About the inhabitants of Hell who are more despicable than the accursed Iblis

About the inhabitants of Hell who are more despicable than the accursed Iblis

About the inhabitants of Hell who are more despicable than the accursed Iblis

July 18, 2024

About the inhabitants of Hell who are more despicable than the accursed Iblis

Prophet Khidr AS came to me this morning, and he said, "O Ahmad, write down my advice and convey it to the people of the end times. About the inhabitants of Hell who are more despicable than the accursed Iblis. Namely:

  1. Those who do not know your grandfather, the Noble Prophet Muhammad, and then insult and revile him.
  2. Those who live after your grandfather, the Noble Prophet Muhammad, has passed away, then claim to have met your grandfather, the Noble Prophet Muhammad, in a dream and claim to have met him directly without a dream, even though they have never dreamt or met him, and then issue false fatwas in the name of the Noble Prophet Muhammad. These people and their followers will reside in Hell and become Juhainah, with some of them remaining eternally in Hell.
  3. Those who have heard the news from you, that you have informed them about the parents of the Prophet Muhammad being in the Paradise of Allah, but they deny and call you a liar. These people have placed themselves in the ranks of Abu Lahab and Abu Jahl, the enemies of Allah on the Day of Judgment.
  4. Those who say that the Qur'an is a tale and a creation of your grandfather, the Noble Prophet Muhammad. They will be among the ranks under the banner of Pharaoh (and the like) on the Day of Judgment, more despicable than the accursed Iblis.
  5. Those who falsely claim to have met the Prophets and the Noble Prophet Muhammad, and this is most common in the end times, especially in your country (Indonesia).

Indeed, they will not be allowed to repent by Iblis, because Iblis is amazed by such people. Without much effort from Iblis to tempt them, these people seem to run towards Iblis' embrace without much effort on Iblis' part to seduce them. And the wrath of Allah and His punishment will befall them in this world and the Hereafter.

O Ahmad, do they think what you convey comes from your own will? So they say you deviate from the principles of the Qur'an? Let them ask themselves, have they truly read the Qur'an? Indeed, those who say so will face questioning in their graves with blazing fire because they do not understand the Qur'an except on their tongues. Do they think their writings are not recorded in the book of their deeds? Indeed, they are the losers with their filthy hearts and tongues.

O Ahmad, tell your followers who have helped you in making the book 'AkhlaqAkhir Zaman' not to doubt. Truly, from their land will emerge the warriors of Allah, and Allah will not leave them without His protection. Will the scholars reject the advice that comes from me? Or will they follow the liars who claim I once leaned on a place in their land? Truly, those who lie seek worldly gain, while you and your followers seek the rewards of the Hereafter. Do they not witness how Allah protects their land from disasters? And Allah will strengthen their land with a mountain that Allah creates on the edges of their sea and land. Say, O Ahmad, who is able to create a mountain? He is Allah, the Almighty, who is sovereign over all sovereignty.

Ahmad F. Bin A. Alwi Syam

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