The Perfect Guidance on the Universe Contained in the Qur'an

The Perfect Guidance on the Universe Contained in the Qur'an

The Perfect Guidance on the Universe Contained in the Qur'an

2ndOctober  2024

The Perfect Guidance on the Universe Contained in the Qur'an

Prophet Khidr (AS) met me while I was on my prayer mat as the Dhuhr time arrived. He said:

"O Ahmad, hasten towards your meeting place with several of your companions, for indeed Allah will ease your journey until you arrive at the time that Allah has set. And do not feel alone, because AllahAzzaWaJalla, is All-Knowing and the Best of helpers and protectors for His servants who strive on the path He is pleased with. Have you not received good news today? He is Allah, the One who grants your hopes and aspirations, as well as those of your followers. And He is Allah, the Most Just and the Most Wise.

O Ahmad, say and write what I will convey to you, for indeed, Allah has shown you the worldly heavens, and I have explained to you that the black moon (the black palette) is not something that scholars can comprehend nor can they measure its vastness. Indeed, the black moon is as large as the earth, and Allah has made it a barrier between the moon and the sun as a sign of the changing months and the occurrence of eclipses, which contain much wisdom and reminders. The black moon truly embraces the shining moon until it becomes a crescent and then a full moon before returning to being concealed. And that dark moon is like a black cloud, easily embracing the moon as a sign of Allah’s power in making it easy for people to determine the passage of time in this world.

O Ahmad, in the heavens, Allah has created the star Sirius, which will be a clear sign for mankind, and the constellations (Al-Buruj) as signs of Allah’s power over the changes in the world. As I have explained to you, indeed, the Qur'an is 'Al-Huda,' which provides clear guidance for those who are lost in this world. However, many arrogant people will try to break it after the fall of the glory of DiinulHaq (the true religion), but Allah will thwart all their plans until they are left bewildered, mad, and arguing with one another. This is a sign of the truth of the Qur'an and Allah's dominion over all His creations.

O Ahmad, keep your journey a secret for three days and four nights, and visit several of your followers along your way back from the meeting. You must ease your heart and hide your fatigue in front of your followers. Listen to them and give them advice, just as I have taught you. Let some of them help one another, for this is a righteous deed that brings blessings and happiness, strengthening the bonds of brotherhood in the sight of Allah and His noble Messenger, Muhammad. And do not let your followers, whom Allah has chosen, take any decision before you, so that they may guard themselves from errors and mistakes as those ignorant ones in the past did. Are they not now swallowing their own spit and choking themselves as they regret their actions against you...? Indeed, it was not you who did this, but it was Allah who sought to humiliate them so that they would understand the true meaning of repentance.

O Ahmad, indeed Allah has humiliated those who lie in my name *Balya Bin Malkan* and those who lie in the name of your noble grandfather Muhammad. Some of them live in poverty and disgrace, while others are drowning in their diseases. Indeed, Allah has answered my prayer to teach them the best lessons for their ignorance.

Indeed, Allah is All-Powerful and His punishment is severe upon His arrogant and lying servants. Have I not warned them through your writings? That several boats in your country would fall into disgrace...? Indeed, they are groups of people who worship the world, wealth, and status. Until Allah sends a warning, yet they ignore it.

O Ahmad, remain on Al-Makhfy, and strive for the ummah in your boat with zeal and joy, for Allah’s help for your boat is clear, and the doors of mercy and blessings will be opened upon it."

Ahmad F. Bin A. Alwi Syams

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