6 Circumstances That Make Repentance Rejected

6 Circumstances That Make Repentance Rejected

6 Circumstances That Make Repentance Rejected

19th August 2024

6 Circumstances That Make Repentance Rejected

Prophet Khidr AS came to me tonight, and he said:

"O Ahmad, I have returned to you, and indeed the journey of the Nun fish has slowly reached the south of your country. Prepare yourself, and

 aren't you, your wife, and your child now far from your birthplace?

What is it that saddens you?

Haven't they in your homeland ignored you, with some even mocking and calling you a liar?

And haven't some distanced themselves from you due to their own mistakes?

Indeed, it is not you who severed the ties of kinship, but it is them who are unable to control themselves.

O Ahmad, I have come to give you advice; listen and write it down so that the Ummah of the Noble Prophet Muhammad may understand and follow it. Indeed, those who are saved from these five matters will find happiness at the end of their lives. But endless misery awaits those who are not saved from these five matters.

O Ahmad, it has been decreed by Allah AzzaWaJalla that the repentance of a servant is rejected in six situations:

1. The state of SakaratulMaut when the soul has passed beyond the throat.

2. When the sun has truly risen from the west.

3. The repentance of a polytheist.

4. The repentance of a disobedient child whose parents have passed away (whether stepmother or stepfather as well). Except for repentance through four matters:

  • Maintaining their prayers throughout their lives.
  • Giving charity in the name of their parents.
  • Paying off their parents' debts.
  • Guarding their tongue and heart throughout their lives.

5. The repentance of those who engage in backbiting, slander, tale-bearing, and envy. Except they repent through three matters:

  • Restoring the good name of the person who was backbitten or slandered, asking for forgiveness, and being forgiven.
  • Compensating all losses to a person or group due to the tale-bearing, asking for forgiveness from all their victims, and being forgiven.
  • The envious person must cleanse themselves and the traces of their wrongdoing caused by envy, asking for forgiveness and being forgiven.

6. Disobedience to a teacher (insulting, belittling, considering the teacher lower than oneself, considering the teacher's knowledge lesser than one's own), even if the teacher only taught them to smile or a single letter from the letters of the Qur'an.

O Ahmad, do not feel burdened and afraid of Allah's command to show your face to the Ummah of the Noble Prophet Muhammad. Indeed, this is Allah's great wisdom for you and your followers, so that false claims made in your name can be disproved. Indeed, there are nineteen people who claim to be you (Ahmad) and claim that all the news I have written is from them, to the extent that some of them have gained followers because your face has been hidden, allowing them to freely use your name. And some of them quote your writings and become foolish fortunetellers and liars. This is because Allah wishes to protect you from their slanders.

Let yourself and your followers be patient, and say to them... Indeed, praise will bring trials from desires and devils, while censure and insults will bring blessings and elevate one's rank in the sight of Allah if you are patient. And don't you (followers of Ahmad) praise him more than you praise Allah and the Noble Messenger Muhammad.

Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyams

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