The Cave Around Baitul Maqdis Where Prophet Ilyas Engages in Dhikr, How a Wife Enters Paradise Without Being Judged

The Cave Around Baitul Maqdis Where Prophet Ilyas Engages in Dhikr, How a Wife Enters Paradise Without Being Judged

The Cave Around Baitul Maqdis Where Prophet Ilyas Engages in Dhikr, How a Wife Enters Paradise Without Being Judged


30th September 2024

The Cave Around Baitul Maqdis Where Prophet Ilyas Engages in Dhikr, How a Wife Enters Paradise Without Being Judged

Prophet Khidr (AS) woke me up from my sleep and said:  

"O Ahmad, wake up and perform two rak'ahs of prayer tonight, because it coincides with the birthday of the Noble Prophet Muhammad (SAW). And your dream is true, meaning that there are two forms of hatred directed toward you.

  • From Satan, who despises you because of the book you teach to your followers. 
  • From certain individuals who were once with you and became your followers but now resent you due to the increasing number of your followers in your land and the land of Malacca. 

As for the two rak'ahs you perform, intend them as a form of honoring and glorifying the birth of your Grandfather, the Noble Prophet Muhammad. Seek forgiveness from Allah and prostrate as a sign of your gratitude, for today, Allah has created the second moon in the sky over the world, as He did in the early days of your mission. Did you, your wives, and some of your followers not witness this? And did I not inform you about it before the event took place? Some of your followers witnessed it, but one of your followers remained steadfast on your boat while others fled due to their ignorance and pursuit of worldly desires. Indeed, those who fled and denied it will face hardship in the future, caused by their lies and injustice towards their wives and children. As a result, Allah has decreed that the salutations they recite will not reach the Noble Prophet Muhammad, but instead, His wrath will descend upon them.

O Ahmad, in that place (around Baitul Maqdis) there is a cave hidden by Allah, where my brother Ilyas praises Allah (dhikr). Indeed, this is a sign of Allah’s power over all of His creations. Prepare yourself tonight to recite the remembrance (dhikr) that my brother Ilyas recites, so that it may become a secret remembrance for you among the remembrances on earth. Indeed, beneath the wide and solid building erected in your land, there lies a long and stacked hole. Do they think they can reach the depths of the earth? With arrogance and deceit in your land, they claim that the place is safe from Allah’s wrath. But they are merely guessing, and their instruments are like needles they use to measure the depth of the earth, arrogantly claiming they have pierced the earth.

O Ahmad, if it were not for my brother Ilyas being in that place, Allah would have long ago sent punishment upon the land of Bani Israel around Baitul Maqdis and dried up all its surface, just as Allah once made the land dry and hot. Then, through the prayer of my brother Ilyas, Allah sent rain and buried it. Yet only a few believed in Allah, and most of them remained in disbelief, continuing to wrong my patient brother Ilyas. Indeed, they (Bani Israel) have now recreated the same idols from the time of Prophets Ilyas and Ilyasa. Some they made into objects of worship, and others they claim are tools with which they will control the world. Truly, they do not realize that on their land still resides my brother Ilyas, who weeps in his remembrance. Indeed, Allah will reunite you with my brother Ilyas, and you will remember Allah together. Do not tire, and do not be afraid, for the tremors and storms in that place are merely signs of Allah’s power over the land of Muqaddasah, and a sign of your presence there. Keep the location and all its events secret, be grateful, and guard your heart and self. It is better for you to do so, so as not to become among the arrogant and boastful.

O Ahmad, Allah intends to open the way of goodness in the trades that are within your boat. 

  • Let your followers be wise and just—those whom I have shown you by name. Let them truly regard you as a just and wise judge in every matter and issue they plan behind you. 
  • Let them be patient and wise in executing all their plans. 
  • And let the three followers who have been with you for a long time maintain harmony among themselves. 
  • Gather the three of them, so you may relay my advice and the prayers I have taught you. 
  • Indeed, they are the three from Malacca who carry five and thirteen as the key to a thousand blessings if they fear Allah, act justly, and remain patient. 

There are also three others in your land who bear the same responsibility on your boat.

O Ahmad, among those on your boat are some who desire to be leaders. Let them not cause your followers to doubt with their questions, for doing so will only bring doubt upon themselves, and the rest of your followers will distance themselves from them. A person is not respected or honored simply by a title before their name, but rather through sincerity, patience, and humility. Do they think Allah has not informed me? Has He not commanded me to inform you of their condition? 

Say to them, 

  • Who explains the universe to you? 
  • And who created the two moons at the beginning of your mission? 
  • And who replaced the ailing hearts of some of your followers with new hearts? And among them is the husband of one of your followers. 
  • And who shortened your journey along with some of your followers when you traveled with them? 

Indeed, all of this is the power of Allah, the Almighty, as a test for those who believe and fear Him. 

O Ahmad, indeed, you are merely an instrument in Allah's hand, a bearer of news and a test for those who believe their intellect is superior to Allah's knowledge. 


  • It is Allah who knows the contents of the universe, 
  • And it is Allah who knows the hearts of all His creatures. 
  • And He is Allah, worthy of worship, who sent the Noble Prophet Muhammad as a mercy to all creation until the end of time, and who made the Noble Prophet Muhammad the bearer of intercession for his people.

Let people believe in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad and be grateful for all the blessings Allah has bestowed upon them.

O Ahmad, say to the women on your boat: 

Indeed, Allah, the Almighty, is pleased with their good intentions toward your boat and the righteous deeds they perform within themselves. Some of them strive to overcome desires, anger, and remain sincere within their homes. Tell them that they are not disgraced by helping to ease the burdens of their husbands. Let them continue to practice patience, piety, and obedience to their husbands. 

  • This will guarantee their happiness in this world and the hereafter, and this is the path to Allah’s paradise. 
  • Allah will create wings for them in the Hereafter, allowing them to enter His Paradise without judgment. 

Tell them, 'Their deeds have gained the attention of Allah and His Messenger. Not a single tear they shed will be wasted, but will instead become a beautiful pearl in the hand of the Prophet. Indeed, I have been shown by Allah the women who weep while reading the Qur’an, in their prayers and salawat. Those who seek the intercession of the Prophet will be granted it on the Day of Judgment, provided they maintain sincere piety.'"

Ahmad F. Bin A. Alwi Syams

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