Order To Ahmad To Open His Face

Order To Ahmad To Open His Face

Order To Ahmad To Open His Face

Continuation from 18/8/2024

Order To Ahmad To Open His Face

Prophet Khidr AS returned to me as I sat on my prayer mat... He smiled and said:

"O Ahmad, I bring news that will surprise you and your followers...

That Allah AzzaWaJalla has asked me to convey a different command.

Indeed, Allah wishes to test you and them... And Allah wishes to protect you from the liars who use your name and claim to be Ahmad who has been guided...

O Ahmad, reveal your face to the Ummah of your grandfather, the Noble Prophet Muhammad, so that those who have wrongly assumed and followed the liars using your name may understand that you are among them... Indeed, Allah will protect you from the liars and the people who wish to wrong you... Indeed, Allah's protection and help will come to His servants who are patient and pious.

O Ahmad... Hasten. Allah AzzaWaJalla will protect you... Even those who have seen the picture of your face, they will not be able to look at you and recognize you when they are in your presence, even if they sit very close to you..."

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