Wisdom from the Birds and Fish: A Message of Love, Obedience, and Zakat

Wisdom from the Birds and Fish: A Message of Love, Obedience, and Zakat

Wisdom from the Birds and Fish: A Message of Love, Obedience, and Zakat

October 13, 2024

Wisdom from the Birds and Fish: A Message of Love, Obedience, and Zakat

Prophet Khidr (AS) approached me during my journey with my beloved son, and he said:

"O Ahmad, write down what the many birds and fish said to you, for Allah has allowed them to come to you and speak to you last night. Do not hesitate or be afraid to write what the birds told you. Have not two of your followers witnessed it...? And some others have seen how Allah subdued the birds and jinn at that place, until the objects of idolatry were handed over to you by a jinn, whose hands and feet Allah had shackled before you. Verily, this is easy for Allah to do, so that your followers may reflect and increase their faith and piety towards Allah.

O Ahmad, was there not a woman who died, and her death became a trial for her, until Allah forgave her sins because of the terrible slander surrounding her death? Allah then showed you how she defended her honor and repentance, rejecting the temptation to commit adultery with the man who eventually slit her throat. What a vile act that man committed. He will surely face severe punishment in this world and the Hereafter. Let those who falsely accused her of adultery repent, lest they face the torment of Hell for slandering a chaste woman. Indeed, she repented and died as a martyr, though her body was found uncovered. And Allah knows best the repentance of His servants and is the Forgiver of those who repent.

O Ahmad, in those birds lies a sign of Allah’s power over His creations. They said to you, 'Be patient, O Ahmad, and continue to "spread your wings" and strive with love and the pleasure of Allah. Do not be lesser than us in glorifying Allah and obeying His commands.' And the fish said, 'O grandson of Hasan, we have awaited you to carry out Allah’s command. At seven springs, we will present to you seven stones, which once belonged to devout and compassionate servants of Allah. We will place them in the pouch you have prepared, and some of your followers will bear witness to the greatness of Allah through this event. Tell them to show kindness to Allah’s creatures, for if they seek their livelihood from us, it is by Allah’s decree. And let them remember zakat and the poor, for this brings blessings upon them and happiness to us in the remembrance of Allah.'

Prophet Khidr (AS) said to me: 'O Ahmad, tell the Ummah of the Noble Prophet Muhammad that Allah will not grant Paradise to those who neglect zakat on their businesses and crops. If Allah brings misery and bankruptcy upon them, it is easy for Him to do after they have heard Allah’s command to pay zakat, yet they disregard and neglect it. They will not receive Allah’s mercy nor the intercession of Rasulullah on the Day of Judgment, and they will surely be thrown into Hellfire. These are the worst of people who neglect zakat.

O Ahmad, your grandfather, the Noble Prophet Muhammad, gives you this advice:

Indeed, a man is like a central pillar between two scales. No matter how heavy the burdens on both sides, it is the pillar that bears the weight. Such is the parable of a man in this world who must fulfill Allah’s commands with strength and resilience. I, Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, witness that one of my descendants is on earth, and on his left and right shoulders Allah has placed the burdens of the Ummah. In his hands, Allah has entrusted wives and children, whom he must hold with gentleness and compassion. If two tears fall from his heart, I, Muhammad, shed a thousand tears for him. If he feels pain, I pray to Allah to ease his suffering.

O Khidr, my brother, I, Muhammad bin Abdullah, ask you to be gentle in teaching him, accept his shortcomings, and comfort him when he is saddened. For Allah has not permitted me to do so, as I am veiled by the barrier between Heaven and earth. Convey my love to his beloved followers. I, Muhammad bin Abdullah, hope that he will be patient and accept Allah’s decrees. There is no right to intercession except for those who fulfill Allah’s commands upon them. I, Muhammad bin Abdullah, will disassociate myself from any of my descendants if even a speck of arrogance or love for the world (hubuddunia) enters their hearts.

O Khidr, convey my love to my only grandson in that land. I love him as long as his heart remains filled with love for his wives and children, and great love for his patient followers who guard their hearts. They do not precede him in actions, nor commit extremism or idolatry.'

Prophet Khidr (AS) then said:

'O Ahmad, indeed Allah intends to bless your vessel, except for those whose hearts are tainted with hubuddunia and who seek the world with hard hearts and arrogance.'"

Ahmad F. Bin Abdullah A. Syams Al Makhfy

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