Proof of Power: God's 'Hand' Surpasses the Efforts of His Creatures

Proof of Power: God's 'Hand' Surpasses the Efforts of His Creatures

Proof of Power: God's 'Hand' Surpasses the Efforts of His Creatures

12th September 2024

Proof of Power: God's 'Hand' Surpasses the Efforts of His Creatures

As dawn approached today, Prophet Khidr came to me and said:

"O Ahmad, set aside your fatigue, and do not fall asleep until your companion who accompanies you on this journey has awoken and is ready to continue your journey to the shore I have designated. Repair your vehicle so that there are no obstacles preventing you from reaching that shore by Friday.

O Ahmad, indeed the rain and cool clouds have truly covered part of the island in your birthplace, and throughout your journey today, Allah will once again cover the sky until your journey is complete. Isn't everything by the will of Allah, the Most High, that even though you fell asleep eleven times while driving, you were spared from accidents? Seek forgiveness from Allah and be grateful only to Him for His help, for that will bring peace to your heart.

O Ahmad, didn't your companion, who was driving your vehicle, experience how Allah shortened your journey so that, without him realizing it, you missed three cities along the way? Indeed, it is very easy for Allah to do so. Let him be patient and not ask for something beyond your capacity, for indeed Allah has commanded me to speed up your vehicle's journey faster than most people experience. Let him be sincere in accompanying you until the end of your journey at that shore. Isn’t he the grandson of your ancestor’s disciple who was promised? Indeed, if he is patient for the next seven days, Allah will ease all his affairs, and let him surrender to Allah regarding everything he faces. That is more beloved to Allah than asking questions that almost make you make the mistake of asking me.

O Ahmad, tell your wives to remain steadfast and visit each other. Let the first comfort the second when she loses her mother, and let them be patient with all of Allah's commands to you. Let them restrain their anger against those who hate you and those who seek to oppress them. Truly, Allah has fortified and protected them from the injustice of those who seek to take away their rights. If they can keep their hearts united and maintain the strong bond that Allah has established among you, this will weaken the devils and open the way for blessings and goodness for both of them, and ease their parents journey to the best place by Allah, the Most High. Let them not feel burdened in giving charity to their relatives. Is not Allah's promise certain? That a servant of Allah who gives charity sincerely will not be made poor by Allah? Let them be patient.

O Ahmad, neither west nor east will quake, neither south nor north will quake except slightly, until the time of darkness fifty years from now, except for a few islands far from your birthplace. Indeed, the earth and the sea will shake, and storms and tempests will not strike the places you have passed through, except where you will soon face the whale Nun. And let yourself quickly throw the stone given by my brother Ilyas until the moon darkens, signaling that some celestial bodies will collide and cast down their instruments that seek to dominate the holy lands. Do not worry about the consequences, for indeed it is Allah's hand that will do this, not yours.

O Ahmad, there will be no coolness except during the time when you walk around the island in your birthplace from west to south and north until you reach the shore where I have commanded you to remain. Those who claim that the rain falls because of their offerings and not because of your journey will see that Allah will once again bring heat and drought until they despair. Have they not witnessed that during your journey, Allah nearly continuously sent rain and shaded you with clouds throughout your travels in the land of Arkhabil? Truly, foolish are those who still seek proof of the truth. And say to them:

O Ahmad, observe the silent and secure mountain. Strike the earth and say that indeed Allah wills it to tremble and roar, then spew smoke and fire upon it. Let them pay attention as a sign of the truth you have foretold. Indeed, the mountain is not far from you as you pass by it now. Truly, if your companion in that land (Bandung) had not been holding his staff, Allah would indeed have unleashed what is within the mountain, causing both the east and west of it to quake and send forth a high column of smoke. This is easy for Allah to accomplish.

O Ahmad, hasten to wake your companion and continue your journey. Do not feel pity for him, for I sense sincerity behind his habit of asking many questions. And when you reach the shore, let him continue with his worldly affairs until another companion comes to accompany you on your journey. Do not fall asleep before the sun rises, and be patient.

O Ahmad, Allah will once again shake and bring storms to the lands around yours, the land of Malacca, and the western lands as a sign of the time when several of your companions in Malacca will visit the fields and observe them. Indeed, the quakes and storms are signs that Allah intends to dry up the wealth beneath their feet and transfer it to the land of Arkhabil. Let you and your followers keep this secret, for indeed if greed resides in their hearts and Allah does not find honesty and sincerity, they will find nothing beneath the fields but dirt and mud. Let those in the land of Arkhabil understand that Allah intends to honor them with goodness and justice. Let them hasten to seek Allah’s forgiveness and repent. Indeed, this is nobler than what is upon their heads and shoulders.

O Ahmad, sit with them, your followers from your land, invite them at the end of your journey this month. Allah intends to test their loyalty, and tell them what I have taught you, so that the pillars in their places will remain strong after them.

Ahmad F. Bin A. Alwi Syams

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