July 10, 2024 (Yogyakarta seaside)

Clusters of Stars and Planets Recorded in the Al-Quran and the Dajjal That Has Appeared

Prophet Khidr AS came to me and said:

"Verily, Allah has laid out for you and me the spherical stars (planets) that are scattered, in dark, red, blue, white, and brightly shining colors. There are also those spread out like water, clear like glass and shining bluish. Some are like a thick ball of smoke that changes like moving smoke. Others are like a ring of light dust shining like billions of gems with a large roaring hole in the middle. Some are shaped like a large and heavy river stone, while others are like a fireball with a long tail, all of them chanting the noble name of Allah.

O Ahmad, do you know the number of these stars is the number in the Surah 25 at the sixty-first verse?

That is, 25 large stars (planets) and 61 smaller stars, each star has more than 10,000 stars surrounding all the heavens belonging to Allah Azza Wa Jalla.

Surah 25, verse 61:


"Blessed is He who made constellations in the skies and placed therein a lamp (Sun) and a shining moon."

Indeed, all constellations, the moon, and all celestial objects glorify and submit to Allah. Each letter in the books of Allah revealed to the Prophets represents a number of shining stars. If humans could see the phrase "Allah Rabbul 'Alamiin" on a large and high star, surely some would believe in Allah while some disbelievers would hide it.

Just as disbelievers hide the truth of the Qur'an written on a round star (planet) not far from Earth, inscribed with "Allah Rabba Kulla Shai" and "Muhammad Rasulullah" with a circle inscribed "Kitabul Haq" (Alif and Qaf), that is the Qur'an.

O Ahmad, indeed those who feel knowledgeable have lied, claiming to know the heavens and its contents. They have never reached the moon and the stars; they are merely liars with their instruments. They only possess a large stick covered with mirrors and wires (electric cables), enabling the mirrors to barely see the sky and a few stars.

O Ahmad, tell those who feel knowledgeable and righteous, have they managed to know the depths of the earth’s oceans? Verily, Allah will show you later, and you should not hesitate and fear to write about the state of the oceans on earth. Then say to them:

  • "O Servants of Allah, are you blind and deaf? Have your minds been buried in the mire of worldly desires and arrogance to the extent of denying everything I have told? Verily, Allah is the Lord who has power over the universe, and Allah is the one who sent down the Qur'an perfectly. And Allah is the one who holds the souls of all His creations, who never forgets His vision, whose knowledge and majesty are vast.
  • O Servants of Allah, fear Allah and believe in Allah and the noble Prophet Muhammad, and seek protection from the torment of this world and the torment of the hereafter, only to Allah Azza Wa Jalla. Do not be hostile to one another and commit acts of damage and immorality, for if Allah sends His warning, none will escape destruction.
  • O Servants of Allah, verily Dajjal has worn his robe, speaking softly and wisely, and he is near these lands, with his right eye blind, which heals from wounds so quickly. But Allah maintains his blind right eye without being able to be healed by him.
  • O Servants of Allah, indeed I (Ahmad) and Prophet Khidr are neither myths nor liars. I leave all matters to Allah, and to Allah alone do I trust."

Ahmad F. Bin Abdullah Alwi Syam

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