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1st January 2025
The 11 Calamities That Will Befall and the Admonition to Ahmad's Followers
Prophet Khidr AS visited me during dhuha
He said:
O Ahmad,
write, and do not let yourself doubt or fear. Indeed, Allah AzzaWajalla wills it. I have received news from Him that you should write it. Do not hesitate or withhold this news, nor diminish its words out of fear of humiliation or shame.
O Ahmad,
Allah has determined the measure of trials and burdens according to the ability of His servants. Indeed, Allah does not impose burdens and trials beyond what is fair, except due to the ignorance of His servants themselves. This is why a servant is unable to sow the best seeds in the field Allah has spread out for them during their lifetime. Is this world not created by Allah as a field for all humankind, so they may return to the 'hereafter village' with ample provisions? Truly, the wasteful acts of extravagance during the new year's celebration by those who exceed limits are acts of sorrow. Without their awareness, they burn away the rewards of their charity and alms, neglecting the month of Rajab and turning instead to fill places of sin. Very few among them (the servants of Allah) do good on that day.
O Ahmad,
truly Allah conveys His wrath to me, and Allah AzzaWajalla has decreed 11 calamities upon your nation. Indeed, none can repel His decree except by His will. Do they think they will be safe in their luxurious homes while the shores belong to Allah? Do they believe that if Allah causes the seas to overflow onto the land, only the disbelievers will suffer? Do they imagine that the barriers holding back the sea and rivers can withstand Allah's wrath?
Do you think Allah will save everyone on your boats when the disaster strikes? While Allah AzzaWajalla has conveyed to me that among your followers, there were those who laughed and celebrated last night, lighting up the skies with fireworks. Is this not wasteful behavior that offends the poor who went hungry that night? Did they not consider how Allah once destroyed a people with stones from the sky, striking into their homes? They are indeed the people of Sodom, those who transgressed all bounds. Tell your followers to repent.
O Ahmad,
remain steadfast in the commands I have conveyed to you. Do not feel burdened by the people under your care in your homes—women who have been wronged, whom Allah has commanded you to protect, and the orphans in your household and under your responsibility. Truly, Allah’s bounty is vast; He is the Sustainer and the One who makes all affairs easy.
Has not Allah shown you several forms of trade that you must undertake? Some trades serve as support for three intelligent and capable poor individuals who have long been under your care; you must teach them goodness. Another trade is a support for an oppressed elderly woman. And part of your business lies in the land of your brothers. To Allah alone should you surrender yourself. Indeed, such deeds are righteous acts (amalsalih), as exemplified by your noble grandfather, Muhammad, during his time at your current age. You must remain patient.
O Ahmad,
I hear that Allah AzzaWajalla prioritizes the women in your community over the men on your boat. Let them obey Allah and His Messenger, and be obedient to their husbands. Truly, it is better for them to remain in their homes than to attend your End Times Sermons if their husbands forbid it. Love from Allah will not reach them during such events if their husbands harbor no sincerity in their hearts. Let the women in your community seek permission with genuine sincerity from their lawful partners. Such conduct will bring happiness and blessings upon them.
O Ahmad,
did I not say that the mountain’s edge is the place where you and your followers should gather? And yet you intend to change it? Indeed, Allah’s help will not come to a servant who changes what Allah has decreed. Do not let yourself waver or feel weary. Allah knows the hearts of all your followers, and He alone will prove His Majesty and assistance to those who are righteous before Him.
O Ahmad,
one who sits among kings is not the same as one who stands with Allah AzzaWajalla. Remain steadfast on the path that is pleasing to Him. Limit your involvement with those who wish for you to sit among the elite in your nation unless they are willing to listen to your counsel. Truly, they do not understand Al-Makhfiy (the Hidden Knowledge). Allah alone is the Sovereign over you and over them.
One who walks in daylight with open eyes is not the same as one who walks with closed eyes and deaf ears. Their aim is to build houses in this world, while your path in this world is to build homes in the hereafter. Indeed, Allah is the Judge and the All-Powerful over human authority in this world. They cannot hold power beyond two or three years. Do they (the leaders of your nation) think they will live longer than their terms of office?
O Ahmad,
invite some of your followers into the business that Allah has decreed for you, and guide them to trade so that they may feel content with their intentions and desires alongside you. Truly, there is someone aboard a ship at sea who loves you deeply. I, Balya bin Malkan, was commanded by Allah to visit and observe them last month. Allah has commanded the seas to remain calm whenever your followers are on his ship.
This is indeed a sign of Allah’s power over those who are righteous and love each other for the sake of Allah and His Messenger. Has Allah’s assistance not been made clear to your followers? He is one who strives aboard your ship.
A person who only speaks and then abandons their responsibility is not the same as someone who remains silent and acts upon the advice and news you convey. Let them realize that Allah is the owner of your ship, and the Noble Prophet Muhammad is the example that you and they must follow. This is more beloved to Allah. A bee is not the same as a termite in building their homes; so too are the distinctions between Allah’s servants who love this world and those who are ascetic in their pursuits and livelihoods on this earth.
O Ahmad,
take your staff and come to me at the usual place where we meet. Allah has commanded you to perform prayers and supplications with me. Strike your staff on the ****** (designatedday ) and observe what happens.
May Allah’s blessings and guidance be upon you as you carry out these tasks and remain steadfast in His commands.
-Ahmad F. Bin Abdullah A.