The punishment for those who interpret the Quran as they please

The punishment for those who interpret the Quran as they please

The punishment for those who interpret the Quran as they please


The punishment for those who interpret the Quran as they please

When I sat down this night, I fell asleep. And when I awoke, I found myself in a cool place and there was a rocky ground on which sat three people, one of whom was Prophet Khidr AS, but I did not recognize the two people on his left and right sides. 

We sat on a rug and before us was a warm meal, then the Prophet Khidr greeted me, and said: 

O Ahmad, sit down and do not be afraid, cover your body with the blanket that is in front of you, so that you are protected from the cold air. 

O Ahmad, here in the past your Noble Grandfather Muhammad was so severely tested that he was injured when he was about to deliver the message to the people around these hills and mountains. Sit down and be calm, for it was not long before Allah gave you permission to arrive at this place.

O Ahmad, be patient with yourself, and remain Al-Makhfiy (Hidden) in the midst of the liars in your country who swear by the Qur'an and use the name of your grandfather the noble Messenger of Allah, as reinforcement for their lies and delusions that have been controlled by the devil. Indeed, they get no news from Allah, the Almighty, except their fantasies and the whispers of their desires, which are driven by the devil to mislead people into praising and worshiping him. 

They are the servants of lust and the servants of the world who are far from the truth. They are so blind and deaf that what I tell you with clear proofs does not make them repent and return to the best and right path in the sight of Allah.

O Ahmad, pay attention, indeed your grandfather the noble Prophet Muhammad carried out Allah's command to preach very hard and tiring, until in this place Allah tested his patience with diatribes and insults and even with stone throwing until his holy body was injured, but his patience and love for the ummah made him steadfast and patient in the face of all tests and temptations on his preaching, even some disbelievers offered wealth and high positions that he did not accept.  

Indeed, such was the great love of the Noble Messenger Muhammad for His Lord and his ummah. And Archangel Gabriel was amazed by the patience and steadfastness of the Noble Prophet Muhammad in this place.

Strike your staff, and Allah will send a warning to those who love the world in this place. Do they believe that their wealth and positions can prevent Allah’s warnings here? Strike, and Allah will bring storms and tremors until they realize that He has become angry with their lands.

O Ahmad, Allah has traveled myself over the lands, and not a single place in your land has been passed, so it is at this time that I feel my suffocation and anger and astonishment at those who calmly lie and say that they have received revelation ( wahyu ) from Allah, and there are those in your land who interpret the Qur'an with their lust and ignorance, so that they become misguided and misleading, indeed they are only fortune-tellers and worshipers of delusion and the world, who dare to risk the happiness of the hereafter for the world. 

Indeed, they are the ones who will be punished in their graves.

O Ahmad, stand up and come with me, indeed I am commanded by Allah to take you to a place, and you will see a man who has died in a state of disbelief, indeed he was an expert in reading and memorizing the Qur'an, then he memorized many of the Noble Hadiths of the Messenger of Allah, then in his old age he interpreted them as he wished, and write down what I said when I and you were in front of that man. Such is a warning to those who still follow the misguided path of those who interpret the Qur'an with arrogance and at will.

Indeed they are the destroyers of the DienulHaq, who will one day receive a painful punishment, indeed one of them will be made an example on earth with a painful punishment, namely to a man in your country who defiled the sanctity of the Qur'an with his stupid fatwa.

Then I was confronted by a wall made of iron, between the walls there were cracks that emitted a burning red light, then between the walls there was a hole with iron bars which then opened the hole, then from the hole came out a face that I had seen on a show on social media, His face was so miserable, both lips appeared to be wounded and his lips seemed to be holding back pain, his eyes were red and every time he shed tears, what came out was thick drops of blood and emitted thin smoke, in his forehead there were open wounds and disgusting, then the prophet Khidr AS said;

O Ahmad, come near and do not be afraid and turn away from him before I give you a signal to turn away from him. And listen to his words.

Then I approached the wall where the person's head was poking out, occasionally he took out his hand and the person said “Help me, get me out of here, bring me back to the world, I really repent and regret all my fatwas ... .” Then Prophet Khidr AS said;

O misguided and misleading Grandson of Adam, indeed you are only permitted by Allah to convey what you want to convey, and do not expect yourself to get out of the tormenting grave before your sins are exhausted, indeed your fatwa is still believed by ignorant people in the world, so it is impossible for Allah to alleviate your grave torment, ”

Then the man behind the wall said; 

Who are you and who is also the person in front of me ..?

Prophet Khidr AS replied: “I am Khidr and he who is before you is Ahmad.

Then from behind the wall behind the man's body came a voice.


