Guidelines for Calculating Zakat from Prophet Khidr (AS)

Guidelines for Calculating Zakat from Prophet Khidr (AS)

Guidelines for Calculating Zakat from Prophet Khidr (AS)

October 15, 2024.

Guidelines for Calculating Zakat from Prophet Khidr (AS)

Prophet Khidr (AS) came to me and said:

"O Ahmad, sit and write what I am about to tell you. Truly, the supplication and prostration I taught you this morning will bring blessings to your four companions who have fought alongside you with sincerity. 

Allah, The All-Hearing and The Bestower, has decreed good outcomes for them from this day until the following year, due to their patience and sincerity in accepting all punishments and trials from AllahAzzaWaJalla.

O Ahmad, I am teaching you about Zakat. You must write it down and not reduce it in any way, so that some of your followers will come to understand their mistakes in calculating Zakat on their businesses. They will avoid ignorant people in matters of Zakat who try to deceive them. Do you know who the cheaters and oppressors in trade are? They are those upon whom Allah’s wrath will fall in this world and in the Hereafter. 

They are the ones who belittle Zakat, who excessively praise their goods, who tamper with measurements and weights, who speak harshly to their business employees, who disregard proper manners in trade, who do not understand the calculation of Zakat on their businesses, and who err in paying their Zakat. They hoard their wealth wastefully and deceive by enhancing and sweetening their merchandise, especially in food, produce, and fruits. They will be the inhabitants of Hell, and they will be utterly disgraced in their graves.

O Ahmad, indeed there is honor in calculating Zakat on gold, which is at 77.6 grams of the finest gold. This is the better amount for them to pay in Zakat for one year’s profit from their businesses. 

Let your followers take heed of this, counting it in their savings, their business merchandise, their business funds with others, and their business debts. Once their business has reached one year and exceeded the value of the best gold of that time, they must give 2.5% Zakat to those entitled to receive it or to the Zakat authorities in their regions. 

This will safeguard them from the fires of Hell. 

Indeed, Allah wishes to grant blessings and honor in this world and the Hereafter to those who understand and perform their prayers and Zakat with knowledge.

Do your followers still doubt the news of the arrogant person who covers his ears when you advise him about the importance of Zakat? 

Indeed, he will face the judgment of Allah in this world and the Hereafter if he ignores your advice and chooses to do business with the servant of Allah whose neck Allah will sever and whose tongue, hands, and feet Allah will paralyze. 

Such is Allah’s punishment upon those who are blind to the truth and deaf to the guidance that Allah has laid before them. Verily, Allah’s punishment is severe, and His reckoning is swift.

O Ahmad, hurry and provide safety and protection to your daughter from the ignorance of her spouse. Advise her spouse wisely so that he becomes aware of his mistakes and sins, and separate your daughter from her spouse for four days. Then, be a just judge for both of them.

Say to him: Is it enough for a man to merely provide physical and emotional support in a household? 

Do they not realize that behind the gentle creation of Allah in a woman lies a heart like a garden of flowers and a vineyard, needing someone who can care for it with patience and firmness, without destruction? Only then will the flowers bloom with fragrance and the grapes grow sweet and refreshing. But if left uncared for, the garden will grow sharp thorns, and the grapes will rot and become poisonous to those who touch them. 

Such is the metaphor for the heart of a woman, which Allah has made distinct in its creation.

Be a father who leaves the best legacy for your children, O grandson of the Noble Prophet Muhammad. Bring peace and happiness to your daughters, and disregard the ways your wives advise them. This is better for you to do, so that Allah may place mercy and tranquility in your daughters’ hearts and grant honor to your wives.

O Ahmad, indeed Allah has created, birthed, and carried only one Ahmad. I have never encountered anyone but you. Let the followers of the Noble Prophet Muhammad repent, especially those who lie in my name and in the name of your noble grandfather Muhammad.

 How foolish are those who claim to have met me but harbor lies and arrogance in their hearts, and woe to those who claim to be the descendants of the Noble Prophet Muhammad but seek support from creation and pursue the world with falsehood. 

They are the inhabitants of Hell, for the Noble Prophet Muhammad will not look upon them on the Day of Judgment. A burning rope will be tied around their necks, connected to the neck of the accursed Iblis. 

Such is their disgrace and utter destruction.

O Ahmad, prepare yourself for the journey to return with me. Strike your staff here (in the West) so that Allah will send forth a dark and cold storm that will destroy their homes and buildings. Their tools will cease to function, and they will be plunged into darkness and blindness (without internet). This is Allah’s warning for their oppression in the Land of the Prophets. And say to the ruler of the holy city: Do they think that the walls of their palaces and their wealth can protect them from death? 

Indeed, Allah does not choose age when giving lessons, so that death becomes a reminder that opens their minds and hearts. 

Let them (the rulers of the holy city) repent and observe Allah’s laws over the three holy cities in the Land of the Prophets. Indeed, Allah will shake their buildings as a warning."

Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyams Al Makhfy

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