Advice to Men to Maintain Eyesight and Desire

Advice to Men to Maintain Eyesight and Desire

Advice to Men to Maintain Eyesight and Desire

July 23, 2024 (morning)

Advice to Men to Maintain Eyesight and Desire

Prophet Khidr A.S. approached me while I was on the shores of Central Java. He said:

"O Ahmad, 

indeed the fish Nun is heading towards the shore in your country and will pass through several countries around the world until the end of the month of Muharram. You should prepare your heart with sincerity and piety and seek forgiveness for all your sins from Allah, for Allah is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

O Ahmad, 

if someone walks on the edge of the field (rice paddies) during the summer or rainy season, it is impossible for their feet and clothes to stay clean from dirt. Even if they walk slowly and carefully, a speck of dust and wet soil will still touch their clothes and feet as they walk. It is impossible for someone with an umbrella not to get a little rainwater. This is the analogy of life in this world; no human is free from sin except your grandfather, the Noble Messenger Muhammad, whose self and soul are preserved and protected from sins. Seeking forgiveness (istighfar), giving charity, and repenting sincerely will cleanse the remnants of sins within a servant.

O Ahmad, 

it is better for a person holding a dim light in the dark night than for someone holding gold and jewels in the dark night. This is the analogy between someone striving to obtain the light of Allah, even though full of sins, and the arrogant, greedy person who feels they are free from sins. And Allah is the One who decides everything with the Most Justice and Wisdom.

O Ahmad, 

let no man from among the Religious Scholars in the Majlis As-Syari'un teach the book JawahirulMakhfiyyah to female members in your boat except with a veil and a barrier (in public WhatsApp and Telegram groups). You should appoint one of the women in your boat to be the Mursyid of the JawahirulMakhfiyyah book, who will teach the women in your boat. This is more beloved to Allah, keeping away from the temptation of lust and arrogance, and maintaining the purity of JawahirulMakhfiyyah.

O Ahmad, 

did I not spread my turban before you, and Allah showed you some people regarded as Scholar ( Ulama ) dan Waliyullah, yet they always bring two women into a room, committing adultery with one while the other massages him to satisfy his desires? And Allah further revealed a handsome man who claimed to be a descendant of the Noble Messenger Muhammad, committing adultery with a prostitute. Until Allah honored that prostitute by accepting her repentance and granting her a good life, truly that person (claiming to be a descendant of the Messenger) was destined for Hell unless he repented and left his falsehood. And Allah revealed further in my turban someone considered a Scholar in your country, deceiving a wealthy person by promising to marry his daughter, becoming a famous teacher, and then forgetting his promise to the mother who hoped he would marry her daughter. He turned away from his promise because of the fame and beauty of another woman, selling his knowledge for worldly wealth, and believing his looks could deceive several women into committing adultery with him. Truly, they will be the inhabitants of the deepest Hell, if they do not repent. Then Allah will inflict misery upon them in this world and the Hereafter. Keep their disgrace secret, as a private matter between you and me with Allah.

O Ahmad, 

indeed, a Scholar who guards his gaze is more honored by Allah than one who believes he can restrain his desires, yet Allah, the All-Knowing, has recorded him as among the sinners (sinners of the eyes). It is impossible for a man to restrain his gaze from his desires when he sees the beauty of a woman, whether she is uncovered or covered. Truly, Satan will make her voice sweet, smooth, and luminous, inviting lust upon her face and appearance. Your followers who are leaders (Mufti) in your boat should guard their hearts and their gazes.

O Ahmad, 

indeed a beautiful story of restraining desires occurred in the boat of Prophet Noah A.S., until Allah granted them good guidance and help, those who could restrain their gaze and desires. Allah then sent the Angel Gabriel to my brother Prophet Noah A.S. to marry several pairs of humans on Prophet Noah's boat, who yearned for and loved each other. That (restraining gaze and desires and marrying) is the most virtuous for a man in obtaining the pleasure and mercy of Allah upon him.

O Ahmad, 

you should advise some of your followers to guard themselves against the temptations of desires and Satan. Truly, they have pledged and promised to preserve the purity of your boat. Indeed, if they repent and restrain their gaze and desires, Allah will grant them good spouses and open the door of blessings for them. Among your followers (the men) should speak gently to their partners and not hurt the hearts of their partners and children. This will open the door to much good and abundant sustenance.

I, Khidr A.S., hope they understand that your boat is a trust from the Messenger of Allah, who constantly cares for you and your followers.

-Ahmad F. Abdullah AlwiSyams-

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