A New Star & The Origins of Islamic Broadcasting in the Archipelago

A New Star & The Origins of Islamic Broadcasting in the Archipelago

A New Star & The Origins of Islamic Broadcasting in the Archipelago

20th October 2024

A New Star & The Origins of Islamic Broadcasting in the Archipelago

Prophet Khidr (AS) came to me in the last third of the night and said:

O Ahmad, indeed I will tell you about a great lie that has occurred and has become the flesh and blood of people who are intelligent but unjust, write it down and do not doubt yourself, indeed those who feel smart with their intellect are just imaginers and thieves of Allah's verses then they say it comes from their “hands”, indeed they are just ignorant imaginers again despicable in the sight of Allah....  Who deceive mankind with words and writings wrapped in the arguments of the tools of their creation.

O Ahmad, Allah has created a new star in the shape of a ship with colorful lights as if forming the words 'Ahmad' and 'Al-Makhfiy,' slowly moving among the stars at night, as evidence of the truth of the news you convey, until the star becomes visible to humans with their instruments. Will they repent and worship Allah and believe in what Allah has revealed to your Noble Grandfather, Muhammad Rasulullah? Indeed, they are in clear error and in disbelief for which there is no forgiveness if they deny all the signs of Allah's power that they witness. Truly, the Quran is the best guidance and the best book that they must make the light opening the way to Allah's love and forgiveness.

O Ahmad, I have heard your Noble Grandfather Muhammad Rasulullah love a righteous king, who has been foretold to be born and to subdue the great kingdom of the disbelievers, until he successfully leads his kingdom with wisdom and justice. He then sends a wise and knowledgeable person in the sciences of language and development, with noble character, who comes from the Persian race, to bring the teachings of Islam to your land. Indeed, within him flows the blood of GhoutsulAwliya'. Thus, the king sent him to propagate the true religion( dienulhaq )with the madhhab of Imam As-Syafi'i. His name is Muhammad 'Ali bin Sayyid Al-Baqir, whom Allah commanded me to teach and accompany for 40 years in your land (Arkhabil). That is the undeniable truth, until Allah chooses His saints from the land of Arkhabil who fight alongside him. This is indeed the true story; the Persians (Persian blood) were the first to seek the remnants of the Muslim community scattered in the land of Arkhabil to return to propagate the true religion( dienulhaq ) at that time. How lowly and foolish it is for those who wish to divide the Muslim community in your land to dispute over ancestry and who has contributed more on the land of Arkhabil in propagating the true religion( dienulhaq ). 

Those who do not belong to the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad 

and do not belong to the ummah of the Noble Prophet Muhammad are those who are coarse and arrogant, 

and they do not belong to the ummah and lineage of the Noble Messenger of Allah if they boast of ancestry and cause corruption (without noble character). 

Indeed, their beautiful garments in this world will become chains of fire that will strangle their necks in their graves and become garments made of burning copper that they will wear on the Day of Judgment until they enter the Hellfire of Jahannam. That is the worst place for liars and the arrogant.

O Ahmad, indeed I do not act upon my own will, and I only carry out the command of Allah alone. I have no power to reject any command of Allah, for otherwise, Allah will punish me with a severe punishment. I seek refuge in Allah from His torment. Do not let yourself doubt or commit the same mistakes, so that I feel compassion mixed with regret when you mistakenly speak, until Allah inflicts illness upon you as punishment for your error. Who will heal you? He is Allah, the Almighty over all things. Let yourself not commit errors again, and hasten to seek forgiveness and carry out all of Allah's commands upon yourself. This will increase Allah's love for you and bestow blessings upon your ship. Has Allah not sent several faithful followers who are struggling with sincerity alongside you? Truly, Allah knows the contents of their hearts. And I, Balya bin Malkan, have approached all your followers. Indeed, among your 400 followers, I have visited 113 of them who have hearts full of zeal in striving alongside you. Among the 113, I have heard of 13 who are sincerely keeping your trust and fulfilling Allah's trust upon them, and among the 13, I know of 3 who are close to success in their struggle; let them be among the patient.

Allah intends to give examples of the generosity of some of your followers, as their generosity does not cause them to fall into poverty, but rather increases the blessings upon their trade and efforts. Most of them are women and only a few are men. Indeed, in your land, Allah has appointed a woman who is protected by Him and has assigned places under her responsibility, and Allah has subdued several leaders in that place for her. Let some of your followers who are under her command sincerely fulfill the trust of Allah that she has conveyed to them. 

Let yourself pay attention and give her advice in carrying out her duties in those three places, and let yourself care for her as you care for your own daughter, and let yourself make your daughter the intermediary between her and you. This will better safeguard you from fitnah. Truly, Allah is All-Willing over all His decrees. And Allah intends to protect you from the fitnah that comes from the oppressors. Indeed, those who slander and oppress are in fact digging their own pit until they fall into the abyss of painful destruction.

O Ahmad, Allah has ordained several trades on your left and right. Let those whose names I have given be earnest in carrying them out, and let them act with trustworthiness and avoid worldly attachments. Let those whom I have commanded you to test, among them, some are negligent and some feel burdened. They should realize that the journey to Paradise is not surrounded by the fulfillment of desires, making it easy for the devil to instill doubt and fear of poverty and hesitation in carrying it out, while the path to Hell is surrounded by illusions of happiness and the satisfaction of desires, making it easy for humans to walk the path of disobedience, full of indulgence in lust and Satan. Only those whose hearts are opened can choose the best path towards Allah's pleasure and who understand the workings of the soul are light in stepping upon the straight path. They are indeed the fortunate ones.

O Ahmad, disregard your fatigue and pain, hasten to meet (your followers) and teach them patiently and wisely about the trade and livestock they will undertake, and let yourself lighten their burdens. Pay the rent "with your own hand" for the place they will use, then give a boundary between that place and the owner's house, as this better ensures security and tranquility in carrying out the duties of your followers to care for and manage their livestock. Let them understand the knowledge, and let them understand the knowledge of zakat until they can calculate it. This will better protect their trade from destruction and bankruptcy. Indeed, Allah will facilitate you and one of your followers in providing capital and opening the way for them to seek Allah's sustenance upon their homeland if they are among the patient and pious.

Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyams Al Makhfy

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