Love for the World Covers the Light of the Heart

Love for the World Covers the Light of the Heart

Love for the World Covers the Light of the Heart

9th October, 2024

Love for the World Covers the Light of the Heart

A Delayed Message Because I Was Afraid to Write It

Prophet Khidr (AS) came to me during my consultation with my companions, and he said:

"O Ahmad, first, close your discussion with your companions, for indeed I have brought news for you. You must write it down and do not omit anything or feel afraid of hurting the feelings of some of your followers. Indeed, the trials of wealth that Allah has brought into your boat are nearly defeating the covering (*sittir*) that penetrates the hearts of some of your followers.

O Ahmad, not one of the companions of the Messenger of Allah had any desire for the wealth of this world and all that is in it, except for the desire to attain victory by striving alongside your noble Grandfather Muhammad, until Allah opened the gates of the east and west into the hands of the noble Messenger of Allah. Although the gleam of wealth was beneath the feet of the Muslims in the time of the noble Messenger of Allah, not a single one of the companions rejoiced or celebrated until happiness had reached all the Muslims of that time. Such a trait made Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, bestow the light of peace and victory upon the banners of the noble Messenger of Allah. Did they (your followers) not declare that they desire intercession from your noble Grandfather Muhammad and entrance into paradise? Yet, with just a small trial of wealth that has come to you and into your boat, some of your followers have become joyful and desirous of it. Indeed, such behavior will drown what Allah intends to manifest before them. Truly, if even a speck of worldly love is in their hearts, they should repent and correct themselves while aboard your boat. Thus, Allah will withhold His wrath from them, and you should act firmly by choosing two of your followers as trustworthy individuals to enforce the rules and commands that have come from me. This is Allah’s way of protecting your boat from the temptations of worldly desires.

O Ahmad, light cannot reach the surface of the earth if it is surrounded by black smoke from a blazing fire. This is an analogy for a heart filled with worldly ambitions and one that takes falsehood lightly. Indeed, consuming the wealth of orphans and the poor is like placing boiling hot iron into their throats, which blinds their eyes and deafens their ears to advice and blessings. I, Balya bin Makan, have observed and received news that makes me restless, requesting that you hold back Allah’s wrath by forgiving them and offering them the best advice. Indeed, they do not realize that the covering (*sittir*) has entered their hearts, causing them to forget that you walk with me on the path of the manifest *Malamatiyyah*.

O Ahmad, has Allah not fulfilled His promise to you? A generous person from your land has come, has he not? And was he not someone who knew about you? And not from your boat? Yet, with awe and fear, you accepted him. Then Allah commanded me to teach you how to test your followers. And nearly all of your followers were grateful and joyful upon hearing it, but I heard and saw someone from your boat eagerly desiring a portion of your gift after hearing the words I taught you to test your followers. Let him repent and correct himself aboard your boat. Has he forgotten that Allah entrusted him with wealth and lands? But he has not truly cared for or fulfilled his responsibilities correctly. Indeed, he has never asked you about *zakat* or how to use the wealth as your noble Grandfather Muhammad taught. Allah will indeed shake the ground and their homes as a warning so that they may repent and be sincere in striving alongside you.

O Ahmad, write down what I have conveyed to you. So why did you delay for a day in writing it? Has Allah not opened the way for your followers, whom you visit at night? And they truly await you with love and hope. Indeed, Allah’s help will come upon them, with their sincerity in consulting on everything you have conveyed. Allah will protect their businesses, their fields, and their livestock if they remain steadfast in sincerity, helping one another in goodness. You should pay attention and assist their endeavors in their fields and lands.

O Ahmad, it has indeed been decreed by Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, that next year will be a year of success for your followers who are sincere, patient, and truly repentant. Indeed, within three blessings lie five virtues for your brother (a blood relative). Let him be patient and just, as I have conveyed to you. Indeed, his blessings come because of the sincerity of his wife three years ago, and he should be patient with his wife’s behavior. Such conduct will bring more blessings and goodness upon him. And let him lead your business and boat with true firmness, patience, and piety. Allah intends to make him a generous and protected person. Did Allah not foretell his arrival along with his brother? Then Allah tested both of them with a very severe trial. Let both of them guard their hearts and not act before you in carrying out the trust. This is better and more protective for them from the temptations of worldly desires and Satan.

O Ahmad, indeed, Allah has given you your rightful place in your land, and Allah intends to test some of your followers so that they may help you in creating goodness upon your vast field, and upon a land foretold by scholars to shake violently. Let you and some of your followers work hard to create a labor that will feed the stomachs of the poor and the disabled. Such actions will bring Allah’s mercy and shield His wrath upon that land. And Allah intends to make the earth calm with the best deeds aboard your boat upon that land. Keep away from those who love the world in managing it until Allah truly brings blessings upon everything that you and some of your followers strive for.

O Ahmad, who gave you the vast field? Who moved the heart of its owner to give it to you? It is Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, who has long observed your patience. Allah did not delay in granting you a reward for your repentance. Did not twenty-two years of your suffering in isolation and oppression pass? Indeed, your suffering and tears have been replaced by the smiles of your parents, both on this earth and in the *Illiyin*. Accept the gifts that are coming to you. Be just to your wives and all your children, and give the rights to one of your loyal followers. Such is the trait loved by Allah. And make the produce of your fields beneficial for the poor aboard your boat.

O Ahmad, return to your journey to the seashore and remain there for seven days with me. Do it alone. Until the voice of the Whale Nun is clearly heard throughout the coast where you are with me. Then prostrate and follow the prayer I will recite later. Indeed, a windstorm will strike a city they claim is safe, and the rooftops around it will fly off. Let them cease from their lies and repent and become leaders who obey Allah’s laws. Warn them with your words through the tool in your hand. Then observe."

Ahmad F. Bin Abdullah A. Syams Al Makhfy

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