A Parable For Those Who Steal Sky News From Ahmad's Hands

A Parable For Those Who Steal Sky News From Ahmad's Hands

A Parable For Those Who Steal Sky News From Ahmad's Hands

Friday, July 19, 2024

A Parable For Those Who Steal Sky News From Ahmad's Hands

From a distance at the beach last night, Prophet Khidr AS said to me, (Along with the arrival of the dark fog I recognized, the same dark fog as before approaching the gate of the Ainul Hayat spring.)

Then he said:

O Ahmad,

write what I have said to you. Indeed, Allah the Almighty desires it. He is Allah whom you must worship and serve, truly not for yourself, but for the people who sincerely read the writings about what I conveyed to you, and for the people who love you in your boat. That is why Allah wants me to convey this to you: write and do not reduce or add to it, so that the hearts of your followers and those who like you become calm and patient toward your detractors.

O Ahmad, 

truly the owner of the water source (well) is not the same as the foolish yet arrogant water thief, who only has a small container to steal, who cannot return to take water from the well that has been given a guard after him. Do they (the thieves) think their thirst will disappear forever? And do they think their fields will become fertile with just one watering, while the well has been given a cover and a protective wall by its owner?

No! Truly they will feel thirst later on the Day of Judgment, and they will not receive blessings, except that later they will bring their bellies filled with filth and pus as well as fire in their bellies. Their fields will dry up, and Allah the Almighty will remove happiness and satisfaction from their hearts, until punishment comes upon them from above and below their feet. That is the parable of those who take their brother’s rights, and the parable of those who steal the news of the heavens from your hands (which are written and conveyed), and among them claim that We (Allah the Almighty and His Angels) have known them and spoken to them. Some of them claim to be you, O Ahmad Al-Makhfiy, and some of them are detractors but steal the news of the heavens from your "hands." Some of them are sorcerers and fortune tellers who steal news from your "hands," and some of them are scholars and scientists who have long lied. They read the news from your "hands," then arrogantly acknowledge that they have reached the moon and stars, and have reached the bottom of the earth and the bottom of the ocean.

O Ahmad, 

didn’t five of your followers come, then from them came thirteen who brought 313 people, then increased? Among the thirteen, there are those who feel superior to you and there are those who distance themselves from you because of their ignorance. Do they think they can deceive Allah by lying to you? Indeed, their current state does not find peace and blessings. I have heard from their tongues who intend to cover their faces, even though they are like two donkeys walking in circles, tied to their backs with stones and wood as tools to crush wheat. Such is the state in the world for those with diseased hearts, who think they can walk without the clear light and guidance of Allah, who think worldly wealth will calm and make them happy.

O Ahmad, 

say, there is no comparison between someone who has a pen and then paints with his hand on clean white paper, with ink of various colors, and someone who has a pen and ink in his hand, then throws away the ink and pen, and then paints with his finger hoping to create a beautiful and mesmerizing painting. Such is the state of the fool who dreams of achieving goals without the provision of knowledge and reason, namely knowledgeable people (scholars and leaders) and those with intelligence. They gamble their worldly desires and use their minds to satisfy their worldly desires, and the parable for scholars and leaders who divide with their tongues and close their eyes and ears to sins in their country. Later they will meet Allah in a state of wrath, and their place is the torment of hell until they are burned by the fire of hell, the filth of the world in their blood and flesh, which they bring from the world.

O Ahmad, 

say, indeed their state is like someone who picks wheat and eats it and drinks water from a hot spring, then hopes to feel the pleasure of "hisa'an" (wheat soup) in his mouth. Such is the parable for those who say to you, "Sufficient are the Qur'an and the Hadith of your noble grandfather Muhammad as guidance," while they do not understand the Qur'an and the words of your noble grandfather Prophet Muhammad. Is it enough for them to read the Qur'an and Hadith alone, then interpret it themselves with their minds?

Their state on the Day of Judgment will be in blindness.

O Ahmad, 

indeed they are like someone who is blind in one eye, then stretches out his hand in front of his eye, then says, "Truly the ocean is no wider than his palm." Such is the state of those who criticize the book that Allah wants you to write, and criticize and consider the books written by previous people (about the interpretation of the Qur'an and Hadith) as unimportant. Most of them only talk but refuse to read them. Some of them have read them but are worldly lovers. They are the arrogant people. Very bad is their state later in their graves, until a very loud shout awakens them with dirty and disgraceful faces.

O Ahmad, 

indeed among those who walk with you still have little understanding of the tests and attitudes you show them. Indeed, they have not truly known you, and be patient. Indeed, all your behavior and state, as well as your words in every journey, are not your will but Allah's will upon you. Be patient with what you feel now, and say, "He is Allah who becomes your helper and protector."

O Ahmad, 

indeed Allah will truly show the back of that fish, in His way and His will, not by my will or yours. Indeed, it will happen and become proof of Allah's power that is in His word. That fish Nun has its own path that Allah created for it. Every time it flaps its fins to move from the deepest sea to the southern sea of your country, indeed above it are many fish that provide blessings to humans and also warnings to humans (even the fierce fish will be above it). Indeed, I hear Allah saying that you and your noble grandfather Rasulullah Muhammad are not liars nor madmen as they (the hypocrites) think. They are the ones who need a cure, and indeed not only you will witness, O Ahmad. The disbelievers, hypocrites, and wicked ones will also see it (seeing Allah's power) over the ocean.

Indeed, those who are given guidance will return to the right path, leaving behind the scholars who divide the ummah with their organizations and words that insult other scholars, who (the disbelievers) are waiting for strife among Muslims in the country. Anyone who is misguided by lust and arrogance will have a disease placed by Allah that has no cure in their hearts. Very bad is their state in the world and later in the Hereafter.

O Ahmad, 

as you and your followers, I (Prophet Khidr AS) await Allah's command for us and some of your chosen followers to witness the fish giving greetings. Be patient. Truly, great is the goodness for those who are patient and sincere in awaiting Allah's promise to them.

-Ahmad F Alwi Syams-

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