3 to13 then became 313 to become a blessing according to Prophet Khidir

3 to13 then became 313 to become a blessing according to Prophet Khidir

3 to13 then became 313 to become a blessing according to Prophet Khidir

September 7, 2024

3 to13 then became 313 to become a blessing according to Prophet Khidir

As the time for dhuha  approached, Prophet Khidr (AS) came to me with a greeting and a smile, which made me feel different, as he usually did not greet me with a smile like this. In a gentle voice, he said:

"O Ahmad, rise... and perform wudhu before I convey to you what AllahAzzaWaJallahas told me to pass on to you.

O Ahmad, as I awoke from my sleep last night, just before the time for fajr, a light appeared before me, descending from the heavens towards the land of Arkhabīl, and Allah commanded me to go to the place where this cooling light had descended.

O Ahmad, do you know what that light is? That light is the light of Allah’s and Rasulullah’s love, directed toward the homes of your followers who shed tears of longing for Rasulullah. It is a sign that Allah and Rasulullah also welcome them with the light of love and forgiveness. Let your followers earnestly work on improving themselves, mending their relationship with Allah, strengthening their bond with their spouses, fixing ties with their relatives and neighbors, and honoring their relationships with their parents, both those still living and those who have passed away. They should maintain the ties of kinship among themselves and not let themselves be divided.

O Ahmad, I smiled in awe and happiness as I gazed at your 13 companions gathered in one place, planning various ways to maintain their brotherhood. What made the noble Rasulullah Muhammad smile was their genuine closeness, which had little to do with worldly concerns. That is the true essence of friendship in Islam. What made me smile with pride was the women, who shed more tears before fajr, then wiped their tears and continued their fajrprayers with deep devotion and longing for their Rabb and the noble Prophet Muhammad saw. Meanwhile, most of the men in your boat were still in deep sleep. Some only observed and listened to what you wrote and said, while others chose to keep their longing and tears to themselves.

This is what made me smile. And there is one piece of news from Allah AzzaWaJalla that made me smile and feel proud: this morning, Allah forgave and showered His light of love upon the homes of your female followers ten compared by three. Let these women guard their tongues from gossip and refrain from speaking harshly to their husbands and children, for Allah knows this and informed me this morning. Indeed, some of them have been destined by Allah to have better spouses than before if they remain among Allah’s servants who are patient and protect themselves from disgraceful deeds. Truly, some of their intentions and plans have already reached fulfillment, and Allah will open the door to blessings and success for them if they remain patient and steadfast in their intentions and businesses, and He will bless their fields.

O Ahmad, among the thirteen of your companions whom Allah observed in their gathering place, some of them are leaders over the rest. Let those who lead (those who are elder) improve their noble character, increase their patience, and cleanse their hearts of worldly desires (hubud-dunya). Indeed, noble character, which embodies patience, sincerity, enthusiasm, and love for others, is the key to unlocking Allah’s mercy and blessings. Let them guard their hearts and actions as they sat and joked in that place.

Indeed, upon some of their "hands," Allah has bestowed goodness, upon others, He has placed blessings upon their fields and businesses, and upon some, He has placed the light of goodness on their tongues. Let them guard their hearts from the temptations of desire and Satan, as this will increase the light of honor upon their faces and within themselves.

O Ahmad, let there be among them those who demonstrate noble character and firmness towards certain people from your land who intend to start businesses in their country. Let them fulfill their duty to protect their homeland from those with worldly desires (hubud-dunya), and let them be the best examples in upholding the laws and regulations of their country. This way, those coming to their land will understand that there are rules and laws they must obey. Such is more beloved to Allah and the noble Prophet Muhammad than those who chase the world and bow before the wealthy who come to their land, sacrificing the dignity and honor of their homeland. Truly, sitting with the poor, spreading respect, love, and kindness to everyone is better and brings more blessings than the joy of sitting with the wealthy, who appear to promise the world with their clothing. Who is the owner of wealth and happiness? It is AllahAzzaWaJalla—not those who wear religious attire to seek worldly gain. The best of servants are those with knowledge, the best of the knowledgeable are those with noble character and piety, and the best of the pious are those who plant the most seeds of goodness among Allah’s creatures and bring joy to their brothers and sisters.

O Ahmad, hasten to leave your home for your fields, and go to your brothers and sisters, and to the place I will inform you of along your journey. Indeed, someone with their group is sincerely awaiting your arrival, and among them, you must advise some to leave their current ways of drawing closer to Allah. Guide them to the path that follows the Sunnah of the noble Rasulullah, for they are people who are obedient and loyal to their teachers. They are the 18 who will bring goodness to themselves if they understand. Tell them that it is not easy to walk with you on the path and way of the Malamatiyyah (those who hide their good deeds). Among the explanations and stories of the Malamatiyyah spread in your land, know that Allah did not create that path to be the same as the previous paths. Truly, the explanations about Malamatiyyahare not like that, to the point that the explanations of the scholars in your country have only created a generation that is lazy and dreams of reaching the rank of sainthood, to the point that they go naked without following the Shariah and walk without the correct guidance and monotheism.

O Ahmad, let them not feel proud of you and me. Truly, it is Allah who willed for them to gather in that place, and in their hands lies a test from Allah. Let them be patient and fear Allah with true piety. Indeed, the real jewels lie in their hearts if they understand and cleanse them, not in the jewels in their hands. Let them understand the meaning of JawahirulMakhfiyyah until their hearts are purified and they learn how to fortify their hearts from the temptations of desire and Satan. 

This is better for them than rejoicing over the news of what lies beneath their fields."

Ahmad F. Bin Abdullah A. Syams

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