Ahmad Carried out God's Order to Avoid Great Disasters

Ahmad Carried out God's Order to Avoid Great Disasters

Ahmad Carried out God's Order to Avoid Great Disasters

August 20, 2024

Ahmad Carried out God's Order to Avoid Great Disasters

Prophet Khidr AS came to me towards the end of the Dhuha prayer time... He said:

"O Ahmad, Allah AzzaWaJalla has once again sent me to meet you, and I am commanded to inquire about the sadness in your prayers every morning and evening, and to answer all your questions. Allah AzzaWaJalla also asks you to write down our conversation and not to leave out even a single word, even if you are reluctant to do so.

O Ahmad, what is it that makes you cry in the morning and evening?"

I responded, "O Wise Servant of Allah, Noble Prophet Khidr, indeed I cry in my prayers because of the many sins I have committed. And I worry about the news spread by people about a great earthquake and the rising sea levels in my country. Does Allah no longer listen to my prayers and the prayers of the scholars in my country? 

What is the reason that Allah intends to bring about such a great disaster in my country, O Prophet of Allah? And if there is a way to prevent it, teach me so that I may plead with Allah and persuade the sea and the earth to calm themselves."

"O Ahmad, I have anticipated what you weep and worry about. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing of all that is in the heart and All-Powerful in answering every question and fulfilling the prayers of His servants. And Allah is Most Forgiving and His Forgiveness is Vast.

O Ahmad, if I were to ask about the wrath of Allah, does not a learned person who uses his knowledge to divide the community incur the wrath of the Most Knowledgeable? 

Indeed, the essence of the knowledge that Allah has sent down to this world is to spread compassion among Allah's creatures and to create benefits for the entire universe as a mercy to all creation (Rahmatan Lil Alamin). It is not meant to foster arrogance and pride against fellow humans. The highest essence of knowledge is to understand the Supreme Power and the Vastness of Allah's Knowledge, making a servant increase in faith and piety towards Allah. But when knowledge is used to destroy, kill one another, oppress the weak, and harm the environment, then what will come is the will of Allah that is not liked by Allah—a disaster caused by the hands of humans themselves.

O Ahmad, Allah permits me to give you a way to minimize the disaster, or even to move it to places with fewer people. Are you willing to follow Allah's command to walk with me for seven days?"

"O Prophet of Allah, Khidr AS. I will do anything to attain Allah's pleasure and forgiveness and to avert the great disaster from my country and the countries of my brothers (Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore) and the countries where my followers reside, O Wise Prophet of Allah."

Prophet Khidr replied, "O Ahmad, indeed Allah only asks you to go to a city and leave your wives and children for just five days. Do not bring your own vehicle, and let no one who knows you take you there, so that they will not recognize me. Be patient throughout the journey with me. Indeed, Allah will provide your wives with sufficient provision, and let them not worry. They should be patient, improve themselves, and ensure they do not miss the Fajr prayer while you are on this journey with me, except if they are in a state of menstruation.

O Ahmad, at the end of the journey, let two of your loyal followers come to pick you up and bring you back to your new home. During the journey, guard your heart and tongue, and refuse any offerings that come as tests for you. Take only enough provisions and do what I command you to do on your boat.

O Ahmad, indeed, Allah will only grant two of your requests during the journey. Make a prayer that no Angel or Jinn can hear or understand, except for me and Allah. 

Do not question my five commands to you; simply carry them out. Do not argue with me as you have done several times before by saying, 'I am not Prophet Musa, and I am not a Prophet, and Allah will surely understand this.' Do not speak this way during this journey. Indeed, you are the only one who has repeatedly refused and debated me throughout our meetings, but this time, do not do so, for all of this is not my will but the will of Allah upon you.

O Ahmad, if during the three days of the five-day journey you do not make any mistakes, Allah will lessen the tremors of the earthquake when the earth begins to shake and rub against each other, and the sea will lower its waves on the shores of your homeland, even if the tremors cause the sea to rise as high as the tallest buildings in your country. Are you willing to carry out this task, O Grandson of the Noble Prophet Muhammad?"

I, Ahmad, replied, "O Wise Servant of Allah, I will do anything for my homeland and my brothers."

Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyams

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