Advice from the Prophet SAW to his Descendants

Advice from the Prophet SAW to his Descendants

Advice from the Prophet SAW to his Descendants

August 30, 2024

Advice from the Prophet SAW to his Descendants

Prophet Khidr (AS)in one of his Thursday night advices in the last third of the night...

He said that this advice comes from the Rasulullah (SAW) to all of his descendants from Sayyid Hasan As-Sibthi bin Sayyid Ali, Karomallohuwajhahu.

He said:

"O Ahmad, if someone comes to you in the morning, complaining about their fate, which is actually a flaw in themselves (a personal matter), you should be patient and give them the best advice. Keep their secret in your heart so that only Allah and you know it. Do not tell it to anyone except those who are knowledgeable, guard their hearts, and are trustworthy. Doing so will increase Allah's and the Messenger of Allah's love for you.

This is because Allah trusts you to be a listener connected to the hearing of Allah, the All-Hearing.

O Ahmad, if on a day when you are busy, tired, and in a state of deficiency, a poor person comes to you asking for help, you should be patient and give whatever you can, even if it is just advice and a smile with a glass of water.

Speak truthfully, for that will bring Allah's pleasure, His mercy, and blessings for you and your family.

And this is how Allah sees your heart and character, testing them in His way. He will truly bestow His bounty upon you from a path you never expected.

O Ahmad, if a poor person comes asking for food from you, and you have just put a bite of food in your mouth, while you are on a long journey and have no more provisions for yourself, you should finish your bite and take a sip of water, then give all the remaining food and drink you have.

Doing so is better for you than worrying about what you will eat tomorrow. Truly, Allah is All-Seeing and All-Wise over His righteous and generous servants. Truly, Allah, the Most Rich, will not decrease the rights and sustenance of His servants who have faith and surrender to Him.

Truly, your grandfather, the noble Muhammad, often endured hunger for the sake of the Ummah, and his face remained radiant before the Ummah.

You should follow his character if you desire the mercy of his intercession.

O Ahmad, your noble grandfather, Muhammad, never spoke out of his own desire, but only what was revealed by AllahAzzawajalla. The words that came from his pure tongue were fewer than the good deeds done by his two hands.

And there is no one whose state of "sujud" (prostration) was more perfect than the beloved Prophet Muhammad, the Friend of Allah.

O Ahmad, do not reject gifts, nor should you ask for them unless they have been decreed by Allah for your boat as a test for your followers. Truly, your noble grandfather, Muhammad, has recorded those who will receive honor at his hands (intercession), and most of them are his Ummah, not his blood descendants. And the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, has recorded all the names he will forsake and allow to enter Hell, most of whom are his blood descendants who are arrogant and sin against Allah. Very few from his Ummah who are not his descendants are in his displeasure.

You should strive to earn intercession by fighting against lust and arrogance as the descendants of the noble Prophet Muhammad... Remain as Al-Makhfiy (the Hidden One) until Allah unveils your own veil before the Ummah of your noble grandfather in a place that Allah has decreed, together with your animals. Doing so will protect you from the trials of the end times and from those who are unjust to the descendants of Sayyid Hasan As-Sibthi.

O Ahmad, you should be patient. Truly, today, Allah tells me that the women in your boat have ranks above the men.

Their prayers of Salawat for your noble grandfather, Muhammad, their prayers for me and for you ascend more to the heavens than those of the men in your boat.

Do you know why this is so? Because among them are more women who cry after making mistakes and sincerely ask for forgiveness. Among them are those who are patient with their husbands and children, and among them are those who continue to serve their children and care for them even when they are sick.

Tell them... If they are steadfast in patience and sincerity, truly Allah will reverse their situation, and their sustenance will be greater than that of their husbands.

Do their husbands think that the sustenance that comes from Allah is the result of their own work and hands? No!!! Truly, Allah bestows blessings and sustenance upon the men because of their wives and children in their homes.

O Ahmad, write this down and inform your followers... And practice the good deeds exemplified by your noble grandfather, the Prophet Muhammad, as much as you can. Practicing even a small Sunnah, like smiling in all circumstances, is better than recounting the virtues of your ancestors and your noble grandfather, the Prophet Muhammad.

Do not become someone who speaks a lot but is empty in deeds that reflect noble character.

Ahmad F. Bin Abdullah AlwieSyams

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