The Command to Strike the Staff and the Coming Flood

The Command to Strike the Staff and the Coming Flood

The Command to Strike the Staff and the Coming Flood

24th September 2024

The Command to Strike the Staff and the Coming Flood

Nabi Khidr came to me last night and said:

"O Ahmad, your weeping truly awakened me from my sleep because Allah sent me a dream. In my dream, I saw you crying while carrying a baby girl who appeared to be struggling to breathe. I have come to you now to ask, what is it that makes you weep?" (Then I shared my sorrow with him).

Nabi Khidr said: "O Ahmad, although every prayer and hope in your heart and in the hearts of all of Allah’s servants is heard by Allah, not all are granted. Some are kept as treasures that Allah will bestow on the Day of Reckoning as gifts, and some are granted by Allah out of love, or out of His displeasure towards disbelieving servants (karomah and istidraj). You must walk the path of sincerity and patience in seeking forgiveness and the fulfillment of your prayers. Indeed, Allah is Most Compassionate and hears all that resides in His servants’ hearts.

O Ahmad, dry your tears, for Allah has allowed me to visit the baby who lies under the care of worldly treatment. Be patient, for we can only pray for her, and it is Allah who heals and closes the hole in her heart. Today, I wish to take you to a place where a beautiful mosque once stood, but now it has become a forgotten mosque, a symbol of the arrogance of a people who have exceeded all bounds. Pray and supplicate there, then strike your staff upon the ground there until the heavens and the earth smile and join you in dhikr, until a severe warning from Allah shakes that land. May your prayers be answered.

O Ahmad, a person does not become great through their words, but through the good deeds of their hands. A servant’s name is not remembered in this world unless they have engraved it firmly upon the path of Allah. You must protect some of your followers from the temptations of Satan and worldly desires that seek to divide them with jealousy and love of the material world. Let them not be reluctant in their struggle aboard your ship, and let them show love and compassion for one another, maintaining bonds of affection and kindness.

Did not Allah guide him to speak to you tonight? Until you wondered how he could enter the midst of your conversation with some of your followers? That is Allah, the Exalted, showing you the state of one of your followers, who is anxious and reciting the SalawatAsror I taught you, until he smiles at your wisdom in uniting them in a task. Let the two of them complement each other and safeguard the trust you have entrusted to them. Truly, Allah intends to open the best path for both of them. Let them be patient and steadfast in their business relationship, and let them be grateful and generous servants of Allah.

O Ahmad, go out in the morning and perform a good deed, no matter how small, for the first person you meet in a mosque not far from your mother’s grave. Sit in the mosque courtyard at the call of Dhuhr, and take the back row on the far right. After that, pray for the healing of the baby that caused you to weep. May this bring down Allah’s mercy upon the baby and her parents. Then, pray in the courtyard of the mosque, where there is no barrier between the sky and the earth (in a place without a roof). Ignore those who may be watching you. Recite the SalawatAsror until the rain falls as a sign that your prayers have been answered. Indeed, Allah will flood the city around you as a warning to its leaders. Do not feel sorrowful."

Ahmad F. bin A. Alwi Syam

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