Prophet Khidra.s Teaches About Plants and Business

Prophet Khidra.s Teaches About Plants and Business

Prophet Khidra.s Teaches About Plants and Business

24th November 2024

Prophet Khidra.s Teaches About Plants and Business

Prophet Khidrcame to me this afternoon... He said:

"O Ahmad, indeed, I have conveyed to you three individuals whom you must pay attention to and protect until Allah opens the doors of blessings for you and your ship. O Ahmad, just as your noble grandfather, Rasulullah, and the generous Lady Khadijah, who loved the poor and orphans, you and your wife must sincerely follow the Sunnah left by Rasulullah and the Lady Khadijah, the keyholder of Paradise for righteous women. Verily, in every hardship, Allah will grant ease to His sincere servants who adhere to the Sunnah and perform righteous deeds.Do you rejoice and feel secure when entrusted with the position of a king or ruler of a nation? Yet, Allah and Rasulullah have entrusted you with the responsibility I am conveying. If you favor the worldly position over the trust given by Allah and Rasulullah, surely Allah and your noble grandfather, Prophet Muhammad, will turn away from you.

O Ahmad, has Allah not already granted you a vast piece of land, of which only 20% came from the endowment of your followers? What Allah has given you is far more extensive than what your followers have endowed. Have they not witnessed how Allah has fulfilled His promise to you, granting you much more than they have donated? And Allah has lightened your burden by enabling you to feed 220 orphans and the poor this month? This is how Allah demonstrates His power to the grandson of His beloved Muhammad. By Allah, write down what I have conveyed to you. Do not fear the judgment of creation, for Allah has 'purchased' you with a price incomparable to the wealth and positions promised by humans.

O Ahmad, I, Balya bin Malkan, have been commanded by Allah to teach you about plants, business, and everything that will fulfill your needs and those of your followers aboard the ship of commerce. Do those who have confronted you think themselves wiser and able to deceive you? Yet Allah intends to expose their lies before you. Convey to your brethren in their land that they must heed your advice about business, which has been mixed with forbidden elements and substances harmful to them. In their land, they understand only a little yet turn it into trade, causing harm far greater than its worldly gains.

O Ahmad, when you reach the place I have specified, perform ablution with seawater. As you wash your hands, recite the prayer I taught you. Then perform the prayer you did at the beginning of our encounter. Entrust your worldly tasks to the four individuals whose names I have given you, and remain in that place for five days. Call upon one of your followers to accompany you for an additional two days. This is Allah's command to you and them; they must accept it willingly. During your seclusion, Allah will bring something down from the heavens upon the earth, and your dhikr will cause a tremor in the sacred lands and the western lands as a reminder to them.

Remain as Al-Makhfiy (the concealed one) until the appointed time. Convey my words to them: 'No one can walk with you, O Ahmad, while their heart is still attached to the world. And if anyone aboard your ship wears the garb of the Malamatiyyah but continues to praise creation for worldly gains, they must repent. It is not easy for them to recognize your face or your essence by merely looking at your clothing or the cloth around your neck.'

O Ahmad, teach your followers to truly perform good deeds in the morning and practice self-reflection at night. Such actions will bring tranquility, mercy, and Allah’s loving attention.

- Ahmad F. Bin Abdullah A. Syam -

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