Messages to Ahmad on the day of Prophet Muhammad's SAW birth from Prophet Khidir AS

Messages to Ahmad on the day of Prophet Muhammad's SAW birth from Prophet Khidir AS

Messages to Ahmad on the day of Prophet Muhammad's SAW birth from Prophet Khidir AS

5th September 2024

Messages to Ahmad on the day of Prophet Muhammad's SAW birth from Prophet Khidir AS

Prophet Khidr visited me just before dawn this morning. He appeared in different attire than usual — his clothing was pure white, immaculate, and very neat. Then he said:

“O Ahmad, has the month not arrived in which all of creation sends blessings, filled with tenderness as it recalls the beautiful time when a noble woman (Siti Aminah) was visited by angels and celestial beings who brought the glad tidings of the imminent birth of the one whom Allah purified in her womb, the Noble Prophet Muhammad? Indeed, at the beginning of this month, I and the other Prophets wear white garments as a sign of honor to the Noble Prophet Muhammad, and the entire universe sends blessings upon him. Therefore, from today onwards, you should wear white at night and perform two units of prayer as a sign of gratitude to Allah for the birth of the Noble Prophet Muhammad. After the prayer, prostrate again in submission and thankfulness, reciting the words I will teach you. Indeed, this is the act of the pious, those who seek the intercession of your grandfather, the Noble Prophet Muhammad.

O Ahmad, delay your departure by one or two days until I show you the direction of your journey. Truly, Allah will not waste your patience, and the devil seeks to prevent you from reaching that hill through various deceptions, stabbing your chest from the left and right. Your patience has enraged the devil, causing him to distract your wives and some of your companions. Let them be aware of the devil’s vile tricks.

O Ahmad, AllahAzzaWaJalla has informed me that He has fortified your homeland and commanded the earth and sea to calm their turbulence because of the sincerity of your followers. There will be no tremors or disasters in the lands of your followers, except for minor shaking that will not cause any of their buildings to collapse. Indeed, the tremors in the lands of some of your followers will be light. Let them give thanks, for Allah has diverted the disaster to distant places, in the east and west of your country. This is easy for Allah, for everything submits to Him. He is Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Praiseworthy.

O Ahmad, the southern lands of your country will rise in some parts and sink in others after the tremor in the sea of your land, and the waves will barely reach the shore — only as high as a tall male elephant — except in the east and west of your country. Indeed, Allah has answered your prayers. Be patient and strive earnestly in carrying out Allah’s commands.

O Ahmad, did I not tell you that the disaster will only occur in parts of your homeland? And only in parts of your country? Have they not arrogantly built their cities with oppression and for their own selfish gain? Do they think the cities they have constructed will be safe from Allah’s wrath? Not so, O Ahmad. They will find nothing there but regret and disgrace. Indeed, that place will tremble until several buildings they have erected will be damaged, consumed by small creatures and shaken by tremors from within the earth.

O Ahmad, do not return to your homeland, as your mother’s will instructed. Take the house that Allah has decreed for you after the ‘Nun Fish’ faces you in this blessed month. Recite the supplication I have taught you. Have not the signs of the Nun’s arrival already been witnessed by you and all the people of your land? The small fish that surfaced on land are a sign that your meeting with it is near. Do not hesitate. Overcome your weariness and pain, for truly Allah will open the path for your ship, a path full of beauty and abundant blessings.”

Ahmad F. Bin Abdullah A. Syams

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