Practices That Can Save Yourself From Future Disasters

Practices That Can Save Yourself From Future Disasters

Practices That Can Save Yourself From Future Disasters


August 24, 2024.(Audio Conversion to Text)

Practices That Can Save Yourself From Future Disasters

Assalamualaikumw.r.b, Bismillah walhamdulillah, wassolatuwassalamu ala saidinaMuhammadinabdillah, wa ala abihiwaummihiwabashabihuabubakr, waumarwaosmanwa Ali wassohabatinajmain.

Today, on this Saturday, August 24, 2024, I, Ahmad, express my gratitude to Allah s.w.t. for on this day, I am set to depart. Then, Prophet Khidra.s. came to me, and he said, “O Ahmad, indeed, Allah s.w.t. will observe your departure today.” A heavy rain accompanied by strong winds occurred near my house. He said that with the sign of a tremor near my residence, it means I must depart today. And Allah s.w.t. said that on the SafinatusSyariun, due to the love of our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. for the Assyariun boat, none of those in the assembly who sincerely pledged their allegiance on the SafinatusSyariun will be shaken, except for a minor tremor only. He also stated, “O Ahmad, strive to do what Allah commands, to plant three trees starting from the west, the center, and the east of Java Island. However, indeed, the eastern part of your homeland is a region where members of the assembly, who have sincerity, reside near the coast of Lombok.” Then he gave me three sticks that I was instructed to plant today and in the coming days, following his teachings.

“O Ahmad, do not worry or be afraid; Allah will not send punishment on your land unless He relocates it to places with few followers of the SafinatusSyariun. Then, Prophet Khidr advised those who have fields to consider not wasting the fields they own. Indeed, Allah s.w.t. protects and preserves the servants of Allah who are patient and sincere in fulfilling their obligations to themselves, their children, and in honoring their spouses. Such are the qualities and attitudes of Allah’s servants who are pious and follow the Sunnah of Rasulullahs.a.w.

“O Ahmad, indeed, four people whom you will meet on your journey, free them from their debts. Allah will bring them, and they will be guided by Prophet Khidra.s.” Then, Prophet Khidr spread out his turban, showing me the paths I should take. Indeed, it is not an easy path. Then he said, “O Ahmad, go and visit alone, for Allah is with you, and do not be afraid of your condition and health. Do you not feel the anxiety, the fear amidst the community, with the news of a great tremor? Indeed, only Allah can and is capable of everything, who is better in providing help and protection, who is Most Powerful, Most Just, and Most Wise.”

Prophet Khidr said, “Let your followers know not to abandon the Fajr prayer and not to sleep after the Fajr prayer until dawn. Let your followers perform Qiyamullail and zikrullah during the last third of the night. The best servants are those who are awake at the early dawn until the arrival of Fajr. Such actions will save them from calamities, disasters, and catastrophes that may come.

“And increase zikrullah, seeking forgiveness from Allah, glorifying Allah with sincerity in their hearts, hoping for forgiveness, help, and protection from Allah during the last third of the night. And increase remembrance in the morning after Fajr prayer by reciting ‘HASBIALLAH WANI’MAL WAKIL NI’MAL MAULA WANI’MANNASIR.’ And increase sending salawat for 40 days ahead. This will bring peace and tranquility to the land they tread on and also upon themselves.”

Then Prophet Khidra.s. said, “O Ahmad, has Allah not caused the sun to rise before your eyes? And in the eyes of some of your followers, three by three, bringing five and forty ahead. Indeed, Allah has spread the path of blessings. Let your three followers be trustworthy, honest, and just. And let them increase their faith and piety towards Allah s.w.t.

“Let yourself be more trustworthy than your followers, who have been entrusted by Allah s.w.t. to open the path of blessings to the fields and the lives of your followers who are in the SafinatusSyariun. Therefore, pay attention to them, love them as Rasulullahs.a.w. loved them all. Let your followers be compassionate towards each other and not forget to always glorify Allah wherever they are, and remember Allah wherever they are. Begin all activities with Bismillah and end all activities with Alhamdulillah. And seek forgiveness from Allah at night. Such are the qualities of those who are pious towards Allah.”

With this, these practices will make Allah recognize them all. And the earth and the seas will soften towards them all. O Ahmad, indeed, after you leave your city, Allah s.w.t. will truly send a warning upon your city and country. Indeed, they are none other than people who are blind and deaf to the truth. Indeed, the sun will become scorching for several days ahead during your journey. However, Allah will soften the sun over your boat and your followers. Let them not be worried if they truly fear Allah and are patient with all of Allah’s decrees.

“O Ahmad, I hear the news that Allah is strengthening the structures of the houses of your loyal and sincere followers because of Allah. Those who practice patience and do not repay insults with insults, such are the qualities of the wise, the believers, and the pious. Let yourself and your followers pray for them, that they may be forgiven and guided by Allah s.w.t.

Prophet Khidr said, “Rise, get up, and walk. Indeed, you are not undertaking something of your own will, but you are carrying out Allah’s command. Do not be sad and grieve over the situation you receive today. Allah’s commands have much wisdom in them for you and your loyal followers. O Ahmad, let those three truly guard themselves, their tongues, their hearts, and their eyes from disobedience. And avoid actions that are displeasing to Allah s.w.t.

“Such actions will bring blessings upon what they are currently undertaking. Indeed, six of your followers, one of whom you have known and greeted, let him be patient and follow the guidance that Allah will give him in his dreams. And what he thinks is indeed good that will come.

“O Ahmad, say, has it not been seen what you foretold before the fish Nun came? At the far southern coast of your country, its arrival was accompanied by fish rising to the shore. Are they blind and deaf to this event? Indeed, all these are signs of Allah’s power over the world and over your country. Let your followers in both countries be patient. Indeed, Allah will not send a great punishment upon the land of Malaysia and the land of Indonesia, except for a few minor tremors. If you are truly able to carry out and plant these trees properly, without anyone seeing what you are doing. Indeed, Allah is Most Powerful and the Best Helper, Protector, and Assessor of human deeds, is Allah Azzawajalla. Seek evaluation and also seek ranks before Allah, and disregard the pain, the insults.

“Indeed, human insults towards a believer and the pious only make the pious one patient, rising to a righteous rank, a high rank, in the sight of Allah. Indeed, their insults and mockery only open the path of blessings upon your boat and also open blessings upon yourself and your followers who are patient. Indeed, patience will bring beauty later, when you stand before Allah and His Messenger, on the Day of Judgment, that is the Day of Gathering.

“O Ahmad, convey this news only to your followers. Let your followers be patient and not spread this news. Except if there is arrogance in their hearts. Indeed, Allah does not like arrogance. Therefore, the news that you must convey now is only for your followers, to calm their hearts so that they remain steadfast on the good path, the true path, the path leading to Allah’s forgiveness and pleasure.

“O Ahmad, convey my greetings to your followers, that I, Balya bin Malkan, sat with one of the dignitaries in the mosque during Friday prayers yesterday. Indeed, I knew his heart’s intentions, and I found no doubt in the heart of the person I sat with in the fifth row. Let him focus his heart and mind solely on the struggle, building goodness, sincerity, and togetherness in the SafinatusSyariun, and whatever Allah will give. Namely, a great responsibility towards companies. Which, InsyaAllah, Allah will be pleased with, and they must carry out the trust well, paying attention to the poor and orphans on your boat in the best way.”

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