Guard Yourself Against the Temptations of Satan and Desires

Guard Yourself Against the Temptations of Satan and Desires

Guard Yourself Against the Temptations of Satan and Desires

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Guard Yourself Against the Temptations of Satan and Desires

O Ahmad, write and do not omit any of the words I convey to you. Truly, Allah AzzaWaJalla desires that the people of the end times read this. Do not feel afraid or anxious; those who are wicked and seek you only for prestige and proof from your "hand" will not reach you. Do not hesitate or fear to convey what Allah commands to your followers; this is for their good, to keep them away from worldly desires and deception, and to guard them against the temptations of lust and Satan.

O Ahmad, "By the One who controls the Universe, who holds the moons and stars in the sky. Truly, the east and west are distances of time; no human escapes the gaze of Allah AzzaWaJalla regarding all hidden and visible deeds. The south and north are signs of His power, from which He sends punishment upon those who exceed the limits and those who are filthy in their actions.

Indeed, in all of creation in the universe are proofs of Allah's power and signs of His Majesty.

O Ahmad, has not Allah shown the lunar eclipse while you were sitting with your followers? And has He not displayed the white honeycomb and allowed you to give it to two of your followers, one of whom came from a seller who sold it at a high price? Know that the seller is none other than myself, testing you and your followers. Truly, in that honey are 77 benefits, and one piece of honeycomb I have given to you in your home, before your followers. This is because Allah willed it. Has not a dream come to the one in need of that honey? And has Allah not lifted his illness in his dream? And has He not healed a man who suffered the same ailment, whose wife is your follower? Truly, it is very easy for Allah to do so. They should repent and do righteous deeds afterward. This is a sign of a faithful and grateful servant of Allah.

O Ahmad, tell your followers to truly guard themselves against the temptations of lust and Satan. They should not mix men and women in one group, except for a few trusted individuals. Helping the poor and elderly widows is more beloved to Allah than helping out of pity for those they like or please. This will keep them away from poverty and anxiety and protect them from the temptations of lust and Satan. I have shown you the names that will lead your ship and are trustworthy in holding the trust of the people on board. You should convey to them those whom Allah has appointed as leaders and trustworthy for the next ten years.

O Ahmad, there is no superiority of men over women on your ship; indeed, the women are better at restraining their anger and improving themselves, while men seem to lag five steps behind the seven stages of glory in the sight of Allah. Indeed, Allah wants to open a path of blessings among them (the women) with their plans aboard your ship. Truly, the businesses planned by several men can be surpassed by several women on your ship, some from your land and most from the land of Malacca. They should be grateful and patient.

O Ahmad, the lunar eclipse is a sign that Allah will unite the hearts of your followers, so that some of them will meet the noble Messenger in their dreams. And two men from the east of your land are those whom Allah wants to be the path openers for trade; they should guard their hearts, be patient, and be resolute. They should not precede you in making decisions. Tell your followers not to prioritize their worldly desires in trading, and let them understand the laws of zakat in business and whatever grows in their fields, as well as what Allah brings forth from the earth to their fields. This will keep them away from the sin of usury and disobedience. Tell them that two hands cannot build a beautiful house in this world and in paradise, but a thousand clean hands (in business that observes zakat and avoids usury) can build a magnificent palace in this world and in paradise. And no one will fall in this world if they keep their bellies free from usury and from withholding the rights of others.

O Ahmad, truly, Allah AzzaWaJalla desires your followers in your land to gather one night by the sea in the middle of your birthplace. They should go to that place even if only on foot; this is better for them to do so that Allah quickly grants all their needs on board and saves their land from calamities that Allah will inflict from the mountains, the land, and the sea, and keeps their lands safe from diseases that destroy animals and plants.

O Ahmad, many scholars of the past have explained zakat. Do they think that the laws of zakat are only about counting years and amounts? Indeed, many in the land of Arkhabil have forgotten their current zakat obligations and are blind to its laws; some consider the issue of zakat on their fruits and livestock as trivial. Are they waiting for Allah to send a plague that will wipe out their livestock and crops? A severe punishment from Allah has occurred in your land, sinking a mountain to the ocean floor and destroying a civilization above it. Indeed, in a small island in the west of your land, the earth and mountains are preparing to receive Allah's command as a warning to the land of Arkhabil. They should be stern against the people of Sadum and pay attention to zakat in their businesses, crops, and livestock. They should give zakat to the poor and those entitled to receive it, particularly those closest to their homes. There is no obligation upon you to receive or collect zakat; this is the duty of the scholars of religious law in the land of Arkhabil and the leaders of the land who understand it and are responsible for it.

O Ahmad, Allah has shaken the earth several times around the buildings they erected with arrogance and deceit towards their people. Are they blind and deaf to Allah's warnings? Or do they truly desire those buildings and the idols they have constructed to be leveled to the ground? Do not let yourself be sad and restrain Allah's wrath against them; indeed, the woods from Mount Qof will not be able to contain it, and those woods can only hold back some parts above the lands of your followers; you have no power to restrain it. Do you not notice the storm that has occurred in the land of Arkhabil? That a ship of your followers has become a barrier against the storm around it? While the storm happened on the left and right of where that ship was tied? And the storm occurred only a few meters in front of the houses of some of your followers while their houses remain untouched! Do they not pay attention? And do they not show gratitude? Say, Allah is the one who does it, and Allah is the one who wards it off, and Allah is All-Powerful over all things.

O Ahmad, do not hesitate to convey anything you must deliver to your followers. Do they forget that the three years I have conveyed have diminished by seven months and eleven days, while on that land there has yet to stand a place that is mandatory for them to build? Let some of your followers visit the land I mentioned and inspect every inch of its soil by the riverside. They should distance themselves from the love of the world and greed while inspecting it so that blessings may reach them on board.

Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyams

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