The Blessings of the Land of Arkhabil That Do Not Exist in the Land of the Transgressing People

The Blessings of the Land of Arkhabil That Do Not Exist in the Land of the Transgressing People

The Blessings of the Land of Arkhabil That Do Not Exist in the Land of the Transgressing People


7thJanuary , 2025 

The Blessings of the Land of Arkhabil That Do Not Exist in the Land of the Transgressing People

Prophet Khidr came to me this morning and said: 

O Ahmad,

A person who cultivates a field and becomes exhausted and weary by evening, only to have their exhaustion and weariness replaced with joy at harvest time, is not the same as one who walks from their bedroom to the window, content with merely gazing at fertile fields and beautiful mountains without truly cultivating or tending to the fields—only to desire a bountiful harvest. This is the parable of those who strive in the path of Allah compared to those with long aspirations who still wish for Paradise. 


Indeed, Allah knows all that His servants do. 


O Ahmad,

Tell your followers: the water that Allah has caused to gush forth from their lands is more beneficial for them and protects them from forthcoming diseases. You must implement what a wise and honest person has advised you—the method to purify groundwater from substances that lack benefit. Such actions will prevent futility and save them from calamities. 


O Ahmad,

It is evident what people vie for in this world. Those who wage war are relentlessly bringing each other down and destroying themselves over what lies beneath their feet. Very few truly strive in the path of Allah. Ensure that your nation and the nation of your brothers safeguard their homeland from the transgressors. 


Indeed, what lies above and beneath the land of your nation and your brothers’ nation holds many blessings not found in the land of the transgressors. These transgressors wish to corrupt and destroy what is above your land and weaken its inhabitants, rendering them ignorant through the schemes of those who worship the Dajjal. Their goal is to sow discord among your people. They fail to comprehend that Allah has power over all His creations. 


O Ahmad,

Protect yourself, your children, and the children of your followers with what Allah has commanded you, as well as what I will teach you after you fulfill that command. Did they not listen to what I conveyed years ago regarding the plans of the worshipers of Dajjal? 


Have you not heard and witnessed how they weaken the fields in your land and your brother’s land? Indeed, the lands that worship Dajjal deceive you while they diligently cultivate their fields. From their fields, they produce medicines, beverages, and foods that benefit their children. 


Quickly, take the steps you have redeemed and act alongside your followers without delay or fatigue. Has Allah not granted you a vast field? Who moved the heart of its owner to gift you such an expanse of land? 


Indeed, Allah intends to guarantee for you, your children, your wives, and your descendants protection from disgrace. The giver of the gift was not someone aboard your ship—this was Allah's will for you and your followers to reflect upon. Allah does not favor those who grant gifts only to wield power over you. 


O Ahmad,

Observe the names I have spread upon my turban. They are three among five, who diligently trade in their land and yours. Few smile and feel relieved when your wife removes them from your ship, as they had hoped. Indeed, some who smile fail to understand what you and some of your followers are striving for. 


Remain steadfast in Allah's commands and in the advice and teachings I have imparted to you. Indeed, among the eight is goodness. You and the warriors aboard your ship must remain patient. 


O Ahmad,

Tell your followers that obedience to their husbands is more virtuous than forcing themselves to meet you at that place. There is no blessing in gatherings with your followers without the consent of their husbands or parents. A woman’s blessing lies in her husband’s prayers and sincerity. There should be no worry for them. 


Indeed, Allah intends to heal someone who wishes to meet you; ensure you attend to them. They feel embarrassed in your presence. 


O Ahmad,

hasten to that place so you may assess its adequacy for hosting your brothers and seek a location with spacious buildings for your followers to sit with you. Do not disappoint them. Shorten your sleep and hasten your steps." 


- Ahmad F. Bin A. AlwiSyam -

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