About Prophet Khidr a.s and his prayer

About Prophet Khidr a.s and his prayer

About Prophet Khidr a.s and his prayer

July 28, 2024

About Prophet Khidr a.s and his prayer

Prophet Khidr AS visited me again and said:

"O Ahmad, 

sit and listen. Truly, I once encountered someone before you, and he was taken by Allah with the perfection of his age, with the months of May and June as signs of the completeness of his faith and law. O Ahmad, I met him twice in his lifetime, and Allah preserved his body until the Day of Resurrection. He was among the righteous whose sins were erased by trials and his patience. He was a caller to Allah and the Noble Messenger. Truly, the best outcome is for those who are patient, pious, and convey the truth.

O Ahmad, 

those who call to the way of Allah are not the same as those who call to themselves. They are like termite nests high on a slippery rock hill, which will vanish when the stormy rain strikes. This is the analogy of an ignorant person without knowledge who claims to receive guidance from Allah, followed by other ignorant people and some who love praise and the world. And those who call to the way of Allah are like a hidden spring on a high mountain, which does not dry up in the drought and flows continuously. Thus Allah creates everything so that humans use their reason and hearts in submission to Allah, so they can distinguish between truth and falsehood.

O Ahmad, 

just as those before you, who wrote with golden ink on their life paths, who did not prioritize worldly interests, who called for Allah’s forgiveness and mercy, so should those who know you increase their faith and piety to Allah after witnessing Allah’s greatness with you. Truly, Allah only tests them and they should improve themselves. Anyone who wishes to meet you should be tested by you and your followers with what I have taught you. Allah intends to make them as He wills. Did he not know and witness the greatness of Allah that you showed him? If he speaks softly to ask for leniency from you, then leave him, and he should approach you with your boat from below. If he fulfills it, then give him the stone I gave you, so that Allah truly makes him as Allah has destined, like your companion in his land, whose wealth will not be exhausted unless he or his descendants turn away from Allah and become miserly. Did I not say that in the land where you drive away the rebels (insurgents), there are blessings? And in your wealthy companion’s land, there are blessings? Truly, such is an example for others and a great test for the owner.

O Ahmad, 

truly the fish Nun has reached an ocean in the east of your country (in the southern ocean of New Zealand and Australia), so the sea will feel warm and storms and hurricanes will strike a country with small and large animals (Australia), causing some of them to enter holes in their houses, and in the east of your country, there will be vibrations and surprising storms. Do they think Allah leaves an arrogant people unpunished? Truly, the warnings from Allah should make them aware and believe in Allah, the Almighty. The sky will darken, and the storm will feel hot in parts of their land. Such is Allah, the Almighty, and Severe in His warnings.

O Ahmad, 

say to them if they ask about me. I am not sent by Allah to any people except those whom Allah has destined to meet me. I am a descendant of Saam bin Noah, whose grandfather Azaar was on Noah's Ark, and I was born in the time of Prophet Saleh, cared for by Allah for his people. Truly, I am only a witness to the prophets sent by Allah after the death of Prophet Saleh, and a tester of some prophets and people of knowledge and piety, and witnessed the light of Muhammad the noble moving from face to face of Allah’s chosen prophets and messengers until it reached the place of preservation (rib) of a handsome man, Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib, and I am not a patient prophet, so one of my prayers and requests to Allah is not granted in this world but will be in the hereafter.

O Ahmad, 

do you know my prayer that Allah did not grant? While I asked Allah with all my soul and body, and by prostrating every night before dawn? Truly, I wanted Allah to inform me that the Noble Prophet Muhammad accepted me as his follower in the end times. 

But Allah sent the Angel Gabriel to me and said: 'O Khidr, there is no one wiser and more knowledgeable than you, and no human has a longer life than you, but Allah rejects your request because of your harsh nature. Truly, if Allah granted your prayer, the earth would be filled with the blood of disbelievers, hypocrites, and wicked people because it would be obligatory for you to strive in the way of Allah, and the opportunity for the Ummah of the Noble Prophet Muhammad in the end times to reach three paths of martyrdom on earth would vanish. Do you know the three paths to martyrdom? 

The first is the Holy Land (Palestine), the second is the land around the two holy cities (Mecca and Medina) where worldly temptations, desires, and Satan are greater around them, and the third is the land of Arkhabīl, which will be targeted by the trials of the end times, where Satan's allies will come claiming to receive revelation from Allah and commands from your Noble Grandfather Muhammad, causing some knowledgeable people to become foolish by believing the liar’s words. They (the knowledgeable) should return to the way of Allah and repent.'

O Ahmad, 

this is what the Angel Gabriel said to me, and I understand it. You must be diligent in carrying out all that Allah commands, so the Ummah in your country in the end times realizes it, or they prefer to witness the destruction due to the punishment Allah inflicts on their land and buildings because they turn away from what you inform them. Quickly leave your city and tell your wives that one of them must be patient and ignore everything that burdens her heart. Truly, Allah intends to restore everything that has been lost from them. They are the example of the end times if they realize it and accept everything that Allah has planned for you and them.

O Ahmad, 

tell those who mock you with the fish Nun, I truly know them. Tell them, have they truly believed in Allah? If so, they have lied about their testimony, because their hands and tongues easily insult others they do not know, as they insult you and me. Say! I, Khidr, know that they are not people who have read and understood the Qur'an well and wisely, even though they claim to believe in Allah and His Messenger and show beautiful and good clothes before Allah and people. They are nothing but ignorant and lying people. Allah has prepared a rebuke for some of them as a lesson for others. They will later be exposed until they come to you in a state of humility. That is better than them being humiliated on the Day of Reckoning.

O Ahmad Fahmi Bin A. Syam, remain as Al-Makhfy as Allah has ordained, and ignore those who want you to appear in their view. Continue to cover your face until it becomes an honorable face in Allah’s sight, and as a test for ignorant people who claim to be Ahmad Al Makfiy. Do they think they can lie before humans and Allah? No! They are deceiving themselves.

Ahmad F. Bin A. Alwi Syam

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