Then the man said; Ahmad, whoever you are, help me, I did not think that the deeds of worship and understanding that I said to the ummah in my country (Indonesia) were a big mistake, so that the common people considered the Qur'an a new book and the saddest, due to my fatwa, “The mother and father of the Noble Prophet Muhammad are believed not to worship Allah”, and my fatwa made the Prophet Muhammad low in the eyes of the people, so that Allah punished me in a place where I was sure that I would not be in it during my lifetime.

O Ahmad, help myself, tell the Muslims in Indonesia, to abandon my fatwa and return to the fatwa of the Ulama of tafseer and the correct Sharia experts, indeed I used to be only concerned with myself and the worldly, until I felt right with my opinion, until Allah showed the truths in this place, and exposed all my mistakes and sins while on earth, and I felt right with many followers, but Allah is all-knowing and all-right with His saints.

Ahmad, if you know my family, I beg you to tell them to return the waqf lands to their rightful owners. Sell all my possessions and use the proceeds to help me by giving them in charity in my name. Tell them to distribute my inheritance justly among my children and wives, and correct the teachings in my pesantren according to the true Sharia and correct understanding of the Qur'an. Help me, Ahmad. I never thought the agony of death and suffering would be so severe, and when I was dying, I saw the face of the devil laughing at me and mocking me.

Free me from this terrible place, Ahmad. I am only granted brief moments of respite from the punishment, and they are very short.

Ahmad, the truth of the punishment or happiness in the grave is real. Let not my followers worsen my suffering by clinging to my fatwas. They now think of the Qur'an as just an ordinary book, and they believe that our Prophet Muhammad was an ordinary man, with no respect or reverence for him. They must stop saying that 'all religions are the same.' I swear to Allah, I repent. Islam is the first and only religion acknowledged by Allah. Islam is not a religion invented by the Prophet Muhammad, and the Qur'an is not his creation. None of the wives of Prophet Muhammad were disbelievers. My knowledge of the life of the Prophet was very limited, yet my arrogance led me to fall into this painful and severe punishment in the grave."

Then the Prophet Khidr pulled my hand away from the hole, I heard the man's shout calling my name and asking for help, his voice slowly moved away then heard the iron covering the hole making a loud sound when closed, and from behind the wall there was a roar that was like a lightning bolt, I covered my ears then the Prophet Khidr AS hugged me in his robe. In an instant the sound disappeared and the air felt cool again. 

Then Prophet Khidr said: 

"O Ahmad, open your eyes, your self has returned to your home, and write down what you have witnessed. Do not be afraid of insults and do not doubt yourself in conveying it. 

Indeed, Allah desires that the ummah of the Noble Prophet Muhammad abandon the misguided fatwas of those who are ignorant in interpreting the Quran."

"O Ahmad, the obligation has come upon you to engage in seclusion as the ancients did in drawing closer to Allah, and do not doubt yourself in doing so. For Allah will instill in you a sense of longing for Him during every three months for four days of your seclusion. 

This is better to safeguard yourself and your heart from the love of the world.Then carry out all of Allah's commands afterward regarding your businesses and your plans with some of your followers to facilitate their livelihoods. And tell the woman who is the opening of the door of blessings for herself and your followers to be earnest in what you and she will do. Indeed, Allah loves all her intentions and desires to help the poor and the unemployed who are on your boat.

This is better for you and your followers to do. Indeed, those who claim to have received revelation from Allah are despicable liars who have never walked the earth with love and compassion, spreading kindness to others. These liars only seek wealth and worldly pleasures from their falsehood."

Indeed, the one who walks on the straight path in the light is not the same as the one who walks in the filthy mud (reason and lust full of hopes for worldly happiness), there is no help and real evidence for those liars except only tricks and words which, if considered wisely, do not have the slightest benefit for this world or the hereafter.

O Ahmad, say to your followers, let them be patient in their trials, indeed they are among the lucky ones if they are patient and dare to fight with you. 

Indeed, the time that Allah gives is not long except for a few months. Then will they be grateful servants or disbelievers after Allah opens the path of blessing for them. In the not too distant future...? 

Will your two followers make the same mistake again? 

They used to be suspicious of each other and became foolish when Allah opened blessings upon them both, let them not commit the same foolishness, and let them love each other and be sincere in all circumstances, and protect each other's honor by being patient and kind between them.

Did they want to be punished for ignoring the signs of Allah's greatness on your boat? 

Did they wait for the thunder to strike their mouths and then repent and mend their hearts? 

Indeed, such a thing happened, but the devil was able to keep him away from Allah's mercy, and he got ugliness in his heart and real bankruptcy. 

Let both of them repent.

Ahmad F. Bin A. Alwi Shams Al Makhfy

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