A Country That Will Be Drowned By Allah SWT

A Country That Will Be Drowned By Allah SWT

A Country That Will Be Drowned By Allah SWT

July 17, 2024

A Country That Will Be Drowned By Allah SWT

Prophet Khidr (AS) came to me and said:

“O Ahmad, 

indeed, remove your laziness to meet me ****** tonight. You should walk alone towards the south of this city. Will you let the mountains miss for your footsteps and the sound of your dhikr? You must ignore your pain and fatigue.

O Ahmad, 

Allah has permitted you to give some prayers, through which you can harden something fragile, as a test for your followers to feel the power of Allah in their hands. They should keep themselves away from arrogance. Isn’t it the same prayer that you and I recited for the weapons of Allah's army in the land of Muqaddasah? And it destroyed the weaponry of the enemies of Islam in that land? Indeed, Allah is the Most Powerful over all powers. The strength of your followers is very little compared to your prayer for the land of Muqaddasah that Allah has commanded you to recite. And Allah intends to protect your followers with that prayer from the tribulation of the followers of Satan and Dajjal, so their descendants can follow in their footsteps.

O Ahmad, 

tell your followers who have walked with you, is this world their goal, or is it the hereafter? If the world is their goal, as one of your followers hopes for wealth from your boat, he is foolish to seek mercy and wealth from the people on your boat whom he sees as wealthy. You did not teach to beg, and your noble grandfather, Prophet Muhammad (SAW), forbade you from asking for gifts and refusing gifts unless Allah asks you to test a few people in your boat. Most of them still do not understand and are still thinking about worldly losses.

O Ahmad, 

wear your clothes. One night, I will take you to the hill by the sea and Allah wants to show you and one of your followers a clear proof of the Nun fish in the sea south of your country. Do not hesitate to greet it until the back of the fish appears on the luminous surface of the sea. Tell the world, do they still doubt the Qur'an? And do they still doubt the honor of your noble grandfather, Prophet Muhammad (SAW)? After 17 days from that place, Allah will truly drown a country until they think the Day of Judgment has arrived. Do not be sad. Indeed, the wrath of Allah is real as a warning to a people who exceed the limits.

-Ahmad F. Bin A. Alwi Sham-

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