The Story of the Nun's Fish That Tested Prophet Sulaiman a.s

The Story of the Nun's Fish That Tested Prophet Sulaiman a.s

The Story of the Nun's Fish That Tested Prophet Sulaiman a.s

July 25, 2024

The Story of the Nun's Fish That Tested Prophet Sulaiman a.s

The Prophet Khidr AS came to me today and said:

"O Ahmad, I tell you the story of the fish Nun so that you may write it as evidence of Allah's power over all His creations. However, some who read it will feel that you are fantasizing and lying.

O Ahmad, indeed the story of the fish Nun that tested my brother, King Solomon, truly happened on an island in the vast ocean, where there were caves with carvings. Truly, inside those caves, a skilled engraver had depicted all the large animals lined up, waiting their turn to be served by the Prophet Solomon. But Allah chose the fish Nun to be served first by the Prophet Solomon (the King). Then King Solomon prostrated and asked Allah for forgiveness because he could not fulfill the needs of the fish Nun (he could not make the fish Nun full). Indeed, Allah is the Most Wealthy and the Giver of sufficiency.

O Ahmad, as Allah has shown you today, an island that was once silent has become a nation inhabited by dark-skinned people, and among them are those who are descendants of your country. They came from various lands. The pictures on the walls that you saw part of are about the fish Nun, the giant tortoise, and other animals. Truly, the picture I showed you with my finger is clear evidence that my brother Solomon knew your grandfather, the noble Prophet Muhammad, as informed by Allah. Those who insult you and call you a liar should seek forgiveness from Allah. Do they not see the clear evidence that Allah has provided in your writings? Their suspicions of you are very evil, and indeed, they will bear an unremovable sin until Allah seals their mouths with soil, as has happened to some who have wronged and slandered you, and insulted your wives. Do they think you and your wives hear their screams from their graves? Indeed, their state is most miserable.

O Ahmad, I invite you to this island by the will of Allah, the Almighty. Write that on the walls of these caves, there is the name of your noble grandfather Muhammad, and a picture depicting the Ifrit, who was commanded to arrange the line of animals and some jinn and humans to prepare food for forty days. But every time the fish Nun ate it, it was rearranged and eaten again, repeatedly. Still, Prophet Solomon AS could not make the fish full until everything prepared to feed the creatures of Allah on this coastal hill was consumed. Truly, Allah is the Most Powerful over all kings, and Allah is the Most Wealthy and the Provider of sustenance to all His creations until the appointed day.

O Ahmad, I tell you, someone in the time of your grandfather Muhammad was a wealthy and great poet, who admired the recitations of the Qur'an read to him by the noble Prophet Muhammad. However, he felt more deserving of the revelations from Allah given to your noble grandfather Muhammad because he was older, wealthier, and more skilled in poetry. He then said that the noble Prophet Muhammad was a liar and that the Qur'an was mere magic.

And so is your current situation, as Allah has shown me. There are people envious of you who write that you are a liar but praise themselves in their other writings. Some feel smarter than you and ignore what I convey, which they have read. There are also people who claim to receive guidance from the heavens, but they are among the inhabitants of hell whose names are written on the gates of every door of Hell. Allah and the angels mentioned on their tongues have cursed them. The devil clings tightly to their head veins, sticking firmly to their neck veins and body openings. Truly, everything that comes out of their mouths is falsehood, and from their hardened neck veins, Allah will bring misery upon them. Indeed, they are deaf and blind to the Qur'an. Their hands grasp both delicious bread and filth simultaneously, feeling at ease with this. That is the parable of those who show with their tongues and writings words of advice and goodness in every picture of theirs, as if they are holy and good people, but in the writings and pictures of others, they insult you and call you misguided with vile words. They will be forced by Allah to eat what is in their hands, which is filth and rotten bread in their graves.

Not the same are those who are guided by Allah and those who are arrogant and given whispers by the devil and Satan.

Indeed, very useless is their knowledge and their clothes in their pictures and faces that try to appear good in the eyes of people while Allah views them with hatred. Indeed, if they repent, it would be better for them to tell your friends. It is not easy to seek forgiveness from the sin of slander and defamation and the sin of insulting.

-Ahmad F. Bin A. Alwi Syam-

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