Scholars who love to be praised and love wealth

Scholars who love to be praised and love wealth

Scholars who love to be praised and love wealth

Sunday, 25,August 2024.

Scholars who love to be praised and love wealth

As evening approached, Prophet Khidr sat beside me during our journey together. He seemed sorrowful and said:

"Oh Ahmad, Allah has truly shown me the state of many scholars in your country who sleep on luxurious beds and live with abundant wealth, while they are in a state of 'slaughter' and far from the fragrant scent of Allah’s Paradise, the Most Exalted and Most Glorious. They believe they are safe and secure from Allah’s Wrath. 

They are the scholars who are in love with the world and crave praise, who, on the Day of Judgement, Allah and the noble Prophet Muhammad will turn away from. They are the worst inhabitants of Hell.

Oh Ahmad, those who possess knowledge but love praise and the world, are like people walking without a head throughout their lives, leading the community towards division and the gates of Hell. Indeed, your noble grandfather, the radiant Prophet Muhammad, once said that a scholar should practice his knowledge to unite the community and not divide it. There is no greater calamity in this world than a scholar who issues fatwas with anger and hatred towards fellow scholars, bringing each other down. Truly, those who are mad for praise make it easier for devils to control their hearts, until they unknowingly find themselves in the embrace of Iblis, who comes with deception and slander.

Oh Ahmad, a few days ago, Allah commanded me to approach you while you were among those who love the world and crave status. They showed you hospitality and politeness, but their hearts were full of worldly desires and a thirst for praise. Allah showed me that you were not swayed by their garments, and in their hearts lies arrogance over their attire. Tell them, who else has more enduring status and rank other than Allah..? Only Allah remains eternal with all His Power. 

Indeed, your stance of not yielding to their flattery and praise is the best attitude of a servant of Allah. They are worshippers of those with status, feeling proud and powerful because they lean on someone with the highest rank in your country. Their behavior is the worst trait of humans.

Allah sees them no differently than a pack of wolves standing on a large rock in the dark of night, amidst thunder and rain at the edge of a deep ravine. 

Ignore them and leave their group, for Allah’s punishment upon them is not far off. The position held by the person they worship will last no more than three years. Remain firm in your stance, depend solely on Allah, and do not bow your back (humble your heart) to the wealthy but greedy. 

Bow your back only to the poor and those in need of compassion, as you have done all this time. Doing so keeps you further from the torment of Hell. Aren’t they merely the ‘Al-Qolla,’ while you are the ‘JawahirulMakhfiyyah’..? Truly, they are blind and deaf, unable to see the light.

Oh Ahmad, Allah intends to test you before raising you and your followers, if you remain patient and surrender to Allah in all your struggles. Indeed, their boat cannot match the height of yours in the sight of Allah.

Indeed, they will later plead for mercy and beg for help on the Day of Judgement, and in this world, they will face humiliation because the person they exalted falls from his throne. 

This happens because they did not know AllahAzzaWaJalla and were far from the intercession of the noble Prophet Muhammad.

Oh Ahmad, continue your journey until you fulfill your duty with the stick of the wood in your hand, and ignore all that burdens your heart. Surely, someone will come to replace your vehicle so that your journey becomes peaceful. Allah will open the doors of blessings for him and provide a way out of every problem he faces. Truly, this is the path of the Malamatiyyah, the hidden path that is evident in actions and its rewards from Allah, the Most Wise and Most Just.

Oh Ahmad, didn’t they almost redeem that black stone...? And hasn’t the tremor under the feet of your followers in that land become apparent..? 

As a sign of the movement and transfer of blessings in the earth’s womb beneath your followers’ land..? If they are patient and sincere, surely Allah will reveal His power over the wells in their fields. Let them be patient until the time comes."

Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyams

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