Ahmad was ordered to plant wood from Mount Qaf

Ahmad was ordered to plant wood from Mount Qaf

Ahmad was ordered to plant wood from Mount Qaf

August 23, 2024

Ahmad was ordered to plant wood from Mount Qaf

Prophet Khidr (AS) visited me between sleep and wakefulness. He said:

"O Ahmad, wake up and dispel your fatigue. Indeed, performing two rakaats of prayer before sleep is better for you and brings forth Allah's mercy and forgiveness. Perform ablution and listen to what I say, write it down, and convey it."

"O Ahmad, Allah AzzaWaJalla has commanded me to come to you with news that the earth, seas, and mountains do not favor people who precede the will and destiny of Allah. 

What is more important? The warnings from Allah AzzaWaJalla, or the news that people spread about impending great disasters? 

Indeed, what they do should not cause humanity to flee from the will of Allah AzzaWaJalla. Rather, they should provide teachings and lessons so that humanity can save themselves from great disasters."

"O Ahmad, tell me, do they fear minor disasters in the sight of Allah that shake the land and seas, which are reminders for those who exceed the limits in the lands you love, more than the severe disaster that will shake on the Day of Judgment as described in the Qur'an?" 

They should maintain their faith and piety, for Allah is the best protector and helper."

"O Ahmad, Allah AzzaWaJalla has requested me to give you some wood that I brought from a tree on Mount Qof. You should plant it in three places in your homeland and perform four tests that Allah has prescribed for you. Do this secretly, so that no one knows, until Allah causes a mountain and stone to grow as a reinforcement for the earth in your homeland. And let no one witness you planting the wood, even in the midst of the city **, village ***, and village ****."

"O Ahmad, indeed, in that black stone are tests and wisdom. The best servants in the sight of Allah are those who are strong in controlling their desires and those who are honest and patient in holding the trust of Allah AzzaWaJalla. If someone fails to maintain Allah’s trust and commits the same folly, indeed Allah will not grant them another chance to achieve their goals. 

This is very unfortunate for those who claim to believe in Allah and the Noble Messenger Muhammad but cannot control their desires and commit the same folly. Do they think that Allah only possesses the attributes of being Most Forgiving and Most Wise? 

Indeed, they forget that Allah also possesses the attribute of being Severe in Punishment. One should repent during this final opportunity. Tell them, O Ahmad, that there will be no further chance after this, except for Allah’s punishments throughout their life until their sins are expiated."

"O Ahmad, do you doubt the wood that seems worthless in my hands? 

You should perform what is obligatory for you. Indeed, Allah’s judgment is more important than the judgment of all the people on the surface of the earth. 

Isn’t the tremor close to your residence sufficient as a sign that it is time for you to fulfill His commands? 

If not, indeed, Allah will shake the earth closer to you until you understand. Isn’t it you who asked Allah to fulfill your prayers and bring calm to the earth or lessen its tremors? 

Go… and be patient and resolute."

"O Ahmad, indeed your tears make Allah compassionate towards you. Seek honey that I will show you during your journey to plant the wood. Give it to the child of your follower who is suffering from a heart condition. Take the honey without damaging its hive. Indeed, your esteemed ancestor, the Noble Prophet Muhammad, once did this for the son of a poor companion, and Allah restored his health. I pray for the health of your daughter, who always includes prayers for the Prophet and greetings to me. I, Balya bin Malkan, will assist you in obtaining the honey. Allah will show His power again on your ship."

"O Ahmad, indeed, a great trade will be entrusted to some of your followers in their land. They should not act outside what Allah has decreed with you. They should not make decisions without consulting you, and the trade should be conducted in your land, which a woman desires. Indeed, there is no success except when the significance of the trade is diminished if done outside your land. 

Allah wishes to provide them with sufficiency and blessings. Indeed, from the fields of your followers, examples will be set for the fields in their homeland. 

Haven’t I already conveyed this before? They should not neglect their fields until they become wasteful. Allah is angry with those who neglect their fields and ignore them without having beneficial trees for themselves and their descendants."

Ahmad F. Bin A. Alwi Syam

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