealth. Be patient with them, and convey what I have told you to them and to the Ummah of the Noble Prophet Muhammad (SAW), so they understand the purpose of their creation in this world. Allah will not diminish the wealth of those who secretly fulfill your needs and those of your brothers in your boat; their wealth will only increase, five, eight, ten, and a hundredfold, as two people in your boat have already begun to experience and three and five will in the future. Two are from the east of your birthplace, one of whom is on an island across from yours. Truly, in their land, I and you will strike my staff so that the island across from their land rises to the surface and becomes fertile afterward.

O Ahmad, 

prepare yourself to go to the seashore, bring a small stone from my brother Ilyas, and throw it into the sky. Indeed, the large objects in the sky and some objects they intend to launch, created by the arrogant people, will fall to the earth as a warning from Allah for their arrogance. Do they still doubt the Quran and the Noble Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? And do they still doubt you, whom Allah has hidden with the news that Allah conveyed to you through me?

Truly, they are a people who transgress and suffer great loss.

O Ahmad, 

wait until Allah commands you through me until the fish Nun is truly before you... as proof of Allah’s power and the truth of the holy Quran.

-Ahmad F Bin A. Alwi Syams-

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