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1st February 2025, Saturday.
The Cracked Earth: A Warning to the Arrogant and Transgressing Nation
Prophet Khidr AS came to me
and said:
O Ahmad,
Write it down, and neither omit nor delay in delivering it. You must rise from your seat immediately and carry out all the commands for ten days so that everything I have spoken and taught you may be fulfilled correctly.
O Ahmad,
Indeed, the month of Sha’ban is the month of tranquility, the month of journeying, and the month of your noble grandfather, Muhammad SAW. Verily, 8 and 8 are the verses that distinguish truth from falsehood, and it is the month in which all deeds of Allah’s servants are firmly recorded in the Preserved Tablet (LauhulMahfudz). Your followers must perform righteous deeds in this month, even if it is merely giving a single grain of rice to a chicken in their yard. Indeed, no good deed, no matter how small, will go unrewarded by Allah, the Almighty and Glorious.
O Ahmad,
Walk as the people before you did until the middle of Sha’ban. Indeed, the journey of ascending and descending hills was the struggle of those before you in search of water as provisions for the dry season (Ramad) in the following month. Have you not noticed the tremors and vibrations of the mountains and the earth that whisper…?
I, Balya bin Malkan, await you in the three places that have been revealed to you, at the appointed meeting place with your followers.
O Ahmad,
The soil of Qof holds no benefit for your followers unless it is mixed with the land of their fields, as I have informed you. Indeed, I have acknowledged their actions regarding that land, just as Allah has forgiven them for what they did there. Your followers must not act without your permission. And I merely smile at their actions, for I find nothing in their hearts except joy and happiness.
O Ahmad,
Ascend once more to the place where you and I have always supplicated, and strike the staff there. Do not hesitate in doing so, for in the middle of the sea, on the cold island, that mountain is prepared to receive Allah’s command.
Let them take heed, for Allah has indeed sent His warning to the arrogant and transgressing nation. Meanwhile, in the hearts of its leaders and their allies, there is evident fear and anxiety.
Indeed, the acts of fornication and the behavior of the people of Sodom—committing adultery with animals, with their own mothers, and even with their fathers—are rampant in that land. Because of this, Allah has sent His warning through fire, stormy rain, and the splitting of the earth—what has already happened and what is yet to come in that land.
Let them repent and reform themselves.
O Ahmad,
indeed, no good deed in this month is in vain; rather, every act of righteousness is met with the reward and blessings of Allah. You must be earnest in fulfilling the 13 commands given to you.
O Ahmad, say this:
Truly, repentance for the slanderers and backbiters is a bitter path that stretches before their desires. It is like a person walking to a place while carrying seeds of thorny trees that are blown away by the wind, and then they must return to gather each seed that has scattered in every direction and has already grown into many thorny trees. Such is the parable of repentance for those who have committed the sins of slander and backbiting.
Indeed, there will come some who have slandered you viciously. Tell them the true way of repentance, then leave them be.
And if they wish to board your boat, let them take the lowest place among your followers until I, Balya bin Malkan, permit you to embrace them and confirm the sincerity of their repentance.
This is better for you, to spare you from the burden of dealing with their attitudes and nature.
Truly, paying attention to and striving for the well-being of those who love you is more important than lamenting over the enemies who incur Allah’s wrath upon themselves through their own deeds and efforts.
You must be diligent in carrying out the trust of your followers who love you.
O Ahmad,say to your wives:
Let them beautify themselves with
their noble character, which is already good, and make it even better in the
sight of Allah. Indeed, their hidden righteous deeds are their best actions,
and both of them have become the focus of the people of the end times. I, Balya
bin Malkan, have been commanded by Allah to assess their behavior and attitude
toward you and, if they make mistakes, to correct them—after we have gathered
at the place of our meeting this month.
Allah does not consider their acts of worship sufficient to save them from the Fire except by safeguarding their hearts from anger and restraining their tongues from harsh and futile speech against you and your children. Indeed, whatever they utter will return to themselves, and Allah sees them as siblings of the same nature. Allah is testing them through their own words. Let them guard their tongues from speech that brings harm upon themselves.
Has Allah not opened the doors of provision and trade for them both? Let them adhere to the laws of Allah and the regulations of your land in their business dealings. Indeed, Allah intends to elevate their ranks and grant them happiness if they remain steadfast in guarding themselves against the whispers of Satan and anger. Allah will surely restore whatever they have lost and bring down those who have wronged their wealth if they remain patient.
Indeed, Allah will protect their rights and the rights of their children from the ignorance of the oppressors. Let them be patient, for those who have wronged you and your wives with their words will eventually swallow everything they have said. They are in utter loss in both this world and the Hereafter. Let them repent.
O Ahmad,
Remain humble and continue to carry out His commands. Let yourself remain hidden in the eyes of mankind; it is not important for you to be widely known, but what is more important is that you act in accordance with Allah's commandments. The good and beautiful results that will be felt by the Ummah of the Noble Prophet Muhammad, the poor, the needy, and the orphans from 'your hands' are more valuable than receiving praise from many people.
Indeed, beautiful clothing and sweet words will not guarantee your safety from the blazing Fire of Hell.
O Ahmad,
Let those who are in the front ranks of your followers strengthen their hearts and carry out the responsibilities entrusted to them in your boat. Do not let them make decisions on their own without consultation and without your approval. For whatever you decide on every matter is a decision that I am aware of, and it is from Allah that both you and I receive our decrees.
Let them pay attention...
-Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyams-