God Will Give A Sign Of Ahmad's Meeting With Nun Fish

God Will Give A Sign Of Ahmad's Meeting With Nun Fish

God Will Give A Sign Of Ahmad's Meeting With Nun Fish

July 23, 2024( Evening )

God Will Give A Sign Of Ahmad's Meeting With Nun Fish

Prophet Khidr came to me again this morning and said:

"O Ahmad, 

indeed Allah has explained to me about the Fish Nun, which was once a test and punishment for two Prophets (Prophet Yunus and Prophet Sulaiman). It will also be a warning and test for you, which will cause the loss of blessings in some seas of several countries and bring blessings to the countries where your followers are present. This is because Allah loves your country and the countries of your brothers.

O Ahmad, 

there are no secrets between Allah and us. Indeed, the Fish Nun and its descendants provide blessings and food for humans and animals in the sea. The voice of the Fish Nun is like the sound of thousands of roaring lions, which Allah has created as a sign of the emergence of 99,000 large and small mountains on the seabed, and the appearance of several new islands in your country and the country of your brothers (Malaysia). This is easy for Allah to accomplish. Allah is the Almighty and has absolute will over all His creations.

O Ahmad, 

hasten to the place where Allah will show you the Fish Nun. Allah has permitted you to describe its form and size. Indeed, the Fish Nun will speak to you and reveal the truth about itself. This event will be a test for you and your followers, and it will be a topic for scholars to prove the truth of your story with me and the Fish Nun. Indeed, the Fish Nun will be on the edge of the cliff by the sea with its face and mouth in front of you. Do not be afraid or think you will become its prey. Indeed, you are not a Prophet, only a bearer of news and warnings. It is not possible for Allah to test and punish you with the trials and punishments of the Prophets, for He is Allah, the Most Just and Wise. Allah will give a sign in your country of your encounter with the Fish Nun, causing people to think it is the great trumpet sound. Some will find the sea water rising to their houses by the sea, some will feel long tremors by the sea, some will think there is a great mountain blocking their view by the sea. Some scholars will say there are creatures from another realm descending to the earth in the middle of the sea, some wicked people will say it is just a natural upheaval, speaking with their intellect and ignorance, and some worshipers of the Dajjal will say that what is recorded in their devices is a great creature in the seabed with images and stories they create with their ignorance. Indeed, they do not understand the Qur'an regarding the story of my brother Zun Nun and Sulaiman. Do not let yourself be burdened by your situation. Go and leave your family for 5 days as a test for your wives. This is Allah's way of measuring your wives' loyalty and sincerity. Indeed, Allah has prepared blessings for your wife and a test for your other wife.

O Ahmad, 

do not hesitate or be reluctant to carry out Allah's command to leave your city with your wife and go to a high place full of blessings and happiness for you and your wife, as well as your animals, until the time comes when that place becomes your wife's possession. This is because Allah has promised your wife who has long accompanied you and struggled against herself (anger and worldly desires). Indeed, Allah intends to return what was lost from her, gladden her father's heart, and be the cause of her mother's sins being forgiven. This is better for her to think about and live than to think about you and your children. Indeed, Allah will open the door of blessings for her. Have I not told you, O Ahmad, about your wife's heart, which is always targeted by the devil and the satans until they start to despair? And have I not told you that the Prophet (Muhammad SAW) spoke the truth about me to your wife in a dream, making her heart calm with great sincerity? She should be patient until the end of this month of Muharram and cover her face from the gaze of other men except for your father, your children, and your friends whom I have told you about. And those who get permission from you because they have no desire or lust for her. She should control her anger towards those who insult and slander you, just as I was patient with it. Indeed, Allah loves those who are patient and submit to Him, obey His commands, and avoid His prohibitions.

O Ahmad, 

indeed you are fortunate because of the ignorant people who claim to be Imam Mahdi and Ahmad. Some of them seek worldly fame, some steal news from the heavens to deceive other people, and some are the agents of the Dajjal, trying to lure you out of Al-Makhfiy so they can deceive you with money and wealth in exchange for you revealing everything they need and then killing you. Indeed, they will find nothing but disappointment and despair. Who provides better protection and help? Say it! I seek protection and help only from Allah.

O Ahmad, 

Allah has recorded some of your followers who have pledged their loyalty in every prayer and are willing to sacrifice their lives for you. Most of them are women and some are brave men. They should control their anger towards those who insult you, even though they have the ability to punish them, because Allah prefers those who are forgiving and you are sent by Allah as a bearer of news and warnings, a connector of the severed, and a spreader of love and noble character, not a cause of division among the people of one nation. Your followers should not precede you in enforcing the laws and rules in your boat. They should be your representatives in spreading love and the contents of the book JAWAHIRUL MAKHFIYYAH with the hope of Allah's pleasure and the love of the Prophet (Muhammad SAW) upon them and those who read it.

O Ahmad, 

you should follow the advice of your ancestors for 14 days and take one of your followers to be your guard and driver so that he may fulfill his need to earn a living as a worker on your boat. You should give orders to some people close to you on your boat. Indeed, two out of five people still have a heavy heart when walking with you. Allah has informed me about them. Indeed, if there are not ten sincere hearts when walking with you, then one doubt and one insincerity will be a hindrance for them to attain happiness and blessings. Allah will withhold some of their needs and grant blessings according to their measure. Have they not known you and understood your path? I, Khidr, have watched them from the beginning to the end of their journey with you.

O Ahmad, 

indeed the arrival of two women with hearts full of joy with you and your wife on the journey will open blessings for themselves. Did not Allah make it easy for one of them at the end of the journey? As proof of Allah's love for her, Allah will make all her good needs easy and provide her with a good vehicle that is easy to pay for. This is because of her intention and sincerity in fighting alongside your wife and you on your boat.

O Ahmad, 

on your boat, there are some young people, the youngest among your followers, who are in your country and the country of your brothers. You and the elders on your boat should pay attention to them, teach them your book and the laws of the Shari'ah, and teach them to seek provisions for the world and the hereafter. Indeed, if they remain steadfast and guard themselves from disobedience and are diligent in memorizing your book and the knowledge of the Shari'ah, they will be blessed with knowledge and noble character and be pleased by Allah. I, Khidr, will always pray for them. May they remain steadfast and strong in guarding themselves from disobedience and become pious and humble scholars.

-Ahmad F. Bin Abdullah AlwiSyam-

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