Ahmad Will Be Shown A Fish That Used To Test Prophet Yunus a.s

Ahmad Will Be Shown A Fish That Used To Test Prophet Yunus a.s

Ahmad Will Be Shown A Fish That Used To Test Prophet Yunus a.s

July 14, 2024

Ahmad Will Be Shown A Fish That Used To Test Prophet Yunus a.s

Nabi Khidr AS said to me,

"O Ahmad, prepare yourself to return to the same place, and do not be reluctant to do so. Indeed, Allah intends to show us the sea and its deep depths with all their beauty. Allah is the All-Knowing of what they (the disbelievers) do not know. Indeed, with Allah lies all knowledge.

O Ahmad, 

I have only been on a journey with Allah to the spring of Ainul Hayat, as you have witnessed before. Indeed, I have been on a small island full of beauty and various plants, guarded by a large serpent around the island. Inside, there are inhabitants of the island who are not humans, but Muslim jinn blessed and protected by Allah. And I witnessed the greatness of Allah's Majesty, who showed me the size of the fish that tested my brother, Nabi Yunus AS. Do you know how big that fish is? Indeed, if it surfaced in the world today, part of your city would be covered by part of its body. And if it shook its tail, half of your city would be covered by waves of the sea.

O Ahmad, 

stand on the hill by the same sea, as you stood that night with your friend. Allah will show you that fish and greet it as I taught you. Indeed, that will be a testimony to the truth that Allah tells in the Qur'an. And some people think the sea will rise to the land. Do not be afraid and do not doubt yourself. Allah will protect you from the waves that rise, and the sea will not bring disaster but blessings to the fishermen in that place.

O Ahmad, 

purify your heart when you are on the journey until you return home. After that, leave your city with your wife and child. What holds you back and makes you hesitate? Hasn't this order been conveyed to you a month ago? And Allah will ease all your affairs in that high land. Do not be weak.

O Ahmad, 

hasn't a pious person met your friend? As I have informed you before, indeed afterward, Allah will open blessings for him and his family. Allah is not a God who denies those who are patient and righteous. Allah's promise will surely happen. Allah is enough as a goal, and the Noble Prophet Muhammad is enough as guidance.

O Ahmad, 

I have read the book that you and your friends compiled, as Allah willed. Do not be afraid and do not hesitate to convey it, because it is not you and your friends but Allah who created it through your hands and minds and those of your friends. It is easy for Allah to use a servant to show His knowledge and power.

O Ahmad, 

convey my greetings to your friends on your boat. Some of them are still in doubt, some feel ashamed, and some still question unimportant things. Tell them to leave behind anything that does not bring happiness in this world and the hereafter. They cannot breathe underwater and cannot fill their stomachs with air. It is better for them to eat a real date than to eat a piece of meat in a dream. Isn't the news you conveyed already clear? Indeed, they should ascend to a high rank until Allah meets them in His way, not that they ask Allah to come down to their houses. Indeed, Allah does not leave the "Arasy" except that His sight and knowledge encompass all His creations.

O Ahmad, 

if those who walk with you ask for the purpose of the journey, say: Why did Allah create eyes, ears, mouths, hearts, and minds? And say: Indeed, the fortune of this world and the hereafter is for those who obey and follow Allah's commands in every journey. And indeed, fortune is for those who understand that Allah has said, 'Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise.' That is the trade with Allah, the Most Generous, and Most Wise."

Ahmad F Abdullah Alwie Syams

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