1st March, 2025 (Saturday)


Prophet Khidr came to me this morning with a smile and said: 

"O Ahmad, do you know…? That there is one thing despised by human desires and hated by Iblis, yet beloved by the inhabitants of Sijjin…? 

It is that which arrives with three radiant lights, bringing joy—one that visits the servants of Allah who long for it, one that liberates them from the torment of Hellfire, and one that meets them with happiness and grants them assurance in faith and devotion...! 

It is the holy month of Ramadan...!" 


"O Ahmad, purify your heart with sincere repentance (taubat nasuha), and continue to safeguard the secret words of your noble grandfather, the Messenger of Allah. Truly, I only had a dream last night—one in which the Honorable Muhammad embraced you with deep affection and said: 

‘No one has any right over you, O Ahmad, except me.’" 


"O Ahmad, I am Balya bin Malkan. My heart rejoiced when you were able to restrain your anger and preserve every word of the noble Messenger of Allah in your dream. Indeed, such a task is difficult for those who choose worldly love over the true path to eternal happiness." 


"O Ahmad, the advice given to you by the Messenger of Allah is not merely to be heard—fear the wrath of Allah should you neglect to practice it. Indeed, no one is forsaken by Allah unless they themselves disregard good counsel—counsel derived from the words of the noble Prophet Muhammad (Hadith), from his companions, and from righteous and pious scholars. 

Likewise, the doors of sustenance are never closed for a servant of Allah who guards their speech and conduct towards their parents and lawful spouse with patience." 


"O Ahmad, Allah has prepared two 'houses' in the land of your brethren and two houses in your homeland. Safeguard them and fill them with righteous deeds and noble character, with patience, determination, and steadfastness. As a leader, you are most obligated to emulate the noble character and attributes of your grandfather, the Honorable Muhammad SAW. 

Never leave your home without carrying provisions to feed the poor, the needy, and orphans—even if it is just a single date for one among those in need. 

This is a deed habitually practiced by your noble grandfather." 


"O Ahmad, truly, you are among those who will suffer loss if you leave your wives in sorrow and anger. Indeed, your noble grandfather, Muhammad, was gentle-hearted and full of love toward all his wives.  Do you not know that during your grandfather’s time, the wives of disbelieving kings were treated with humiliation, their status demeaned…? Whereas your noble grandfather honored his wives as though they were the most precious of gems—adorned upon his hand, cherished, cared for, and revered with love and dignity...! 

Such was the distinction of your noble grandfather, Muhammad, when he married the daughters of his companions—Lady Aisha bint Abu Bakr RA and Lady Hafsah bint Umar RA. 

Indeed, women are beings created by Allah from a place of purity and holiness, fashioned in beauty, on a foundation of gold and jewels within His paradise.  So it was when Allah created Hawa as the companion of Prophet Adam AS." 


"That which is created in Paradise must be protected until it returns to Paradise. A ship cannot sail correctly towards an island of beauty without patience, wisdom, and the intelligence of its captain. 

Such is the parable of a man leading his wives." 


"O Ahmad, the luminous month of Ramadan has arrived. Has Allah not fulfilled His promise to your vessel at the end of Sha’ban…? 

So much so that the hearts of some of your companions have found peace through it. Let all your followers understand the regulations you will establish upon your vessel—observing commerce, laws, and trade regulations (in your syarikat), while beautifying noble character under the grand canopy of PEKASA. Take care of the poor and orphans within your ship, fulfilling their rights, so that a beautiful legacy may flourish within Safinatus Syari’un. 

This is how the righteous servants of Allah seek His pleasure, His forgiveness, and the intercession of the Noble Prophet Muhammad SAW. 


Be resolute in guiding your foremost followers, so they may understand the purpose and hope that Allah has granted you and some of your followers in nurturing this mission. 

Remain steadfast—mutual forgiveness and mutual support in goodness are the primary practices upon your vessel..." 


- Ahmad F. Bin A. Alwi Syams -

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