The History of Earth's Gravitational Knowledge, Flowers for Health, and the Inventor of the Airplane

The History of Earth's Gravitational Knowledge, Flowers for Health, and the Inventor of the Airplane

The History of Earth's Gravitational Knowledge, Flowers for Health, and the Inventor of the Airplane


22ndDecember, 2024

 The History of Earth's Gravitational Knowledge, Flowers for Health, and the Inventor of the Airplane

Prophet Khidr AS came to me and said: 


"O Ahmad, by my soul that is in the grasp of Allah AzzaWaJalla, I have witnessed events in the past, in the time when scholars competed to uncover the 'Secrets' of the universe. Some of them reached a deadlock, while others managed to write down their findings using their intellect. Yet, some preserved their faith in Allah, marveling at His creation, and declared, 'Exalted is Allah, with all that has been written and taught by Prophet Yahya and the Prophets after him.' 


O Ahmad, do you know that Allah has indeed guided His righteous servants? Among them was a descendant of Prophet Yahya, who was intelligent and wise. Truly, it is incorrect to claim there were no believers in Allah who were both smarter and wiser during the time between Prophets, before your noble grandfather Muhammad. 


O Ahmad, has not Allah shown you, as you have written? That within the earth lies a revolving content that generates a force balanced with the objects above it? Indeed, Prophet Yahya was a gentle and compassionate messenger; plants flourished and animals revered him. Allah even revealed certain plants beneficial for sick animals and others beneficial for ailing plants. Such is the proof of Allah's love for His kind-hearted servants. 


O Ahmad, indeed, he was Prophet Yahya Al-Maushil Al-Hayat, whom Allah granted intelligence. From his lineage, Allah bestowed great intellect, so much so that Al-Jadzibiyaah, the work of 'Ibnu Al-Hayat' (a descendant of Prophet Yahya), surpassed the scholars of his era. However, disbelievers hunted and unjustly killed him. They studied Al-Jadzibiyaah, arrogantly claiming the knowledge of gravitational forces and the universe as their own. Indeed, Allah knows all that is apparent and hidden. 


O Ahmad, have I not told you that the rocky land of your brother will be made fertile by Allah? And as your brother redeemed it, I taught you to remove the unlawful and detestable elements from it and replace them with the touch of Ainul Hayat. Thus, some of your followers have benefited from what you have fought for. Such is a sign of Allah’s mercy upon the land of Arkhabil. Carry out what I have instructed you and be patient. 


O Ahmad, the hearts of your followers have not wavered since I met you. They only act on what I have told you: to guard their tongues and hearts from contradicting your opinions. This is because Allah has instilled tranquility in their hearts.


“Flowers Beneficial for the Human Body”

O Ahmad, I share with you a tale from the past. Allah once created a beautiful flower, and scholars studied it. This flower was renowned in the land of a just and wise king who believed in Allah and His Messenger. Muslim scholars discovered its benefits for the internal and external well-being of humans. Such is a sign of Allah’s power over all His creations. 


“The Inventor of the Airplane”

Indeed, in that land, Allah endowed wisdom and intelligence upon a pious and clever servant, Ahmed Celebi. He was neither of prophetic lineage nor royal descent but merely the child of a devout and righteous farmer. Through perseverance, patience, and steadfastness, Allah guided him to create a 'Bird' crafted from thin yet strong animal skin, capable of flight from his land to the edge of your territory. This, too, is a testament to Allah's power entrusted to the minds of His pious servants. 


Truly, the deceit of those two brothers claiming to have invented the 'Bird' in their era is deplorable. Ahmed Celebi had achieved it three hundred years before them. Wretched indeed are those who deny Allah’s signs from earlier times. 


O Ahmad, be patient in completing what you are working on and what you plan to undertake in the place you have rented. Continue to harbor love in your heart for the poor, the orphans, and the needy. Do not neglect to receive whatever I will teach you in a few days by the seashore Allah has decreed as your place of retreat and meeting with me every month on *********. Do not delay it." 


-Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyam-

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