Reflection on the Power of Allah: Unveiling the Greatness of a Fly's Eyes

Reflection on the Power of Allah: Unveiling the Greatness of a Fly's Eyes

Reflection on the Power of Allah: Unveiling the Greatness of a Fly's Eyes

October 12, 2024

Reflection on the Power of Allah: Unveiling the Greatness of a Fly's Eyes

Prophet Khidr (AS) came to me during my return journey from the city of Bandung:

"O Ahmad, continue riding your vehicle. I have been commanded by Allah to ease your journey. Write down what I convey to you after you fulfill your task tomorrow, and keep on walking in obedience to Allah, even when you are sick. Ignore your fatigue and your pain, for your efforts and sacrifices will not be in vain if you are among those who are patient and sincere in upholding the rights of the ummah.

O Ahmad, tell those who steal news from you, who claim their tools have surpassed the heavens and that they are capable of creating a firmament, can they accurately count the eyes of a fly...? And do their instruments surpass the greatness of Allah, the Almighty, who has created 4,004 eyes on a fly? Do not let yourself be deceived by their words and by the pleasures they gain from their tools, such as the great wages they receive in their lands, through which they commit sins and become among the disbelievers who conceal the truth of the Qur'an. Their tools can only observe the heavens, where there is a wall of oceans and water, some of which is frozen, so what they see with their devices is not the same as what Allah shows you. Indeed, their intellects and their tools do not surpass the speed and perfection of a fly’s eyes in perceiving light. This is a sign of Allah’s power, so that they may reflect.

O Ahmad, do they (the Western intellectuals) wish to increase their disgrace by claiming they know the secrets of the moons and the sun? Say to them...! Do they not know that within their jaws lie three signs of Allah’s power, which their instruments cannot analyze, save through their false tongues and deceitful speech? There are three veins in their jaws that Allah has kept hidden, and on the Day of Reckoning, their jaws will stiffen before the Angel of Death(Izrael), their mouths agape when they meet death, except for those who believe in Allah, His Messenger, and perform righteous deeds. These three veins in their jaws make it easy for them to say, Laailaahaillallah, so they may die in a state of being truly in Allah’s grace and forgiveness. This is the best end to a person’s life on this earth.

O Ahmad, pay attention to your second daughter, and bring her with you for four days. Encourage her to pray, and advise her as I have taught you. By doing so, you will protect her from hardness of heart, and heal her, safeguarding her from future illnesses. Allah intends to show His power to her spouse, and He will preserve your offspring from the hypocrites and the arrogant. Let them repent, and also pay attention to your eldest son until he realizes that Allah is the Almighty. He will live in hardship and loneliness. But if he is patient and improves himself, Allah will grant him a partner who will guide him to a path more pleasing to Allah. You have been just to all your children; may your wives and your children be grateful and obedient to you in your counsel, for their betterment in this world and the hereafter.

O Ahmad, I know all that your followers intend to do in Malacca. Let them sincerely help the poor and orphans, and be diligent in their trade, helping one another in good deeds and in their businesses, as well as in their fields and with their livestock. This will be the cause of Allah’s mercy and blessings upon them. Advise one of your followers not to continue a business partnership with someone who is arrogant and dismisses your advice on zakat in business. He will surely suffer calamities and bankruptcy for ignoring the rules of usury that you have explained to him. He places more trust in shamans and talismans than in your counsel. Allah does not consider one to be an alim if they acknowledge power in objects that bring blessings or believe in jinn assisting them in their business or personal affairs. Did you not write the JawahirulMakhfiyyah, and did they not read it? Indeed, they are among those who disbelieve after having believed if they only read but do not understand its meaning.

O Ahmad, write without worry of offending anyone’s feelings, and do not delay writing for even a day.

O Ahmad, complete your journey within three of the seven days, so that all doors of blessing will open upon your endeavors and your trade in your boat. Except for those who are engrossed in worldly attachments (hubuddunia) on your boat, Allah will delay their blessings for one, two, or even three years."

Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyams Al Makhfy

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