Fiery Hole in the Ocean Floor

Fiery Hole in the Ocean Floor

Fiery Hole in the Ocean Floor

August 18, 2024

Fiery Hole in the Ocean Floor

Prophet Khidr AS visited me tonight. In between my sleepiness he said :

"O Ahmad, get up and sit with me tonight. Listen and write down everything. Do not withhold even a single word out of shyness or fear. Verily, Allah is our Rabb, the All-Knowing of all that is within the hearts, and He is the best Helper, the best Protector, and the best Guardian.

O Ahmad, do they think that the news I bring to you is from me and you? Do they believe that the warnings and signs they have witnessed are mere coincidences? Tell them. Let them think. How could you and I know that beneath the ocean in the east of your homeland there is a hole filled with fire, connected to a city, forming a mountain that they claim is just a natural occurrence? Indeed, they do not realize that the newly formed mountain is guarded by ten angels who curse the immorality above the city, and ten angels who are ready to shake their land.

O Ahmad, let your followers be patient and not harbor suspicion among themselves. Do they consider themselves more righteous and better than others? Indeed, in your boat, there are six individuals with ranks and positions, who in their hearts have the zeal to defend you, but they feel ashamed and await your greeting and salutation. Tell them that you are not God who knows what is in their hearts; they should be patient and greet you. Such is the goodness in building relationships for the sake of Allah.

O Ahmad, I inform you that the Nun fish is now in the east of your homeland. Leave the distractions of this world behind, for I have heard that some of your loyal followers have agreed to assist you so that you may undertake your journey to the hill by the sea. Has not Allah lightened the burden on your shoulders? And has not Allah lightened the burden on your wife's shoulders? Do you and your wife wish to fall back into exhausting trials? Do you not see the abundant gifts Allah has bestowed upon you? Do you think you will live forever in this world? Verily, a bee is better than you in obeying Allah; a bee follows Allah's command and fulfills its destiny, even traversing great distances and returning with honey that benefits itself and others, and even humans. That is the best of creatures, who strives and benefits other creatures.

O Ahmad, have they forgotten that AllahAzzaWaJalla, is All-Knowing and All-Hearing? Some people wish to use your name to seek fame, and some of them write as they please, following their desires. Verily, the purity of water from a refreshing spring is not the same as the clarity of a mirage under the scorching sun. Can it refresh? No! Indeed, if they follow it, they will find no refreshment but only thirst and destruction.

O Ahmad, have I not informed you that you and your followers are being tested? Do they think that by following you, they will be safe from the wrath of Allah? Do they think that by being your companion, they will be spared from calamities and disasters? No...! Except for those who understand the three lights of JawahirulMakhfiyyah and the purpose and meaning of Nurul Makhfiyyah. Indeed, I tell you to convey to the Ummah of the Noble Prophet Muhammad SAW, that nothing I have conveyed to you contradicts the Quran and the sacred words of the Noble Prophet Muhammad SAW. It is not the news you write that is bad, but their hearts are veiled by the filth of the world and the devils.

O Ahmad, you must be patient and tell your followers that nothing you do is except by Allah's command that I deliver to you. Let them not precede your words, and let them not hesitate to carry out the commands I give you. And do not feel embarrassed or shy to convey the commands to them. Indeed, three years is not a long time, and let them understand. Has Allah not already opened some doors of blessings? Let them be earnest and not delay out of fear or weariness. Verily, there is no lasting peace and happiness in this world, except for those who enter the beautiful gates in the gardens of Paradise.

O Ahmad, indeed the storm, flood, and tremor of tomorrow are warnings for them. Will they close their eyes, ears, and hearts to the news you convey? Verily, Allah will shake the land they think is safe, and the scholars say so, so that they may repent, and that their leaders may calm their followers who dispute with one another. Do they think they are doing good by allowing their followers to quarrel? No... They will be faced with the gates of Hell and enter it without reckoning. Let them be aware.

O Ahmad, when the roar of the ocean and the sky above your homeland, and the great quake in the east of your homeland occur, you must quickly go to the place where the Nun fish will meet you. And say that it is AllahAzzawajalla, the Mighty, who is Most Great and has power over all things. Do not stop praising Allah while the storm lashes against you. Verily, Allah will protect you from the storm, the roar, and the tremor beneath your feet. And tell all the Ummah of the Noble Prophet Muhammad that I will teach them the words they need to hear and pay attention.

Ahmad F bin Abdullah ASyams

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