About Nine Stars (Planet)

About Nine Stars (Planet)

About Nine Stars (Planet)

July 11, 2024

About Nine Stars (Planet)

Prophet Khidr AS came to me in the midst of my journey with my companions... He said:

"O Ahmad, put aside your companions for a moment, sit and listen. Truly, I, like you, know that Iblis is watching some of your companions who are walking with you now. I bring news that you must convey and write down, and do not hesitate or be afraid.

O Ahmad, indeed, some among the Muslims and scholars have read the news you have written. Some of them affirm it, and some ignore it. You should ignore those who insult you and disgrace your status with their words, for truly they are the ones who are at a loss.

O Ahmad, Allah Azza Wa Jalla conveyed to me that in the sky there are twenty-five large stars, and there are sixty-one stars smaller than the moon and closer to it (closer to the moon), which are signs in the Qur'an. And in the sky, there are nine stars (planets) like balls with various colors and shapes. The nine spherical stars (planets) have places that Allah Azza Wa Jalla determined last Ramadan, just like the nine colorful lights you witnessed on your journey to Illiyyin. Do you know, O Ahmad?

  • O Ahmad, Allah asked me to explain about some of the stars (planets) among the nine spherical stars. There is one that is red; the red spherical star (planet) is as large as the earth's globe. It shines red and has turbulence on its surface, and it praises with waves like big waves. If the waves on that planet are calm, the oceans on Earth will be calm. If some waves on that planet are turbulent, the oceans on Earth will be turbulent. Truly, on that red planet, there are obedient Angels of Allah.
  • Among the nine stars (planets), there is also one that is white and has holes all over its surface, which is not larger than the other stars. It is the size of a mountain in your country (Mount Merapi) with an elongated round shape (like an egg) floating in the sky. It is white like brittle chalk, with interconnected holes filled with fog, vibrating with every rotation. Allah created an angel that, if light comes out of that hole, the light of knowledge on Earth will be extinguished (the death of a Waliyullah), and the angel on that planet weeps and utters the phrase of Istirja' and then says, 'Antum Lillah, wabi iznillahita'alaamubaarokuun..', then the angel praises Allah and says, 'Woe to the inhabitants of the Earth who do not know that the "nail" of the world (the Ulama) has been removed from the Earth, and woe to those who are ungrateful.'
  • The third is a dark planet, which is above the moon and below the sun, closer to the moon, and revolves around the Earth, praising Allah. It moves very calmly, and there are sharp rocky mountains on it. Truly, on that black planet, there are angels who always prostrate to Allah.

O Ahmad, do they not think..? Or can they write what they do not know..? Truly, the power of Allah encompasses everything. Do humans want to turn away from Allah? And return to disbelief? Truly, the news you convey is an end-time warning so that they spread peace and do not cause destruction."

Ahmad F. Bin A. Alwi Syam

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