The Miracle of Clouds: Perseverance and Blessings in Life's Trials

The Miracle of Clouds: Perseverance and Blessings in Life's Trials

The Miracle of Clouds: Perseverance and Blessings in Life's Trials

October 5, 2024

The Miracle of Clouds: Perseverance and Blessings in Life's Trials

Prophet Khidr (AS) came to me and sat beside me, awakening me from my sleep. He smiled and said:

"O Ahmad, be grateful for Allah’s blessings today, for the blessing of sitting with your brothers at the gathering earlier. Allah showed me everything you and they spoke of, and I am pleased because neither you nor they displayed arrogance or excess in your conversations.

O Ahmad, among them are those who hope their prayers will be answered, for they are weary and have yet to see success in their efforts. Tell them to observe the clouds high above in the sky, carrying vast amounts of water. Indeed, the clouds do not fall despite the heavy burden of water, for are they not merely dense, weightless vapor able to float above the heavens? And yet, by Allah’s will, these clouds carry thousands of tons of water within them. This is an example for Allah’s servants who have understanding, so that they may reflect. Do they feel tired and exhausted by the trials they endure, while Allah has said that He does not burden a soul beyond its capacity? Tell your followers that if they remain patient and do not abandon the Fajr prayer in congregation at Allah’s mosques, as you once did in the past, this will bring forth more blessings and lead to the acceptance of their prayers.

O Ahmad, after you have rested, you must visit one of your followers, listen to their grievances, and then continue your journey. Verily, it is not your prayer that is meant to be answered, but the prayers of some of your followers who are sincere and long for their supplications to be granted by Allah. They are the true servants of Allah, who repent and surrender themselves entirely to Him, realizing their past mistakes and transgressions.

O Ahmad, the path you are about to embark on is not an ordinary one. You must disregard your fatigue and exhaustion, and I, Balya bin Malkan, will show you the way until you return home. Do not ask if along the journey I request you to spend the night somewhere, for indeed, Allah is the best of guardians and the best of helpers. Has Allah not eased your travels? And who was it that guided your vehicle while you were asleep, bringing you safely to your destination? It is none other than the Lord of all worlds, the Almighty, who protects and oversees His patient and pious servants.

O Ahmad, indeed, your meeting with your followers at that place was made known to me by Allah. You must pay attention and listen to all their complaints, be patient with them, and offer them the advice I have taught you so that Allah may grant the best solution to some of those who were present with you. This is the path your noble grandfather, the honorable Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and his companions once walked. This is the path of the righteous."

Ahmad Fahmi Bin A. Syams Al-Makhfiy

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