God's Command to the Earth to Soften Its Vibrations

God's Command to the Earth to Soften Its Vibrations

God's Command to the Earth to Soften Its Vibrations

Saturday, August 24, 2024

God's Command to the Earth to Soften Its Vibrations

Prophet Khidr visited me this afternoon and said:

"O Ahmad, indeed, glory is attained by a servant through their patience and piety. The best of servants are those who are pious and righteous in their deeds. And the best of the pious and righteous are those who perform good deeds in secrecy, far from the traits of Riya' (showing off) and Hubbud Dunia (love of worldly things).

O Ahmad, tell your followers that there should be someone in their homes who performs QiyamulLail (night prayers), attends the morning prayers, remembers Allah until the sun rises, and fortifies their homes by reciting the holy verses of the Qur'an. This brings more safety and protection from Allah AzzaWaJalla to their lives and possessions from calamities and disasters that may come.

O Ahmad, the earth has spoken to me, saying, 'O Balya bin Malkan, is the wood planted by Ahmad like the tree on Mount Qof? For I feel its coolness, joy, and tranquility.' 

I, Balya bin Malkan, responded to the earth, 'Just as the son of Khizba, my brother, did… and just as Ahmad, the son of A. AlwieSyams, does in this time, let us (Prophet Khidr and the Earth) obey all the commands of Allah, and let the Earth soften its tremors on the lands known to Ahmad. And let the high waves of the sea lower themselves on the lands that Ahmad passes through. This is the command of Allah AzzaWajalla, demonstrating His power over the land of Arkhabil, and indeed, even the mountains should calm their roar as Ahmad travels through their places.'

O Ahmad, tell mankind, who will soften and lessen the tremors of the earth and the sea on their lands? 

Say! It is Allah AzzaWajalla, and for the love of your noble grandfather, Prophet Muhammad, upon your small boat. Let those aboard it increase their love for the noble Prophet Muhammad SAW by embodying AkhlakulKarimah as their attire and having soft hearts to maintain the bonds of brotherhood among the followers of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

O Ahmad, tell all your followers, do they perform prayers and righteous deeds merely out of fear of impending earthquakes and high sea waves as announced by many who hold positions and instruments? 

Indeed, such prayers and righteous deeds are of no benefit if that is the case. The impending calamity is not the end of the universe but a reminder for those who transgress and ignore Allah's warnings and protect themselves from sin.

O Ahmad, your coming to the hill with me will soften and nullify all the news that people report, except in some places far from the homes of your wives and followers, as a testament to Allah's power over your boat. Let this not lead to arrogance in yourself and your followers but increase their faith and piety towards Allah AzzaWajalla, and make them servants of Allah who are patient and sincere in their lives until the end of time.

O Ahmad, hasten to plant the two remaining pieces of wood in my hand so that the earth and sea may become calm, and Allah may lessen their tremors and waves upon your boats.

O Ahmad, indeed, a small tremor in Malaka only signifies the transfer of blessings in the land among some of your followers. They should be patient and remain grateful servants of Allah."

Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyams

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