Prophet Khidr Explained The Size of the Earth to Ahmad

Prophet Khidr Explained The Size of the Earth to Ahmad

Prophet Khidr Explained The Size of the Earth to Ahmad

September 27, 2024

Prophet Khidr Explained The Size of the Earth to Ahmad

Prophet Khidr (AS) came to me and said:

"O Ahmad, sit down and give your two little dogs clean water mixed with a little salt and 'Karkam' (Turmeric). This is the remedy for a dog suffering from stomach issues. Indeed, leaving the animals in your home hungry or sick while you sleep peacefully will not bring blessings; instead, Allah and His angels will curse you. Arise, prostrate, and seek forgiveness from Allah for what you have just done. Quickly tend to your dogs and cats if any of them are ill.

O Ahmad, truly Allah has shown His greatness over your boat by revealing to you eleven stars and eleven moons. Allah created the vast Earth, surrounded by moons and stars, to guard the boundaries of the heavens from the enemies of mankind (Satan and his offspring). This is a sign of Allah's power and a field for the provisions of the hereafter for His believing and righteous servants. With strong piety and faith, no creature in the world can penetrate the boundaries of the heavens except that they will meet a painful death, struck by fiery arrows. Truly, this is a sign of Allah's power for those who understand the Qur'an with hearts and minds free from arrogance.

O Ahmad, the arrogant ones cannot surpass the limits of the heavens except at the 'Khotul hudud' (the boundary between the atmosphere and the expanse of ice and water), between which there is an empty space devoid of the elements needed by the creatures of Earth. The distance between this line and the water is as wide as the wingspan of Jibril and as far as ten times your journey around the island of your birth. Yet, these arrogant ones claim to have reached the moon and stars. Indeed, I am commanded by Allah to invite you to witness the greatness of Allah from a mountain. Write down what you witness as proof of the truth Allah has revealed to the Noble Prophet Muhammad (the Qur'an) and as evidence of Allah's greatness. At this very moment, the arrogant ones (Western scholars) are observing what you have said, and some of them are reading the Qur'an only to find verses that match the ancient messages you conveyed. Some of them believe in Allah, while others remain in disbelief.

O Ahmad, be patient and do not answer their calls. Say to them, 'The Qur'an is enough as an answer for them,' and remain steadfast in your duties. Indeed, their ancestors (the disbelievers) were thieves of the rightful knowledge of astronomy from some of the People of the Book who believed in Allah and the noble Prophet Muhammad. However, they became confused in their arguments and began to dispute among themselves. Tell them, can they see what is behind their heads, that they claim to have circled the Moon and the Sun? Yet, they cannot even measure the depths of the oceans or the true expanse of the Earth accurately.

O Ahmad, the Earth's expanse is truly 666.6 million kilometers, with 1,000 mountains, of which 500 mountains have already vanished in explosions caused by Allah's wrath. There are 1,000 water springs spread across every land, and 1,000 kinds of animals and plants beneficial on land and in the seas. Also, there are 1,000 types of soil, rocks, and sands that are useful, and 1,000 chiefs of the Jinn, the majority of whom are disbelievers, with only a few who believe in Allah. There are 1,000 guardian angels who descend and ascend daily (in the morning and before nightfall), and 500 types of food and deeds that Allah has forbidden on Earth. There are 66 groups of Jinn and humans whom Allah has destroyed (as mentioned clearly in the Qur'an), and only 12 of these groups' destruction is known to human knowledge.

Indeed, these are the signs of Allah’s power, a warning from Allah, and a decree that Allah has inscribed on the Adzikro upon His Throne ( Arsy), encompassing everything perfectly from the beginning until the end of time (Judgment Day). And Allah is powerful over all His creations.

O Ahmad, do not hesitate or be shy to meet your brothers who await your arrival. Truly, some of them long to embrace you, yet they are in poverty and unable to come to you. And do not hesitate to give reminders and advice to some of your followers if they exceed the limits I have taught you regarding what must be followed and avoided on your boat. There are 14 of your followers who do not have the means (cellphones) in that region and only hear about you from some of your faithful followers. Indeed, your grandfather, the noble Prophet Muhammad, will smile proudly upon you if you visit them, embrace them, and relieve their longing hearts. Invite them to the path of Allah with wise and patient words. Doing this is better than your prostration every morning, even if you could prostrate for 1,000 years.

O Ahmad, Allah, the Almighty, does not intend to burden your followers but rather to open the door to goodness based on what Allah has commanded and what they are planning to fulfill Allah’s orders. You must establish beneficial rules for all your followers and create the best legacy for the end of times as a provision for their descendants. Let them understand the laws of charity (zakat) and act justly and wisely in carrying out their duties and orders. Indeed, Allah is the one who determines all the efforts of His servants, and Allah is the most Generous, Wise, and Compassionate.

O Ahmad, walk for four days and remain silent for seven days until I meet you again."

Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyams

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