Five to five and Water and Wind as Allah's punishment upon LGBT

Five to five and Water and Wind as Allah's punishment upon LGBT

Five to five and Water and Wind as Allah's punishment upon LGBT


10th March, 2025

Five to five and Water and Wind as Allah's punishment upon LGBT

Prophet Khidr AS came to me just before breaking the fast. He greeted me with peace and said:


"O Ahmad, I have heard them persist in saying that this is merely an annual disaster. They seek out experts in dam construction and river diversion, and their leaders try to solve the problem without heart or manners. Indeed, what they face is their Lord, who is angry at their disbelief and arrogance.


O Ahmad, truly, I have come to you this time bearing a command. The wind, the water, and certain mountains have been ordered to carry out Allah's decree upon the eastern region of your land as a punishment for the hidden injustices they have committed against your country and your brother’s land by protecting LGBT individuals in their nation.

Indeed, Allah will use the wind as an instrument to manifest His power.

Let them turn away from protecting the 'Dajjal' and instead believe in Allah and in your noble grandfather, Muhammad. Do they think they can resist the wind that Allah has made a tool for punishment?

Indeed, I, Balya bin Malkan, have witnessed a storm that could lift dozens of buffaloes and animals into the sky. Such a thing is easy for Allah, for He is All-Powerful and Severe in His punishment.


O Ahmad, has Allah not made many paths easy for your followers, bringing peace to their hearts? Indeed, Allah loves those who are righteous and steadfast in defending their rights and the rights of those under their responsibility.

A leader must have a calm soul and a pure heart. You must teach them to be wise, intelligent, patient, courageous, and of noble character.


O Ahmad, has Allah not purified the well I spoke to you about? He has added 313 springs within it, whereas before there were only 12. He has freshened its taste, making it revitalizing and a cure for various ailments!

Indeed, this is a sign from Allah. You must teach your followers to safeguard and keep the well a secret, to protect their hearts from worldly greed and idolatry—except for those who have pledged their loyalty to your ark.

Has Allah not proven that what lies within the well is the same water as the well He gifted to me upon the Mountain of Qaf?

Do they not reflect upon this?


O Ahmad, Allah has established Five, so that you and your followers may remain obedient under these five.

They must be patient and fulfil their duties aboard your ark. Those at the forefront must guard their hearts and the hearts of those aboard, remaining united with you in a single command.

This is how your ark will be safeguarded from storms of slander and tyranny.

Indeed, wretched are those who despise your ark and spread vile falsehoods while claiming to believe in Allah and His Messenger.

Has not the Noble Prophet Muhammad appeared in the dreams of some of your followers? Is this not proof that your noble grandfather, Muhammad, acknowledges you, and that you do not falsely claim to be his descendant as many do in your land, deceiving themselves with lies?

Indeed, they await the ruin of their minds and hearts until Allah exposes their disgrace in this world and the Hereafter.


O Ahmad, what of the nation that faced Allah’s warning of a fire that burned due to their ignorance, while they ignored the warnings you had written?

Strike your staff once more, and I, Balya bin Malkan, will bear witness alongside the wind, storm, thunder, and rain upon their land. Strike it with force and shut your heart from pity.

It is unbefitting for them to mock the news of the heavens, while some among them believe that the one who falsely claims to be Ahmad is truly the real Ahmad, stealing the knowledge of the unseen from you. Indeed, he is a liar, a tool of the disbelievers in their effort to divide Islam.


They shall find no success, for Allah Himself will scatter them and cast them into the pit of humiliation.

This is because Allah does not favour His servants who lie and insult the noble companions of His beloved Prophet Muhammad.


O Ahmad, tell your followers to remain steadfast in understanding the meaning of Al-Makhfiy that Allah bestowed upon you at the beginning of our meeting.

Indeed, Allah has granted you various paths of trade and means to cultivate the lands owned by your followers.

Did you not once know nothing of land, water, and vegetation?

Yet Allah led you and some of your followers to a deceiver who sought to trick you.

Indeed, I, Balya bin Malkan, witnessed the lies and injustice of this person before you and two of your followers.

Do they not consider the fate of those who lied to you?

Let them observe, for Allah has informed me that this deceiver’s debts have multiplied, and he will fall back into poverty.

Such is the consequence of his lying tongue before you, O Ahmad.


The one who raises his hands toward the Qiblah before Allah is not the same as the one who raises his hands toward mankind.

Indeed, the honour of a pious servant is not equal to the success of those who worship men, status, and wealth.


O Ahmad, heed not the calls from your left and from ahead of you, as your noble grandfather, Muhammad, instructed you in your dream.

Give the best counsel to your followers so they may fulfil their duties upon your ark.

Let the leaders within your ark establish regulations that protect and ease the burdens of your people.

Let not your followers become scattered to the point where you lose track of their conditions and affairs.


O Ahmad, remain patient."


— Ahmad F. Bin A. Alwi Syam —

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